Welcome to the Simple Salon API!
If you are looking to integrate your software with Simple Salon, please apply to be a Partner by contacting
If you are an existing company looking to grant access to a Simple Salon Partner, please see Initial Setup For Companies.
If you are a new company looking to signup for an account with Simple Salon, please visit our Sign Up page.
Initial Setup
For Partners
You will be provided with a Partner Token and a Signing Key when you are accepted into the Partner Program, as well as a Sandbox Partner Token, Signing Key and test Company ID.
When you connect with a company using Simple Salon, you will need to provide them with your Partner Token, and generate a Company Token for them.
Generating a Company Token
Partner Token: 'PartnerToken'
Company ID: '12345'
Signing Key: 'qwerty'
Sign: 'PartnerToken-12345'
using HMACSHA256 and your Signing Key to generate:
Company Token: 'd8d6cc9533d8ff1ce79764f770356e4e1055ac00d0ce53affe9e67dc2ed8e71e'
You will need the Company ID of the company to be able to generate a Company Token.
Combine your Partner Token and the Company ID into a string separated with a dash.
Sign the string with your Signing Key, using the HMACSHA256 algorithm and UTF8 encoding.
The result should be lowercase, alphanumeric characters only.
You must generate a Company Token for each company who uses your integration, and provide the company with only the Partner Token and Company Token.
Make sure that you are not including your Signing Key in your application code.
For Companies
You will need a Partner Token, and a Company Token from your integration partner. They will need your Company ID to generate the Company Token for you.
You will also need to enable the API in your Simple Salon settings (via your Account page, Actions menu, then API Settings), and enable access for your selected Partner on the same screen. If you don't see your Partner listed here, contact them to confirm they have signed up to be a Simple Salon Partner.
Sandbox Test Environment
A sandbox environment for testing your integration is available. You will have been assigned a test company when you were accepted into the Partner program.
You can login to the sandbox at: with your username, password, and test company ID.
The sandbox API is available at: Remember to use the provided api_url
returned with your token
for requests made after initial log in.
Some functions in the sandbox have been disabled, such as SMS/Email and Online listings.
Example Request:
curl ""
Example Response:
"success": true,
"build": "x.y.z"
"version": "1.0"
Return the API version.
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
build | string | The internal build number. |
version | string | The API version number (see Change Log). |
Once you have your Partner Token and Company Token, you can request a login token.
You can use the login token as authorisation to call the other API methods.
Login tokens expire - if your login token has expired, you can request a new one via the Refresh Login method.
If your login token has expired and has not been used in a long time, you may need to log in again to create a new login token.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'User-Agent: MyWebsite 1.0 Google Pixel 8' \
-H 'X-Company-Token: d8d6cc9533d8ff1ce79764f770356e4e1055ac00d0ce53affe9e67dc2ed8e71e' \
-H 'X-Partner-Token: PartnerToken' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"api_url": "",
"expiry": "2019-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"operator": [
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "",
"firstname": "My",
"lastname": "Username",
"role_id": -1,
"username": "myusername"
"token": "abcdef"
Request a login token using your standard username, password and Company ID combination that you use to log in to Simple Salon, as well as your Partner Token and Company Token.
If login is successful, you'll be provided with a login token.
Any subsequent API requests need to include the login token in the request header: Authorization: Bearer abcdef
, include the User-Agent
header as described for this request, and be made to the api_url
provided (plus version number and method name).
You may also receive a login notice message (such as a warning about upcoming maintenance, or a warning about your Simple Salon subscription expiring). These notices should be displayed directly to the user.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/login
HTTP Headers
Header | Value |
Content-Type | Always application/json |
User-Agent | A description of the software and version you are using, plus a description of the device and version the user is running it on |
X-Company-Token | Your Company Token generated for the company who is logging in. |
X-Partner-Token | Your Partner Token provided by Simple Salon. |
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
username | string | required |
Your Simple Salon username |
password | string | required |
Your Simple Salon password |
company_id | integer | required |
Your Simple Salon Company ID |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
api_url | string | The API URL to use for all subsequent API calls, usually in the form |
token | string | The login token. |
expiry | string | The expiry date of the login token, in UTC. |
operator | Operator | Details about the user who has logged in - only select Operator fields are included. |
login_notice | Message | (optional) Only included if there is a warning to display at login. |
settings | Setting[] | A list of settings relating to login/general use for the company. |
Refresh Login
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"api_url": "",
"expiry": "2019-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"token": "ghijkl"
Use your existing login token to create a new login token, with a new expiry.
Your new login token must be used from then on - the existing login token is deauthorised and can no longer be used. You should also check if the api_url
field has changed - you may be required to switch to using a different API URL for subsequent requests.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/refresh
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
token | string | required |
Your Simple Salon API login token |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
api_url | string | The API URL to use for all subsequent API calls, usually in the form |
token | string | The new login token. |
expiry | string | The expiry date of the login token, in UTC. |
login_notice | Message | Only returned if there is a warning to display at login. |
Switch User
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'User-Agent: MyWebsite 1.0 Google Pixel 8' \
-d '
"pin": 4567
Example Response:
"success": true,
"api_url": "",
"expiry": "2019-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"operator": [
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"role_id": -2,
"username": ""
"token": "mnopqr"
Use your existing login token to switch to a different user in the same company via PIN code. This will create a new login token, with a new expiry.
Your new login token must be used from then on - the existing login token is deauthorised and can no longer be used. You should also check if the api_url
field has changed - you may be required to switch to using a different API URL for subsequent requests.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/switch
HTTP Headers
Header | Value |
Content-Type | Always application/json |
User-Agent | A description of the software and version you are using, plus a description of the device and version the user is running it on |
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
token | string | required |
Your Simple Salon API login token |
pin | integer | required |
The quick login pin of the operator to switch to. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
api_url | string | The API URL to use for all subsequent API calls, usually in the form |
token | string | The new login token. |
expiry | string | The expiry date of the login token, in UTC. |
operator | Operator | Details about the user who has logged in - only select Operator fields are included. |
login_notice | Message | Only returned if there is a warning to display at login. |
settings | Setting[] | A list of settings relating to login/general use for the company. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
Sign out of the API. Your login token is deauthorised and can no longer be used.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/logout
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
token | string | required |
Your Simple Salon API login token |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Global Lockout
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'User-Agent: MyWebsite 1.0 Google Pixel 8' \
-H 'X-Company-Token: d8d6cc9533d8ff1ce79764f770356e4e1055ac00d0ce53affe9e67dc2ed8e71e' \
-H 'X-Partner-Token: PartnerToken' \
-H 'X-Lockout-Tokens: ZjkzN2IyZTRkYmUzNDRhMmE3ZjYwMWY3MGQyY2YwMTY=, MzM4NzBmMmE4MDFkNGFjYmEwM2QyMDlhMWIwMDgyOGI=' \
-d '
Global Lockout prevents users of lower level Roles from logging in to Simple Salon from unauthorised devices. For example, users will only be able to login to their account from the computer located at the company's premises, and they will not be able to login from their personal mobile phone.
When the Global Lockout setting (global_lockout_manager
and/or global_lockout_staff
) is enabled, an Administrator level role must specifically authorise each device they would like to allow lower level users to login on, by creating a Global Lockout Token.
To enable logins from both Manager and Staff level users on a single device, you must create a Global Lockout token for each level.
Each Login, Refresh Login or Switch User request for a company should include the X-Lockout-Tokens
header, with a comma-separated list of all Global Lockout tokens matching that company ID that have been stored on this device.
Global Lockout Token Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"global_lockout_token": {
"company_id": 12345,
"device_name":"Lee iPhone",
Example Response:
"success": true,
"global_lockout_token": {
"company_id": 12345,
"device_name": "Lee iPhone",
"device_uuid": "zyxwvu",
"role_id": -2,
"token": "MzM4NzBmMmE4MDFkNGFjYmEwM2QyMDlhMWIwMDgyOGI="
Creates a global lockout token, allowing users of the specified role level to login using this token (ie. on this device) when global lockout settings are in force.
To enable logins from both Manager and Staff level users on a single device, you must create a Global Lockout token for each level, and send both in the X-Lockout-Tokens
header with each Login, Refresh Login or Switch User request.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/global_lockout_token/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
global_lockout_token | GlobalLockoutToken | The global lockout token to add. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
global_lockout_token | GlobalLockoutToken | The added global lockout token. |
Global Lockout Token Delete
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"filters": {
"company_id": 12345,
"token": "MzM4NzBmMmE4MDFkNGFjYmEwM2QyMDlhMWIwMDgyOGI="
Example Response:
"success": true
Delete the global lockout token - user roles affected by a Global Lockout setting will no longer be able to log in on this device.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/global_lockout_token/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters.role_id | integer | required* |
The role ID of the tokens to delete - this will delete ALL tokens for ALL devices for this role_id , and can only be called by an Administrator level Role. Must specify this field or filters.token . |
filters.token | string | required* |
The token field of the global lockout token - this will delete only this individual token, and can be called with just the X-Partner-Token header (ie. without a user login). Must specify this field or filters.role_id . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the global lockout token. |
device_name | string | The display name of the device. |
device_uuid | string | The device's unique ID. |
role_id | integer | The role ID the global lockout token applies to. |
token | string | The token. |
This retrieves account data from the Simple Salon account. An Administrator user will generally be required to call these functions.
Billing Invoice Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"billing_invoice_id": 882277
Example Response:
"success": true,
"amount": 50.00,
"billing_invoice_id": 882277,
"company_id": 12345,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"date": "2019-01-01T09:00:00+11:00",
"external_id": "in_1LmWdsBcHHwD1IfWxU05WwwS",
"external_link": "",
"gateway": "stripe",
"invoice_id": "1234567Y-0002",
"status": "success",
"total_amount": 55.00,
"type": "smstopup_manual"
Get an invoice.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/invoice/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
billing_invoice_id | integer | required |
The ID of the billing invoice to retrieve. |
generate_link | boolean | If true , the external_link will be generated for this billing invoice. Generating an external_link requires an external server call, and the link will be a timed access link, so don't set this option to true unless you specifically need the external_link . If omitted, defaults to false . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_invoice | BillingInvoice | The billing invoice. |
Billing Invoice List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"for_company_id": 12345,
"status": "success"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"billing_invoices": [
"amount": 50.00,
"billing_invoice_id": 882277,
"company_id": 12345,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"date": "2019-01-01T09:00:00+11:00",
"external_id": "in_1LmWdsBcHHwD1IfWxU05WwwS",
"external_link": "",
"gateway": "stripe",
"invoice_id": "1234567Y-0002",
"status": "success",
"total_amount": 55.00,
"type": "smstopup_manual"
Get a list of invoices.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/invoice/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | BillingInvoiceFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the billing invoice list |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_invoices | BillingInvoice[] | The list of billing invoices matching the filters. |
Billing Item Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"bill_at_dome": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"included_in_plan": false,
"quantity": 1,
"type": "adla"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"bill_at_dome": false,
"billing_item_id": 3425422,
"company_id": 12345,
"included_in_plan": false,
"quantity": 1,
"type": "adla"
Add a billing item.
Note that if skip_billing_refresh
is omitted or false
and the subscription update fails, the billing item will not be added and an error will be returned.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/item/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
billing_item | BillingItem | required |
The billing item to add. |
skip_billing_refresh | boolean | If true , the company's subscription will not be refreshed straightaway - you will need to manually perform the refresh. This should only be true when you are making several billing item updates - after the last update completes, call billing refresh to push all changes to the company's billing subscription. You may also need to manually refresh the Dome's billing subscription if you have adjusted any bill_at_dome values. If omitted, defaults to false . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_item | BillingItem | The new billing item. |
Billing Item Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345,
"type": "plan",
"value": "pro"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"bill_at_dome": false,
"billing_item_id": 3425423,
"company_id": 12345,
"included_in_plan": false,
"quantity": 1,
"type": "plan",
"value": "pro"
Updates a billing item.
Note that if skip_billing_refresh
is omitted or false
and the subscription update fails, the billing item will not be added and an error will be returned.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/item/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
billing_item | BillingItem | required |
The billing item to update. You must specify billing_item_id , or a type of either plan or adla (to automatically update the billing item for this company of that type). |
skip_billing_refresh | boolean | If true , the company's subscription will not be refreshed straightaway - you will need to manually perform the refresh. This should only be true when you are making several billing item updates - after the last update completes, call billing refresh to push all changes to the company's billing subscription. You may also need to manually refresh the Dome's billing subscription if you have adjusted any bill_at_dome values. If omitted, defaults to false . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_item | BillingItem | The new billing item. |
Billing Item Delete
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"billing_item_id": 3425422
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a billing item.
Note that if skip_billing_refresh
is omitted or false
and the subscription update fails, the billing item will not be added and an error will be returned.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/item/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
billing_item_id | integer | required |
The ID of the billing item to delete |
skip_billing_refresh | boolean | If true , the company's subscription will not be refreshed straightaway - you will need to manually perform the refresh. This should only be true when you are making several billing item updates - after the last update completes, call billing refresh to push all changes to the company's billing subscription. You may also need to manually refresh the Dome's billing subscription if you have adjusted any bill_at_dome values. If omitted, defaults to false . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Billing Item Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"billing_item_id": 3425423
Example Response:
"success": true,
"bill_at_dome": false,
"billing_item_id": 3425423,
"company_id": 12345,
"included_in_plan": false,
"quantity": 1,
"type": "plan",
"value": "starter"
Get a billing item.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/item/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
billing_item_id | integer | required |
The ID of the billing item to retrieve. |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: billing_product . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_item | BillingItem | The billing item. |
Billing Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345,
"type": "plan"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"billing_items": [
"bill_at_dome": false,
"billing_item_id": 3425423,
"company_id": 12345,
"included_in_plan": false,
"quantity": 1,
"type": "plan",
"value": "starter"
Get a list of billing items.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | BillingItemFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the billing item list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: billing_product . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_items | BillingItem[] | The list of billing items matching the filters. |
Billing Link Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345
Example Response:
"success": true,
"url": ""
Returns a billing portal URL to redirect the user to, for updating their payment details or changing their company's plan.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/link/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | required |
The ID of the company to get the billing portal link for. Defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
return_url | string | The URL to return the user to once they have finished in the billing portal. If omitted, defaults to the Simple Salon login page. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
url | string | The URL to redirect the user to. |
Billing Product List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345,
"type": "plan"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"billing_products": [
"billing_inclusions": [],
"currency_code": "AUD",
"name": "Starter",
"per_operator": true,
"product_code": "starter",
"credit_price": 0.50,
"type": "plan"
"billing_inclusions": [
"per_operator": true,
"quantity": 50,
"type": "sms"
"currency_code": "AUD",
"name": "Plus",
"per_operator": true,
"product_code": "plus",
"credit_price": 0.45,
"type": "plan"
Get a list of billing products.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/product/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | BillingProductFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the billing product list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_products | BillingProduct[] | The list of billing products matching the filters. |
Billing Refresh
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates the company's billing subscription. This may trigger a pro-rata charge for any changes.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/refresh
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | required |
The ID of the company to refresh billing for. Defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Billing Signup
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'X-Partner-Token: PartnerToken' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"billing_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"type": "plan",
"value": "starter"
"verification_token": "weuih435hretbfgn"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"configuration_required": true,
"url": ""
Signup a new company.
This request does not require a user Authorization token for a brand new signup - the Partner Token header is required instead.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/signup
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
billing_items | BillingItem[] | required |
The URL to return the user to once they have finished in the billing portal. If omitted, defaults to the Simple Salon login page. |
country_id | integer | required |
The country ID of the company. |
verification_token | string | required |
The CAPTCHA response token. |
billing_period | string | The billing period. Valid values are: none , month , year . If omitted, defaults to month . |
cancel_url | string | The URL to return to if the signup is cancelled before completion. | |
dome | boolean | Set to true if the company is a Dome parent company. Defaults to false . |
dome_company_id | integer | The Dome to add the new account to. If specified, an Authorization token for a user in that Dome company is required. Ignored if dome is true . |
string | The email address for the new account. | ||
promo_code | string | A promotion code. | |
referral_code | string | A referral code (if referred from another account). | |
step | integer | The signup step. If omitted, defaults to 1 . |
server_id | integer | The server to add the new account to. Ignored if dome_company_id is specified (child locations must be on the same server as their parent Dome). |
success_url | string | The URL to return to when the signup is complete. | |
third_party_data | string | The third party data for signups directly from third parties. | |
third_party_redirect_url | string | The third party URL to redirect to after a successful signup, for signups directly from third parties | |
user_agent | string | The user's browser user agent string. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
configuration_required | boolean | If true , then a signup has been started, however more configuration is required before it can be used, eg. visiting the url to enter payment information. |
url | string | The URL to redirect the user to for completing the signup (when configuration_required is true ). |
Billing Source List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "credit_card"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"billing_sources": [
"account_number": "xxxx4242",
"account_type": "visa",
"company_id": 12345,
"external_id": "card_1LjuCyBciFSC279T3522yyZW",
"type": "credit_card"
Get a list of payment sources attached to the account.
Currently returns all results (no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/billing/source/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | BillingSourceFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the billing source list |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
billing_sources | BillingSource[] | The list of billing sources matching the filters. |
SMS Balance
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"balance": {
"company_id": 12345,
"credit_price": 0.25,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 14,
"funds": 20.48,
"settings": [
"name": "sms_dedicated_number",
"value": ""
"name": "sms_gateway",
"value": "smssimplesalon"
"name": "sms_gateway_use_dome",
"value": "0"
"name": "allow_multiple_sms",
"value": "1"
"name": "allow_staff_to_sms",
"value": "1"
"name": "sms_autotopup_enabled",
"value": "1"
"name": "sms_autotopup_amount",
"value": "50"
"name": "sms_autotopup_threshold",
"value": "20"
Get the current SMS balance, with a list of SMS settings.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/sms/balance
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to request SMS balance data for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The SMS balance data. |
SMS Purchase
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"amount": 50.00
Example Response:
"success": true,
"balance": {
"company_id": 12345,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 14,
"funds": 70.48,
"settings": [
"name": "sms_dedicated_number",
"value": ""
"name": "sms_gateway",
"value": "smssimplesalon"
"name": "sms_gateway_use_dome",
"value": "0"
"name": "allow_multiple_sms",
"value": "1"
"name": "allow_staff_to_sms",
"value": "1"
"name": "sms_autotopup_enabled",
"value": "1"
"name": "sms_autotopup_amount",
"value": "50"
"name": "sms_autotopup_threshold",
"value": "20"
"billing_transaction_id": 56489,
"sms_transaction_id": 978110
Purchases the specified amount of SMS credit, then returns the updated SMS balance.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/sms/purchase
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
amount | decimal | required |
The amount of credit to purchase. Note that a processing fee may be applied to the total amount charged. |
billing_source_external_id | string | The billing gateway's ID of the billing source to use to process the topup. If omitted, defaults to the company's default billing source. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to purchase SMS credit for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The SMS balance data. |
billing_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the billing transaction generated for this purchase. |
sms_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the SMS transaction generated for this purchase. |
SMS Quote
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"amount": 50.00
Example Response:
"success": true,
"quote": {
"amount": 50.00,
"billing_source": {
"account_number": "xxxx4242",
"account_type": "visa",
"company_id": 12345,
"external_id": "card_1LjuCyBciFSC279T3522yyZW",
"type": "credit_card"
"company_id": 12345,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"total_amount": 55.00
Returns the cost of purchasing the specified amount of credit - including any processing fee.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/sms/quote
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
amount | decimal | required |
The amount of credit to estimate purchasing. |
billing_source_external_id | string | The billing gateway's ID of the billing source to use to estimate the topup amount. If omitted, defaults to the company's default billing source. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to estimate purchasing SMS credit for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
quote | SMS Quote. | The credit quote result. |
SMS Transaction List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"sms_transactions": [
"sms_transaction_id": 4794686,
"amount": 50,
"company_id": 12345,
"credit_type": "sms",
"date": "2019-01-01T09:00:00+11:00",
"billing_invoice_id": 882277,
"type": "purchase"
Get a list of SMS transactions.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/sms/transaction/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | SMSTransactionFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the SMS transaction list |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField | Available fields for expanding are: billing_invoice , user . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
sms_transactions | SMSTransaction[] | The list of SMS transactions matching the filters. |
sms_transactions_totals | SMSTransaction Totals | The totals of all SMS transactions matching the filters. Only returned when options.return_total is true . |
SMS Transfer
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"funds": 10.00
"destination_company_id": 12346
Example Response:
"success": true,
"balance": {
"company_id": 12345,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 14,
"funds": 60.48
"sms_transaction_id": 978110,
"destination_balance": {
"company_id": 12346,
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 0,
"funds": 10.00
Transfers the specified amount of SMS credit and/or funds from one company to another.
The destination company's SMS transaction ID is returned, along with the balances for both source and destination company.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/sms/transfer
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
destination_company_id | integer | required |
The company ID to transfer to. |
funds | decimal | required* |
The amount of funds to transfer. If omitted, defaults to 0 . Must specify either funds or free_credits . |
free_credits | integer | required* |
The amount of credits to transfer. If omitted, defaults to 0 . Must specify either funds or free_credits . |
company_id | integer | The company ID to transfer from. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The updated SMS balance data for the source company. Note: settings are not included. |
sms_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the SMS transaction generated for this transfer in the destination company. |
destination_balance | SMS Balance | The updated SMS balance data for the destination company. |
WhatsApp Balance
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"balance": {
"company_id": 12345,
"credit_price": 0.25,
"credit_type": "whatsapp",
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 14,
"funds": 20.48,
"settings": [
"name": "whatsapp_enabled",
"value": "1"
Get the current WhatsApp balance, with a list of WhatsApp settings.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/whatsapp/balance
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to request WhatsApp balance data for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The WhatsApp balance data. |
WhatsApp Purchase
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"amount": 50.00
Example Response:
"success": true,
"balance": {
"company_id": 12345,
"credit_type": "whatsapp",
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 14,
"funds": 70.48,
"settings": [
"name": "sms_dedicated_number",
"value": ""
"name": "sms_gateway",
"value": "smssimplesalon"
"name": "sms_gateway_use_dome",
"value": "0"
"name": "allow_multiple_sms",
"value": "1"
"name": "allow_staff_to_sms",
"value": "1"
"name": "sms_autotopup_enabled",
"value": "1"
"name": "sms_autotopup_amount",
"value": "50"
"name": "sms_autotopup_threshold",
"value": "20"
"billing_transaction_id": 56489,
"sms_transaction_id": 978110
Purchases the specified amount of WhatsApp credit, then returns the updated WhatsApp balance.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/whatsapp/purchase
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
amount | decimal | required |
The amount of credit to purchase. Note that a processing fee may be applied to the total amount charged. |
billing_source_external_id | string | The billing gateway's ID of the billing source to use to process the topup. If omitted, defaults to the company's default billing source. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to purchase WhatsApp credit for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The WhatsApp balance data. |
billing_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the billing transaction generated for this purchase. |
sms_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the SMS transaction generated for this purchase. |
WhatsApp Quote
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"amount": 50.00
Example Response:
"success": true,
"quote": {
"amount": 50.00,
"billing_source": {
"account_number": "xxxx4242",
"account_type": "visa",
"company_id": 12345,
"external_id": "card_1LjuCyBciFSC279T3522yyZW",
"type": "credit_card"
"company_id": 12345,
"credit_type": "whatsapp",
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"total_amount": 55.00
Returns the cost of purchasing the specified amount of credit - including any processing fee.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/whatsapp/quote
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
amount | decimal | required |
The amount of credit to estimate purchasing. |
billing_source_external_id | string | The billing gateway's ID of the billing source to use to estimate the topup amount. If omitted, defaults to the company's default billing source. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to estimate purchasing WhatsApp credit for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
quote | SMS Quote. | The credit quote result. |
WhatsApp Transfer
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"funds": 10.00
"destination_company_id": 12346
Example Response:
"success": true,
"balance": {
"company_id": 12345,
"credit_type": "whatsapp",
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 14,
"funds": 60.48
"sms_transaction_id": 978110,
"destination_balance": {
"company_id": 12346,
"credit_type": "whatsapp",
"currency_code": "AUD",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"free_credits": 0,
"funds": 10.00
Transfers the specified amount of WhatsApp credit and/or funds from one company to another.
The destination company's WhatsApp transaction ID is returned, along with the balances for both source and destination company.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/account/whatsapp/transfer
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
destination_company_id | integer | required |
The company ID to transfer to. |
funds | decimal | required* |
The amount of funds to transfer. If omitted, defaults to 0 . Must specify either funds or free_credits . |
free_credits | integer | required* |
The amount of credits to transfer. If omitted, defaults to 0 . Must specify either funds or free_credits . |
company_id | integer | The company ID to transfer from. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The updated SMS balance data for the source company. Note: settings are not included. |
sms_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the SMS transaction generated for this transfer in the destination company. |
destination_balance | SMS Balance | The updated WhatsApp balance data for the destination company. |
Billing Inclusion
Parameter | Type | Description |
quantity | integer | The amount of the item to include. |
per_operator | boolean | If true , the billing inclusion quantity is applied for each operator in the company. If false , the billing inclusion quantity is applied once only, regardless of how many operators the company has. |
type | string | The type of billing inclusion. Valid values are: sms (SMS credits). |
Billing Invoice
Parameter | Type | Description |
billing_invoice_id | integer | The internal invoice ID. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the transaction (excluding transaction fees). |
company_id | integer | The company ID that the invoice was charged to. |
currency_code | string | The 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the currency of the amount and total_amount . |
currency_symbol | string | The currency symbol of the currency of the amount and total_amount . |
date | string | The date of the invoice. See Dates. |
external_id | string | The ID of the invoice at the billing gateway. |
external_link | string | The link to download the invoice. Note that the external_link may be blank - in this case you need to specifically request a (timed) link to be generated by setting generate_link=true for the Billing Invoice Get call. |
for_company_id | integer | The company ID that the invoice was charged for. If omitted, the charge was for the company it was billed to (ie. company_id ). |
gateway | string | The billing gateway that the invoice was charged through. |
invoice_id | string | The visible invoice ID. |
status | string | The status of the invoice. Valid values are: success , failure . |
total_amount | decimal | The total amount of the transaction (including any transaction fees). |
type | string | The type of invoice. Valid values are: inclusion (an automatic plan inclusion invoice), smstopup_manual (an SMS topup manually performed by a user), smstopup_auto (an SMS topup automatically performed by the system when the SMS balance drops below the threshold), activation (a manual plan inclusion activation, for example, paying the plan fee to reactivate the account from On Hold), once_off (a single charge, for example, purchasing a data import). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The company ID that the invoice was charged to. |
date_min | string | The invoice date to filter by (inclusive). See Dates. |
date_max | string | The invoice date to filter by (exclusive). See Dates. |
for_company_id | integer | The company ID that the invoice was charged for. |
status | string | The status of the billing invoice. Valid values are: success , failure . |
type | string | The type of billing invoice. See Billing Invoice type field for valid values. |
Billing Item
Parameter | Type | Description |
billing_item_id | integer | The billing item ID. |
bill_at_dome | boolean | If true , the item is paid for by the company's Dome. |
billing_active | boolean | If true , the item has been added to the company's subscription. If false , it has not yet been added (it will be added the next time the company's subscription is refreshed). |
billing_period | string | The billing period. Valid values are: none , month , year . |
billing_product | Billing Product | The billing product. Must be specifically requested using expanded fields. |
company_id | integer | The company ID that the billing item is for. |
included_in_plan | boolean | If true , the billing item is included in the base plan (ie. it is free). |
quantity | integer | The quantity of the billing item. |
type | string | The type of billing item. Valid values are: plan (the base subscription plan), adla (an ADLA addon), sms_dedicated_number (a dedicated number for SMS addon). |
value | string | The value of the billing item. For example, for a type=plan billing item, this field will contain the billing product's product_code . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The company ID that the billing item is for. |
billed_to_company_id | integer | The company ID that the billing item will be billed to. |
type | string | The type of billing item. Valid values are: plan (the base subscription plan), adla (an ADLA addon), sms_dedicated_number (a dedicated number for SMS addon). |
Billing Product
Parameter | Type | Description |
product_code | string | The billing product code. |
billing_inclusions | Billing Inclusion[] | The billing inclusions for this product. Only returned when type=plan . |
billing_period | string | The billing period for the price . Valid values are: none , month , year . |
currency_code | string | The 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the currency of the price and credit_price . |
currency_symbol | string | The currency symbol of the currency of the price and credit_price . |
name | string | The name of the billing product. |
per_operator | boolean | If true , the billing product price is applied for each operator in the company. If false , the billing product price is applied once only, regardless of how many operators the company has. |
credit_price | decimal | The SMS price per credit. Only returned when type=plan . |
type | string | The type of billing product. Valid values are: adla (an ADLA addon), plan (the base subscription plan), sms_dedicated_number (a dedicated number for SMS addon), whatsapp_addon (a WhatsApp addon). |
price | decimal | The price of the billing product for the billing_period . |
settings_unavailable | Setting[] | The list of settings that are not available on this plan. Only returned when type=plan . |
switch_available | bool | true if the company can switch to this plan. false if they cannot - see switch_reason for the reason why. Only returned when type=plan . |
switch_reason | UserMessage | The reason why the company cannot switch to this plan. Only returned when type=plan and switch_available=false . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
billing_period | string | The billing period for pricing and inclusions - must also specify either company_id or country_id . Valid values are: none , month , year . If omitted and company_id is set, defaults to the billing_period of that company's subscription. Otherwise, defaults to month . |
company_id | integer | The company ID to return pricing and inclusions for. Specify either company_id or country_id to retrieve pricing and inclusions information. |
country_id | integer | The country ID to return pricing and inclusions for. Specify either company_id or country_id to retrieve pricing and inclusions information. |
type | string | The type of billing item. Valid values are: plan (the base subscription plan), adla (an ADLA addon), sms_dedicated_number (a dedicated number for SMS addon). If omitted, defaults to plan . |
Billing Source
Parameter | Type | Description |
account_number | string | The account number. |
account_type | string | The account type (eg. visa ). |
company_id | integer | The company ID. |
external_id | string | The ID of the billing source at the billing gateway. |
type | string | The type of billing source. Valid values are: credit_card , direct_debit . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The company ID. |
type | string | The type of billing source. Valid values are: credit_card , direct_debit . |
SMS Balance
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | string | The company ID. |
credits | integer | The amount of paid credits (for SMS gateways that use credit amounts). |
credit_price | decimal | The price of a single SMS credit (for SMS gateways that use credit amounts). |
credit_type | string | The SMS transaction credit type. Valid values are: sms , whatsapp . |
currency_code | string | The 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the currency of the funds . |
currency_symbol | string | The currency symbol of the currency of the funds . |
free_credits | integer | The amount of free credits (for SMS gateways that award free credits - these usually expire, so they will be used before any paid credit from credits or funds is used). |
free_credit_expiry | string | The earliest date that free_credits expire. Omitted if there is no expiry. See Dates. |
funds | decimal | The amount of paid credit (for SMS gateways that use dollar amounts). |
settings | Setting[] | The list of settings specific to SMS. |
SMS Quote
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount | decimal | The amount of credit that will be added to the account for this topup. |
billing_source | BillingSource[] | The billing source that will be used (either the billing source specified by billing_source_external_id , or the company's default billing source for SMS topups). |
currency_code | string | The 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the currency of the amount and total_amount . |
currency_symbol | string | The currency symbol of the currency of the amount and total_amount . |
total_amount | decimal | The cost of purchasing this topup - includes any processing fee. |
SMS Transaction
Parameter | Type | Description |
sms_transaction_id | integer | The SMS transaction ID. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the transaction (in funds ). See also credits . |
billing_invoice_id | integer | The ID of the related Billing Invoice - eg. when type=purchase . |
billing_invoice | Billing Invoice | The related billing invoice - eg. when type=purchase . Must specifically request this field via ExpandedFields. |
credits | integer | The amount of the transaction (in credits ). See also amount . |
credit_type | string | The SMS transaction credit type. Valid values are: sms , whatsapp . |
company_id | integer | The company ID for the transaction. |
date | string | The date of the SMS transaction. See Dates. |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The list of extra fields relating to this transaction. Valid extra field keys are: from_company_id (for a type=transfer_in transaction), to_company_id (for a type=transfer_out transaction). |
message_id | integer | The ID of the related Campaign Message - eg. when type=use . |
type | string | The type of SMS transaction. Valid values are: estimate (an SMS send cost was estimated), use (an amount was used to send SMS), purchase (SMS funds were purchased), transfer_in (an amount was transferred in from another company), transfer_out (an amount was transferred out to another location), plan_change_reduction (free credits were removed pro-rata due to a plan change to a lower plan), plan_change_addition (free credits were added pro-rata due to a plan change to a higher plan), plan_add (free credits were added due to monthly renewal of the company's plan), refund (SMS funds were refunded), admin_add (an amount was added by the system), admin_remove (an amount was removed by the system). |
user_id | integer | The ID of the user who performed the SMS transaction. |
user | User | The user who performed the SMS transaction. Must specifically request this field via ExpandedFields. |
SMS Transaction Totals
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount | decimal | The total amount of the transactions (in funds ). See also credits . |
credits | integer | The total amount of the transactions (in credits ). See also amount . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The company ID that the SMS transaction was for. |
credit_type | string | The SMS transaction credit type to filter by. Valid values are: sms , whatsapp . |
date_min | string | The SMS transaction date to filter by (inclusive). See Dates. |
date_max | string | The SMS transaction date to filter by (exclusive). See Dates. |
exclude_types | string[] | The list of SMS transaction types to exclude. See SMS Transaction type field for valid values. |
type | string | The type of SMS transaction. See SMS Transaction type field for valid values. |
user_id | integer | The ID of the user that made the SMS transaction. |
This retrieves data from the third party accounting software linked to the Simple Salon account.
Account List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"accounts": [
"account_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"name": "Sales",
"third_party_type": "REVENUE",
"type": "sales"
Get a list of third party accounts.
Currently returns all results (no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/account/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | AccountFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the account list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: in_use_by . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
accounts | Account[] | The list of accounts matching the filters. |
Account Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"account_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"account_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"name": "Sales",
"third_party_type": "REVENUE",
"type": "sales"
Gets a single account.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/account/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
account_id | integer | required |
The ID of the account to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: in_use_by . |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
account | Account | The account. |
Contact List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"contacts": [
"contact_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-666666666666",
"name": "Office Supplies Shop"
Get a list of third party contacts.
Currently returns all results (no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/contact/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ContactFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the contact list |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
contacts | Contact[] | The list of contacts matching the filters. |
Contact Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"contact_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-666666666666"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"contact_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-666666666666",
"name": "Office Supplies Shop"
Gets a single contact.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/contact/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
contact_id | integer | required |
The ID of the contact to retrieve |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
contact | Contact | The contact. |
Invoice Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"session_id": 647515512
Example Response:
"success": true,
"invoice_id": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-777777777777",
"number": "INV-1023"
Adds an End of Day session to the third party accounting software as an invoice.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/invoice/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
session_id | integer | required |
The ID of the End of Day session to send to the third party accounting software. |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
invoice | Invoice | The invoice. |
Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"items": [
"item_id": "7890",
"name": "Sales"
Get a list of third party items.
Currently returns all results (no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
filters | ItemFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the item list |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
items | Item[] | The list of items matching the filters. |
Item Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"item_id": "7890"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"item_id": "7890",
"name": "Sales"
Gets a single item.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/item/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
item_id | integer | required |
The ID of the item to retrieve |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
item | Item | The item. |
Tax List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"taxes": [
"item_id": "14",
"name": "GST"
Get a list of third party taxes.
Currently returns all results (no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/accounting/tax/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
taxes | Tax[] | The list of taxes matching the filters. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
account_id | string | The ID of the account in the third party. |
code | string | The code of the account in the third party. |
in_use_by | string[] | A list of places where the account is referenced in Simple Salon. Must specifically request this field via ExpandedFields. |
name | string | The name of the account in the third party. |
third_party_type | string | The type of account in the third party. |
type | string | The generic account type. Valid values are sales , expenses , assets , liabilities or equity . May be omitted, if the third party account type does not map to any generic account types. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve accounts for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. | |
codes | string[] | A list of third party account codes to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
third_party_types | string[] | A list of third party account types to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
types | string[] | A list of generic account types to filter by. If omitted, returns all. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
contact_id | string | The ID of the contact in the third party. |
name | string | The name of the contact in the third party. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve contacts for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
invoice_id | string | The ID of the newly added invoice in the third party. |
number | string | The number of the newly added invoice in the third party. |
warnings | string[] | Any warnings returned by the third party. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
item_id | string | The ID of the item in the third party. |
name | string | The name of the item in the third party. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve items for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
gateway | string | The accounting gateway to use. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting. If omitted, defaults to the company's default accounting gateway. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
tax_id | string | The ID of the tax in the third party. |
name | string | The name of the tax in the third party. |
Activity Logs
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"date_created_min": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"date_created_max": "2020-01-02T12:00:00+11:00",
"item_id": 1111,
"item_type": "client"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"activity_logs": [
"activity_log_id": 1486320,
"activity_type": "add",
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"description": "Added client - Joe Citizen",
"item_id": 1111,
"item_type": "client",
"user_id": 97714
Get a list of activity logs.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/activity_log/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ActivityLogFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the activity log list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: date_created (default) |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
activity_logs | ActivityLog[] | The list of activity logs matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"activity_type": "update",
"description": "Balance Terminal 123",
"item_type": "third_party"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"activity_log_id": 7649182,
"company_id": 12345,
"activity_type": "update",
"description": "Balance Terminal 123",
"item_type": "third_party"
Adds a new activity log.
Note that most functions automatically add relevant activity logs - this API call is only for special cases where the log refers to something that happened externally.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/activity_log/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
activity_log | ActivityLog | required |
The activity log to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
company_id | If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
activity_log | ActivityLog | The added activity log. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
date_created_min | string | required |
The creation date to retrieve activity logs from (inclusive). |
date_created_max | string | required |
The creation date to retrieve activity logs to (exclusive). |
item_type | string | required |
The type of item to retrieve activity logs for. |
item_id | integer | required |
The item ID to retrieve activity logs for, eg. if item_type=client , then this field would be a client_id . |
include_description_logs | string | If true , also includes logs with other item_type values that include the item_id in their description. If omitted, defaults to false , which only returns logs that match both item_id and item_type . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
activity_log_id | integer | The ID of the activity log. |
activity_type | string | The type of activity for this activity log. Valid values are: add , delete , error , get , log_in , log_in_pin , share , start , stop , unshare , update , view . |
activity_type_description | string | The text description of the activity_type . |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the activity log. |
date_created | string | The date this activity log was created. |
description | string | The description of this activity. |
ip_address | string | The IP address where this activity request originated from. |
item_id | integer | The ID of the item this activity log refers to. |
item_type | string | The type of item this activity log refers to. Valid values are: appointment , client_product , client , service , brand , product , operator , transaction , roster , client_membership , api , report , account , setting_sms , setting_security , third_party , campaign , online , membership , company , user or omitted/null. |
item_type_description | string | The text description of the item_type . |
user_id | integer | The ID of the user this activity log refers to. |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator this activity log refers to. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": 56789,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00"
Get a list of appointments between a date range.
Note: Results are normally restricted by the ListOptions rows_per_page
However for the following special cases, you can set rows_per_page: -1
to return all matching appointments at once:
- single day, multi-operator appointment page listing (ie.
must cover no more than 1 day, andshow_on_appt_page: true
). Optionally setoperators_only
for appointments made with Operators, orresources_only
for appointments made with Resources. - single operator, week view appointment page listing (ie.
must cover no more than 7 days,show_on_appt_page: true
, and anoperator_id
or aresource_id
specified) - new appointments for a week view appointment page listing (ie.
must cover no more than 7 days,show_on_appt_page: true
, and adate_created_min
specified of no more than 1 day ago) - future unpaid appointments for POS (ie.
preset: pos_future
and aclient_id
specified) - unconfirmed appointments (requested appointments that the company is yet to confirm, ie.
unconfirmed: true
) - unclaimed package appointments (ie.
claimed: true
,client_package_expired: false
and aclient_id
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | AppointmentFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the appointment list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients , operators , resources , services , packages . |
options.rows_per_page | integer | Can be set to -1 to retrieve all matching appointments for the special cases listed above. |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: time_start (default) |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
appointments | Appointment[] | The list of appointments matching the filters and page options. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
packages | Package[] | The list of packages matching the returned appointments which were bought as part of a package (ie. client_package_id is set). Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
resources | Resource[] | The list of resources matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
services | Service[] | The list of services matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointment_id": 56789,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00"
Gets a single appointment.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: client_package , discounts , service . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointment | Appointment | The appointment. |
Add Search
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointments": [
"operator_id": 2222,
"service_id": 3333
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"options": [
"appointments": [
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
"more_available": true
"appointments": [
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:30:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00"
"more_available": false
Given a set of appointments, finds options of available timeslots for those appointments to be booked in. Searches up to a maximum of 7 days from the time_start
Returns a maximum of 5 timeslots (or 3 times the number of operators if greater) per company - to see more options, call again with time_start
adjusted accordingly. Note that more results may be returned if other operators are available in the last timeslot, eg. if you have three operators, your maximum results returned is nine, so if only two are available on a particular day at 9am, you will get the 9:00am, 9:15am, 9:30am, 9:45am and 10:00am slots returned for both operators, making a total of 10 results.
If you search for an appointment with a Group Service, you can omit the child appointments - both the group parent appointment and group child appointments will be returned in the options
list, linked by pos_id
and parent_pos_id
. Alternatively, if you would like to specify a different operator_id
for each child appointment in a group, include the child appointments in the request and set the parent_pos_id
on each child to match the group parent's pos_id
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/add/search
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointments | Appointment[] | required |
The appointments to search for a timeslot for. Must specify service_id , can optionally specify operator_id (see Notes for Add Search below). All other fields are ignored. |
company_id | integer | If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Selecting the Dome company ID will find the first available appointment, and then returns up to 7 options from each child company for that day. | |
direction | string | The direction to search from time_start . Valid values are: forward (appointments on or after time_start ) and middle (appointments both before and after time_start ). If omitted, defaults to forward . |
time_start | string | The time to start the search from. If omitted, defaults to the next hour in the user's current time. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. | |
time_start_max | string | The time to stop searching for more timeslots - maximum of 7 days after time_start . If omitted, defaults to the maximum. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
times | string[] | The time blocks to include in the search. Valid values are: now (appointments between now and 3 hours from now), morning (appointments before 12pm), lunchtime (appointments between 11am and 2pm), afternoon (appointments between 12pm and 5pm) and evening (appointments after 5pm). Multiple values can be specified. If omitted, includes all. |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: operators , resources , services . |
Field | Notes for Add Search |
operator_id | If omitted, available timeslots for this service will be returned for the first available operator. |
pos_id | If searching for a Group Service, you can specify your own pos_id for the group service parent, and the option results will have pos_id reflected on the group parent, and parent_pos_id reflected on its group children. If omitted, a random ID will be generated for the group service parent. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
options | AppointmentOption[] | The list of available timeslot options. |
Add Search Dates
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointments": [
"operator_id": 2222,
"service_id": 3333
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"time_start_max": "2019-01-08T11:00:00+11:00"
"times": ["morning", "lunchtime"]
Example Response:
"success": true,
"dates": [
"date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"times": ["morning", "lunchtime"]
"date": "2019-01-02T00:00:00+11:00",
"times": ["morning"]
Given a set of appointments, checks each date for an available timeslot for those appointments to be booked in. The most common usage for this function would be to display available dates on a calendar. Searches up to a maximum of 7 days from the time_start
If you search for an appointment with a Group Service, you can omit the child appointments. Alternatively, if you would like to specify a different operator_id
for each child appointment in a group, include the child appointments in the request and set the parent_pos_id
on each child to match the group parent's pos_id
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/add/search/dates
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointments | Appointment[] | required |
The appointments to search for an available timeslot for. Must specify service_id , can optionally specify operator_id (see Notes for Add Search Dates below). All other fields are ignored. |
company_id | integer | If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Cannot be run at the Dome level - send a child location company ID instead. | |
time_start | string | The time to start the search from. If omitted, defaults to the user's current time. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. | |
time_start_max | string | The time to stop searching for more available dates - maximum of 7 days after time_start . If omitted, defaults to the maximum. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
times | string[] | The time blocks to include in the search. Valid values are: any (any appointment on the day), morning (appointments before 12pm), lunchtime (appointments between 11am and 2pm), afternoon (appointments between 12pm and 5pm) and evening (appointments after 5pm). Multiple values can be specified. If omitted, defaults to any . |
Field | Notes for Add Search Dates |
operator_id | If omitted, available dates for this service will be returned for any available operator. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
dates | AppointmentDate[] | The list of available dates. |
time_start_max | string | The maximum time you can set for time_start_max - any dates beyond this value will always return that there are none available. If omitted, there is no limit. |
Add Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointments": [
"client_id": 1111,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true
Example Response with a warning:
"success": true,
"warnings": [
"details": [
"Requested: 15",
"Available: 0"
"message": "This appointment can be placed in this timeslot, with processing time ignored."
"code": "APPTRESIZED",
"details": [
"Requested: 30",
"Available: 15"
"message": "This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if duration is reduced - check details field for reduced duration value."
Checks if the new appointments can be added - that they are valid, and there is a timeslot available for them.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/add/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointments | Appointment[] | required |
The appointments to check. Must specify client_id , duration , operator_id , service_id , time_start . |
ignore_processing_duration | boolean | If false , the add check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). If omitted, defaults to true . |
ignore_processing_duration_at_close | boolean | If false , the add check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). This allows you to ignore processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration . |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the add check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to true for Manager level Roles or higher. |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked_at_close | boolean | If false , the add check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). This allows you to ignore blocked processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration_blocked . |
ignore_other_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the add check will fail if the appointment is placed into another appointment's processing_duration_blocked time. Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to false . |
See Appointment Add for specific appointments
field notes and requirements.
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the appointment could be added, false if it cannot (see Errors). |
warnings | Message[] | There may be warnings relating to adding this appointment - for example, a message that the appointment could be added in this timeslot if you ignore the appointment's processing time (see Common Errors and Warnings). If success is false , you will need to adjust the appointment according to all the warnings before calling Appointment Add. If success is true , the warnings will still be returned, but it will not prevent you from adding the appointment. |
Common Errors and Warnings
See Appointment Add: Common Errors and Warnings.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointments": [
"client_id": 1111,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
"send_confirmation": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": 56789,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Adds new appointments. There must be space available in the appointment page for the appointments to fit, unless the new appointment is a child service (either parent_appointment_id
is set, or parent_pos_id
is set and the new parent appointment's service is a group service with override_duration: true
If you add an appointment with a Group Service, you must also include all the child appointments (see Service Children List for retrieving the list of required services for a group service).
When adding to an existing appointment using parent_appointment_id
, the existing appointment must be visible on the appointment page, and must have the same client_id
(unless the existing appointment is a Class appointment).
- if the existing appointment is a group parent, the new appointment will be added to that appointment (the new appointment becomes a hidden child)
- if the existing appointment is a group child, the new appointment will be added to the parent of that existing appointment (if the parent is hidden, ie.
override_duration: false
for that group service, then the group parent will be shown, and the existing appointment and new appointment will become hidden children) - if the existing appointment is not a part of a group service at all, then a new Multi service appointment will be added in the existing appointment's place (both the existing appointment and new appointment will become hidden children)
- if the existing appointment is a Class appointment, the new appointment will be added to that appointment (the new appointment becomes an attendance for the client at the class)
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointments | Appointment[] | required |
The appointments to add. Must specify client_id , duration , operator_id , service_id , time_start . |
ignore_processing_duration | boolean | If false , the add will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). If omitted, defaults to true . |
ignore_processing_duration_at_close | boolean | If false , the add will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). This allows you to ignore processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration . |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the add will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to true for Manager level Roles or higher. |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked_at_close | boolean | If false , the add will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). This allows you to ignore blocked processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration_blocked . |
ignore_other_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the add will fail if the appointment is placed into another appointment's processing_duration_blocked time. Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to false . |
send_confirmation | boolean | If true , the client will receive a confirmation SMS and/or Email with their appointment time. If omitted, defaults to false . |
appointments Field |
Notes for Add |
company_id | If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. |
operator_id | This field is required. However if the resource_id field is set, the operator_id can optionally be set to the System Operator. |
parent_appointment_id | If you are adding a new child appointment to an existing appointment, send the existing appointment's appointment_id . The new appointment must have the same client_id as the existing appointment, unless the existing appointment is a Class appointment, in which case the client_id must not be the same as any other child appointments of the existing appointment. |
parent_pos_id | Required if the appointment is a child of a group service added in the same call. Set the pos_id to a unique value on the new group parent, and set the parent_pos_id on the new child appointments to match the group parent's pos_id . |
pos_id | Required if the appointment's service is a group service. If you are adding a new group appointment with new child appointments, set the pos_id to a unique value on the new group parent, and set the parent_pos_id on the new child appointments to match the group parent's pos_id . |
redeem_via_membership | If true , this appointment will be redeemed by claiming one of the client's membership inclusion items. If the client does not have any of this service to redeem, the call will fail. |
redeem_via_package | If true , this appointment will be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items. If the client does not have any of this service to redeem, the call will fail. |
resource_id | A resource will be assigned automatically if the service requires a Resource and this field is omitted. |
time_start | Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointments | Appointment[] | The added appointments. |
warnings | Message[] | There may be warnings relating to adding this appointment - for example, a message that the appointment could be added in this timeslot if you ignore the appointment's processing time (see Common Errors and Warnings). If success is false , you will need to adjust the appointment according to all the warnings before calling Appointment Add again. If success is true , the warnings will still be returned, but the appointment will have been added. |
Common Errors and Warnings
Type | Code | Description |
Warning | APPTIGNORESPROCESSING | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if processing time is ignored (set ignore_processing_duration=true ) |
Warning | APPTIGNORESBLOCKEDPROCESSING | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if blocked processing time is ignored (set ignore_processing_duration_blocked=true ) |
Warning | APPTIGNORESOTHERBLOCKEDPROCESSING | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if an earlier appointment's blocked processing time is ignored (set ignore_other_processing_duration_blocked=true ). |
Warning | APPTRESIZED | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if duration is reduced - check details field for reduced duration value. |
Error | APPOINTMENTSLOTUNAVAILABLE | This appointment cannot fit in this timeslot. More details may be provided in the details field. |
Update Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789,
"duration": 15,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true
Checks if the appointment can be updated - that it is valid, and there is a timeslot available for it.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/update/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment | Appointment | required |
The appointment to check. Must specify appointment_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
ignore_processing_duration | boolean | If false , the update check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). If omitted, defaults to true . |
ignore_processing_duration_at_close | boolean | If false , the update check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). This allows you to ignore processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration . |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the update check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to true for Manager level Roles or higher. |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked_at_close | boolean | If false , the update check will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). This allows you to ignore blocked processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration_blocked . |
ignore_other_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the update check will fail if the appointment is placed into another appointment's processing_duration_blocked time. Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to false . |
See Appointment Update for specific appointments
field notes and requirements.
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
warnings | Message[] | There may be warnings relating to updating this appointment - for example, a message that the appointment could be moved to this timeslot if you ignore the appointment's processing time (see Common Errors and Warnings). If success is false , you will need to adjust the appointment according to all the warnings before calling Appointment Update. If success is true , the warnings will still be returned, but it will not prevent you from updating the appointment. |
Common Errors and Warnings
See Appointment Update: Common Errors and Warnings.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789,
"duration": 15,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointment_id": 56789,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Updates an existing appointment.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment | Appointment | required |
The appointment to update. Must specify appointment_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
ignore_processing_duration | boolean | If false , the update will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). If omitted, defaults to true . |
ignore_processing_duration_at_close | boolean | If false , the update will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=false ). This allows you to ignore processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration . |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the update will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to true for Manager level Roles or higher. |
ignore_processing_duration_blocked_at_close | boolean | If false , the update will fail if the appointment does not have enough time for its processing_duration at the end of the day (when processing_duration_blocked=true ). This allows you to ignore blocked processing time if it clashes with other appointments, but enforce it at the end of the day (or vice versa). Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to ignore_processing_duration_blocked . |
ignore_other_processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If false , the update will fail if the appointment is placed into another appointment's processing_duration_blocked time. Only a user with a Manager level Role or higher can set this to true . If omitted, defaults to false . |
appointments Field |
Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field can only be changed in a Dome. If changed, service_id , operator_id and resource_id must also be updated to valid values matching the new company. |
price | This field is ignored if the user does not have permission to update prices (see the price_update_minimum_role_id setting). |
resource_id | You can clear the existing resource by setting this field to 0 . If a resource is required for this service, a new one will be automatically assigned (or the update call will fail if no matching resources are available). |
show_on_appt_page | This field cannot be updated - except in the special case where the appointment has the No Show appointment flag set, in which case the appointment can be updated to show_on_appt_page=false . |
time_end | This field is ignored - update duration to change the end time. |
time_start | Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointment | Appointment | The updated appointment. |
warnings | Message[] | There may be warnings relating to updating this appointment - for example, a message that the appointment could be moved to this timeslot if you ignore the appointment's processing time (see Common Errors and Warnings). If success is false , you will need to adjust the appointment according to all the warnings before calling Appointment Update. If success is true , the warnings will still be returned, but the appointment will have been updated. |
Common Errors and Warnings
Type | Code | Description |
Warning | APPTIGNORESPROCESSING | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if processing time is ignored (set ignore_processing_duration=true ) |
Warning | APPTIGNORESBLOCKEDPROCESSING | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if blocked processing time is ignored (set ignore_processing_duration_blocked=true ) |
Warning | APPTIGNORESOTHERBLOCKEDPROCESSING | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if an earlier appointment's blocked processing time is ignored (set ignore_other_processing_duration_blocked=true ). |
Warning | APPTRESIZED | This appointment could be placed in this timeslot, if duration is reduced - check details field for reduced duration value. |
Error | APPOINTMENTSLOTUNAVAILABLE | This appointment cannot be moved to this timeslot. More details may be provided in the details field. |
Error | FIELDUPDATENOTALLOWED | This field cannot be changed. The field name will be provided in the details field. |
Error | FIELDUPDATENOTALLOWEDWHENPAID | This field cannot be changed when the item is paid. The field name will be provided in the details field. |
Update Confirm
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789,
"confirm": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointment_id": 56789,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Accepts or declines a requested appointment that is awaiting confirmation from the company.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/update/confirm
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to accept or decline. |
confirm | boolean | required |
true to accept the appointment, false to decline it. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointment | Appointment | The updated appointment. |
Update Flag
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789,
"flag_id": -2
"value": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointment_id": 56789,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"flag_ids": [ -2 ],
"flags": [
"flag_id": -2,
"name": "Arrived"
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Updates the specified flag on the appointment.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/update/flag
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to update the flag for. |
flag_id | integer | required |
The ID of the flag to update. See Appointment Flags. |
value | boolean | required |
Set to true if the appointment should have this flag, false if it should not. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointment | Appointment | The updated appointment. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes an appointment.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the appointment to delete. Must specify appointment_id or appointment_ids . |
appointment_ids | integer[] | required* |
The IDs of the appointments to delete. Must specify appointment_id or appointment_ids . Note that if there are multiple IDs specified, errors will be returned with success=true and warnings . A single appointment ID with an error will be returned with success=false and an error . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789,
"repeat_interval_type": "weeks",
"repeat_interval_length": 1,
"repeat_times": 2
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": 56790,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-08T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-08T10:45:00+11:00"
"appointment_id": 56790,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-15T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-15T10:45:00+11:00"
Repeats an appointment.
If any appointments are returned with clashed=true
, the user should be prompted to review the clashed appointments (to either move them to an available timeslot or delete them).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/appointment/repeat
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the appointment to repeat - any child appointments will also be repeated. Must specify appointment_id or appointment_ids . |
appointment_ids | integer[] | required* |
The IDs of the appointments to repeat - any child appointments will also be repeated. Must specify appointment_id or appointment_ids . Note that if there are multiple IDs specified, errors will be returned with success=true and warnings . A single appointment ID with an error will be returned with success=false and an error . |
repeat_interval_length | integer | The length of time between repeated appointments, in combination with repeat_interval_type . Maximum is 7 for days , 6 for weeks , 3 for months . Defaults to 1 if omitted. |
repeat_interval_type | string | required |
The length of time between repeated appointments, in combination with repeat_interval_length . Valid values are: days , weeks , months . |
repeat_times | integer | required |
The number of times to repeat the appointment. For example, if repeat_interval_length=2 , repeat_interval_type=weeks , and repeat_times=3 , then three appointments will be made: at 2, 4 and 6 weeks from the original appointment. Maximum is 84 for days , 12 for weeks and months . |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients , operators , resources , services , packages . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointments | Appointment[] | The list of appointments created. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
packages | Package[] | The list of packages matching the returned appointments which were bought as part of a package (ie. client_package_id is set). Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
resources | Resource[] | The list of resources matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
services | Service[] | The list of services matching the returned appointments. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
time_start | string | required* |
The date to retrieve appointments from (inclusive). Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. Required unless specifying one or more of appointment_ids , claimed=false , client_id , client_package_id , parent_appointment_id , preset=pos_future , transaction_id , unconfirmed=true . |
time_end | string | required* |
The date to retrieve appointments to (exclusive). Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. Required unless specifying one or more of appointment_ids , claimed=false , client_id , client_package_id , parent_appointment_id , preset=pos_future , transaction_id , unconfirmed=true . |
appointment_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the appointments to retrieve. | |
claimed | boolean | false for appointments purchased as part of a package, that have not yet been locked in, true for all other appointments. If omitted, returns both. Requires client_id to also be set. |
clashed | boolean | true to return appointments that have been marked as clashed and are awaiting a user to assign them to an available timeslot, false for all other appointments. If omitted, returns both. |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve appointments for. | |
client_package_expired | boolean | true for appointments purchased as part of a package that have expired, false for all other appointments. If omitted, returns both. |
client_package_id | integer | The client package ID to retrieve appointments for, or 0 for none. (Special Note: Unlinked Client Package Items) |
comments_only | boolean | true for appointments with comments, false for all other appointments. If omitted, returns both. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve appointments for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. For an Appointment List call, you can specify 0 to retrieve all appointments within a Dome. |
date_created_min | string | The creation date to retrieve appointments from (inclusive). | |
date_created_max | string | The creation date to retrieve appointments to (exclusive). | |
double_booked | boolean | true for appointments that are double booked, false for appointments that are not. If omitted, returns both. |
include_pos_data | boolean | If true, returns extra fields relevant for these appointments at POS (client_id must also be specified), such as can_redeem_via_package . |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The online booking client ID to filter by. client_id must be omitted, and company_id must be specified. Must include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve appointments for. | |
operator_online_booking_show | boolean | The operator's online booking visibility to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
operators_only | boolean | If true , excludes appointments made with a resource only (with the System Operator). If omitted, defaults to false , which will include appointments booked with just a resource too. |
parent_appointment_id | integer | For retrieving a list of child appointments for a group service or multi service | |
preset | string | Valid values are: - pos_future for returning future unpaid appointments for a client at POS (client_id must also be specified, include_pos_data is automatically true ) |
resource_id | integer | The resource ID to retrieve appointments for. | |
resources_only | boolean | If true , excludes appointments made with an operator only (no resource_id set). If omitted, defaults to false , which will include appointments booked with just an operator too. |
service_id | integer | The service ID to filter by. | |
show_on_appt_page | boolean | true for appointments visible on the appointment page, false for appointments not shown directly on the appointments page. If omitted, returns both. |
sold_in_client_package | boolean | true for appointments purchased as part of a package, false for all other appointments. If omitted, returns both. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID to retrieve appointments for, or 0 for none. If omitted, returns both. |
unconfirmed | boolean | true for appointments that have been requested by a third party but have not yet been accepted by the company. Eg. a booking request from a client through the online bookings website. false for all other appointments. If omitted, returns both. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment. |
allow_multiple_clients | boolean | If true , this appointment uses a service that is a Class and can accept multiple clients in a single timeslot. If false , there can be only one client in this timeslot, even if the service is a Class. If omitted for an Appointment Add, defaults to the service's allow_multiple_clients value. |
can_discount_via_promo_code | boolean | If true , this appointment can have the discount for the passed in promo_code applied, and promo_code_discount will be set with the discount's values. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
can_redeem_via_loyalty_points | boolean | If true , this individual appointment could be redeemed by spending the client's loyalty points. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_loyalty_points_combined | boolean | If true , this appointment could be redeemed by spending the client's loyalty points (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_membership | boolean | If true , this individual appointment could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's membership inclusion items. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_membership_combined | boolean | If true , this appointment could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's membership inclusion items (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call) . This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package | boolean | If true , this individual appointment could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_combined | boolean | If true , this appointment could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
child_appointments_price | decimal | The combined price of all the child services. This may or may not include tax, depending on the company's prices_inc_tax setting. Only included when parent=true . Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the combined price fields of the child appointments. |
child_appointments_price_with_tax | decimal | The combined price of all the child services including any tax. Only included when parent=true . Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the combined price_with_tax fields of the child appointments. |
child_appointments_price_without_tax | decimal | The combined price of all the child services excluding any tax. Only included when parent=true . Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the combined price_without_tax fields of the child appointments. |
child_appointments_tax_amount | decimal | The combined amount of tax of all the child services. Only included when parent=true . Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the combined tax_amount fields of the child appointments. |
claimed | boolean | false for appointments purchased as part of a package, that have not yet been locked in, true for all other appointments. |
clashed | boolean | true for appointments that have been marked as clashed and are awaiting a user to assign them to an available timeslot. false for all other appointments. |
client_id | integer | The client ID of the appointments. |
client_package_id | integer | If this appointment was sold as part of a package, the ID of the client package. (Special Note: Unlinked Client Package Items) |
client_package | ClientPackage | A minimal Client Package object, to provide the package id and expiry if this appointment was sold as part of a package. |
comments | string | The comments of the appointment. |
comments_locked | boolean | Whether the comments for this appointment have been locked, and can no longer be changed. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the appointment. |
confirmation_charge_calculation | string | Only present if unconfirmed is true , and confirming the appointment requires a fee. How the fee for confirmation is calculated, eg. 10% . |
confirmation_charge_minimum_applied | boolean | Only present if unconfirmed is true , and confirming the appointment requires a fee. true if a minimum charge has been applied instead of the default confirmation_charge_calculation . |
confirmation_charge_total | string | Only present if unconfirmed is true , and confirming the appointment requires a fee. The fee for confirmation, eg. $10 . |
confirmation_reference | string | Only present if unconfirmed is true . The third party's booking reference number, eg. the booking reference number from the online booking website. |
created_operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the operator who created the appointment. If set, created_user_id will be omitted. |
created_operator | Operator | Expanded field of created_operator_id . The operator who created the appointment. |
created_user_id | integer | The user ID of the user who created the appointment. If set, created_operator_id will be omitted. |
created_user | User | Expanded field of created_user_id . The user who created the appointment. |
date_created | string | The date this appointment was created. |
deposit_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction where a deposit was taken for this appointment. |
discount_type_id | integer | The discount type ID of the appointment, or 0 for none. Obsolete - use discounts instead. |
discounts | Discount | The list of discounts applied to the appointment. |
double_booked | boolean | true if the appointment is double booked, false if not. |
duration | integer | The duration of the appointment, in minutes. |
flag_ids | integer[] | The list of flag IDs on this appointment. See Appointment Flags. |
flags | AppointmentFlag[] | Expanded field of flag_ids . The list of flags on this appointment. See Appointment Flags. |
linked_appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment from a linked transaction, eg. if an appointment was refunded, the original appointment will have the refunded appointment's ID here, and vice versa. |
loyalty_points_to_redeem | integer | The amount of loyalty points the client needs to spend to claim this appointment. Omitted if can_redeem_via_loyalty_points is false or omitted. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the appointment. |
operator | Operator | Expanded field of operator_id . The operator of the appointment. |
parent | boolean | true for a group service or multi service appointment parent, false for all other appointments. |
parent_appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment's parent appointment (for an appointment part of a group). |
parent_pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for this appointment's unsaved group parent. Only used in the Add Transaction, Add Appointments and Add Appointments Search API calls. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved appointment. Only used in the Add Transaction, Add Appointments and Add Appointments Search API calls. Must be unique within each API call - you cannot have two items with the same pos_id on a single call to the API. |
pos_original_price | decimal | The original or standard price of the appointment, before any discount is applied. Only set when using POS or Transaction API calls. |
price | decimal | The price of the appointment. This may or may not include tax, depending on the company's prices_inc_tax setting. |
price_with_tax | decimal | The price of the appointment including any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
price_without_tax | decimal | The price of the appointment excluding any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
promo_code_discount | DiscountType | If promo_code was specified and the matching discount can be applied to this appointment, then the details of the discount found for the promo_code will be returned here. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
redeem_via_membership | boolean | If true , this appointment will be redeemed by claiming one of the client's membership inclusion items. If the client does not have any of this service to redeem, the call will fail. This field should only be included with an Appointment Add call. |
redeem_via_package | boolean | If true , this appointment will be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items. If the client does not have any of this service to redeem, the call will fail. This field should only be included with an Appointment Add call. |
refund | boolean | Whether this appointment was a refund. |
resource_id | integer | The resource ID of the appointment, or 0 for none. |
service_id | integer | The service ID of the appointment. |
service | Service | The service for this appointment. For POS calls, a minimal Service object is automatically included to provide the service name and category name. For other API calls, must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
show_on_appt_page | boolean | true for appointments visible on the appointment page, false for appointments not shown on the appointments page. Defaults to true for appointments added via Add Appointments, always false for appointments added via Add Transaction. |
sold_in_client_package | boolean | true for client products purchased as part of a package, false for all other client products. If omitted, returns both. |
status | string | The status of the appointment. Currently only set when requesting a single appointment, via Appointments Get. |
task | boolean | If true , this appointment is a task for the operator, and is not a service for a client. |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
time | string | The time block this appointment starts from. Valid values are: morning (starts before 12pm), lunchtime (starts between 11am and 2pm), afternoon (starts between 12pm and 5pm) and evening (starts after 5pm). |
time_end | string | The end time of appointment. |
time_start | string | The start time of the appointment. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID of the appointment, or 0 for none. |
unconfirmed | boolean | If true this appointment was requested by a third party but has not yet been accepted by the company. Eg. a booking request from a client through the online bookings website. (Note that this is different to the Confirmed flag, which relates to the client confirming the appointment.) |
unpaid_expiry_time | string | The time that the appointment expires if unpaid. The appointment will be deleted if this expiry time is reached and the appointment has not yet had a deposit taken or a payment made. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
appointments | Appointment[] | The appointment/s for this timeslot option. Only company_id , operator_id , service_id , time_start , time_end and duration fields will be set. |
more_available | boolean | Whether more timeslots are available beyond this one. If true , more timeslot options can be retrieved by requesting a new search with the time_start set to this option's time_start plus the company's appointment interval (ie. the next potential timeslot after this one). |
more_available_same_operator | boolean | Whether more timeslots are available beyond this one for the same combination of operators and services. If true , more timeslot options can be retrieved by requesting a new search with the same operators and services as this option, and time_start set to this option's time_start plus the company's appointment interval (ie. the next potential timeslot after this one). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
date | string | The date this result applies to. |
times | string[] | The time blocks available on the day (from the list of time blocks you requested to search). |
Appointment Flag
Parameter | Type | Description |
flag_id | integer | The ID of the appointment flag. |
name | string | The name of the flag. |
Appointment Flags
Value | Name | Description |
-1 |
Paid | This appointment is paid. This flag is read-only, and cannot be changed via API. |
-2 |
Arrived | The client has arrived for this appointment. |
-3 |
First Visit | This is the client's first appointment. |
-4 |
Requested | The appointment was specifically requested (eg. can be used to indicate the client has requested this particular operator, and should not be moved to another). |
-5 |
No Show | The client did not turn up for this appointment. |
-6 |
Confirmed | This appointment has been confirmed by the client. Eg. they have replied Yes to the reminder SMS sent out before the appointment. (Note that this is different to the unconfirmed field, which relates to the company confirming a requested appointment.) |
-7 |
VIP | This appointment is a VIP appointment. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"clients": [
"address_line1": "1 Example St",
"address_postcode": "3000",
"address_state_id": 3,
"address_state": {
"name": "VIC",
"state_id": 3
"address_suburb": "Melbourne",
"barcode": "8786745156874",
"category_ids": [919],
"categories": [
"client_category_id": 919,
"name": "Loyalty Program"
"client_id": 1111,
"comments": "",
"company_id": 12345,
"date_of_birth": "2017-10-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"email": "",
"email_promotions_enabled": false,
"email_reminders_enabled": true,
"firstname": "Joe",
"gender": "Male",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"mobile": "",
"referral_type_id": 29,
"referral_type": {
"name": "Digital Advertising",
"referral_type_id": 29
"sms_promotions_enabled": false,
"sms_reminders_enabled": true
Get a list of clients.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all clients (depending on the logged in user's permissions). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"address_line1": "1 Example St",
"address_postcode": "3000",
"address_state_id": 3,
"address_state": {
"name": "VIC",
"state_id": 3
"address_suburb": "Melbourne",
"barcode": "8786745156874",
"category_ids": [919],
"categories": [
"client_category_id": 919,
"name": "Loyalty Program"
"client_id": 1111,
"comments": "",
"company_id": 12345,
"date_of_birth": "2017-10-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"email": "",
"email_promotions_enabled": false,
"email_reminders_enabled": true,
"firstname": "Joe",
"gender": "Male",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"mobile": "",
"referral_type_id": 29,
"referral_type": {
"name": "Digital Advertising",
"referral_type_id": 29
"sms_promotions_enabled": false,
"sms_reminders_enabled": true
Gets a single client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to retrieve |
fields | string[] | Which fields to include. Omit to return all. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client | Client | The client. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client": {
"firstname": "Joe",
"lastname": "Citizen"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"address_line1": "",
"address_postcode": "",
"address_state_id": 0,
"address_suburb": "",
"barcode": "",
"category_ids": [],
"client_id": 1112,
"company_id": 12345,
"email": "",
"email_promotions_enabled": true,
"email_reminders_enabled": true,
"firstname": "Joe",
"gender": "",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"mobile": "",
"referral_type_id": 0,
"sms_promotions_enabled": true,
"sms_reminders_enabled": true
Adds a new client.
Expanded fields (such as address_state
) cannot be set directly - set their ID field (ie. address_state_id
) instead.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client | Client | required |
The client to add. Omitted or null fields are left as default values. |
Field | Notes for Add |
client_id | This field cannot be set. |
company_id | If the logged in user is a Dome user, this field must have a location company ID specified (you cannot add clients directly to the Dome company). For any other user, the company ID can be omitted and defaults to their own location (the only valid value). |
category_ids | If you are not allowing selecting of client categories in your integration, omit this field altogether and the default categories for a new client will be automatically added. Otherwise, your Add Client UI should initially have those default categories selected - use the add_to_new_clients filter with a Client Category List request to retrieve the list of default categories. |
date_of_birth | Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client | Client | The added client. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 56789,
"firstname": "Joseph"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"address_line1": "1 Example St",
"address_postcode": "3000",
"address_state_id": 3,
"address_state": {
"name": "VIC",
"state_id": 3
"address_suburb": "Melbourne",
"barcode": "8786745156874",
"category_ids": [919],
"categories": [
"client_category_id": 919,
"name": "Loyalty Program"
"client_id": 1111,
"comments": "",
"company_id": 12345,
"date_of_birth": "2017-10-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"email": "",
"email_promotions_enabled": false,
"email_reminders_enabled": true,
"firstname": "Joseph",
"gender": "Male",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"mobile": "",
"referral_type_id": 29,
"referral_type": {
"name": "Digital Advertising",
"referral_type_id": 29
"sms_promotions_enabled": false,
"sms_reminders_enabled": true
Updates an existing client.
Expanded fields (such as address_state
) cannot be updated directly - update their ID field (ie. address_state_id
) instead.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client | Client | required |
The client to update. Must specify client_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
date_of_birth | Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client | Client | The updated client. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1112
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111,
"merge_client_id": 1112
Example Response:
"success": true
Merges two clients into one.
- Any empty detail fields (name, mobile, email, etc) on the
client will be filled by the details from themerge_client_id
client - All items (appointments, client products, client files, etc) linked to the
client will be moved across to be linked to theclient_id
client instead - The client with
will then be deleted
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/merge
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to keep. |
merge_client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to merge into client_id . This client will be deleted after the merge is complete. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1112
Example Response:
"success": true
Restores a client that has previously been deleted.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/undelete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to undelete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
State List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d ''
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"states": [
"name": "---",
"state_id": 0
"name": "ACT",
"state_id": 1
"name": "NSW",
"state_id": 2
"name": "VIC",
"state_id": 3
"name": "QLD",
"state_id": 4
"name": "NT",
"state_id": 5
"name": "SA",
"state_id": 6
"name": "TAS",
"state_id": 7
"name": "WA",
"state_id": 8
"name": "Other",
"state_id": 75
Get a list of geographical states.
With no filter parameters, it will return the states contained in the country of the logged in user's company.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/state/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | StateFilter | The filters to apply to the state list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all states. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
states | State[] | The list of states matching the filters. |
Referral Type List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d ''
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"referral_types": [
"name": "Friend",
"referral_type_id": 1
"name": "Email",
"referral_type_id": 2
"name": "SMS",
"referral_type_id": 3
Get a list of client referral types.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/referral_type/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all referral types. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
referral_types | ReferralType[] | The list of referral types. |
Client Category List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"filters": {
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"categories": [
"add_to_new_clients": true,
"client_category_id": 1,
"name": "Loyalty Program"
Get a list of client categories.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_category/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientCategoryFilter | The filters to apply to the client category list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all client categories. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
categories | ClientCategory[] | The list of client categories for the company. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
barcode | string | The barcode of the client to retrieve. | |
client_category_id | integer | The ID of the client category to filter clients by. | |
client_ids | integer[] | A list of client IDs to filter clients by. Invalid IDs will be ignored (no error will be raised). | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve clients for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. For a Client List call, you can specify 0 to retrieve all clients within the entire Dome (from other companies who are sharing clients with the logged in user's company). |
firstname | string | The firstname to search by - partial match, eg. if you send Jo , you will get results starting with Jo: Jo, Joe and Joan |
string | The email address to search by - exact match only. | ||
email_promotions_enabled | boolean | true for clients who have Email Promotion messages enabled, false for clients who have Email Promotion messages disabled. If omitted, returns both. |
email_reminders_enabled | boolean | true for clients who have Email Reminder messages enabled, false for clients who have Email Reminder messages disabled. If omitted, returns both. |
exclude_client_ids | integer[] | A list of client IDs to exclude when filtering clients. Invalid IDs will be ignored (no error will be raised). | |
gender | string | The gender to filter clients by. Options are Male , Female , or an empty string (to return clients who don't have a gender set). |
lastname | string | The lastname to search by - partial match, eg. if you send Jo , you will get results starting with Jo: Jones, Johnson and Jolly |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator to filter clients by (their preferred operator). | |
phone | string | The phone number to search by - partial match, eg. if you send 1234 , you will get results starting with 1234: 1234, 123456 and 12345678. Searches both Telephone and Mobile fields for matches. |
referral_type_id | integer | The ID of the referral type to filter clients by. | |
search | string | Multi-field search - searches for any matches across firstname, lastname, mobile, telephone and barcode. | |
search_all_dome | boolean | If you are in a dome, setting this to true will search for clients across all companies (who are sharing clients with the logged in user's company). If omitted, defaults to false to search only the user's company. |
sms_promotions_enabled | boolean | true for clients who have SMS Promotion messages enabled, false for clients who have SMS Promotion messages disabled. If omitted, returns both. |
sms_reminders_enabled | boolean | true for clients who have SMS Reminder messages enabled, false for clients who have SMS Reminder messages disabled. If omitted, returns both. |
today_unpaid | boolean | true to include only clients who have unpaid appointments today. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client. |
account_balance | decimal | The client's account balance. This field is read-only. |
address_line1 | string | The street address of the client's postal address. |
address_suburb | string | The suburb of the client's postal address. |
address_postcode | string | The postcode/zipcode of the client's postal address. |
address_state_id | integer | The geographical state ID of the client's postal address. |
address_state | State | Expanded field of address_state_id . The geographical state of the client's postal address. |
alert_message | string | Important alert message for this client - if set, this alert should be shown when viewing or editing the client, and on any appointments for this client. |
barcode | string | The barcode number of the client. |
category_ids | integer[] | The list of client category IDs this client belongs to. |
categories | ClientCategory[] | Expanded field of category_ids . The list of client categories this client belongs to. |
comments | string | The client comments. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client. This field is read-only. |
date_of_birth | string | The date of birth of the client. Time and timezone offset in this field are ignored. See Dates. |
deleted | boolean | If true , this client has been deleted. |
deposit_balance | decimal | The client's deposit balance. This field is read-only. Only included when specifically requested. |
string | The email address of the client. | |
email_promotions_enabled | boolean | Whether the client wishes to receive promotional messages via email. |
email_reminders_enabled | boolean | Whether the client wishes to receive reminder messages via email. |
firstname | string | The firstname of the client. |
gender | string | The gender of the client. |
string | The client's Instagram username. | |
lastname | string | The lastname/surname of the client. |
last_appointment_no_show | boolean | Whether the client's last appointment had the No Show flag set. Only included when specifically requested. |
loyalty_member | boolean | Whether the client is a member of the Loyalty Program client category. This field is read-only - add or remove the client from the Loyalty Program client category to modify it. |
loyalty_points | integer | The number of loyalty points the client currently has. |
membership_gateway | string | The third party client membership gateway this client is registered with. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Client Memberships. |
membership_gateway_id | string | The ID of the client in the third party client membership gateway. |
membership_gateway_status | ClientMembershipGatewayStatus | The status of the client in the third party client membership gateway (with gateway_refresh set to false for the request). |
mobile | string | The mobile/cell number of the client. |
phone | string | The telephone number of the client. |
preferred_operator_id | integer | The ID of the client's preferred operator. |
referral_type_id | integer | The referral type ID of the client. |
referral_type | ReferralType | Expanded field of referral_type_id . The referral type of the client. |
referred_by_client_id | integer | The ID of the client who referred this client. |
sms_promotions_enabled | boolean | Whether the client wishes to receive promotional messages via SMS. |
sms_reminders_enabled | boolean | Whether the client wishes to receive reminder messages via SMS. |
string | The client's Twitter username. | |
whatsapp_promotions_enabled | boolean | Whether the client wishes to receive promotional messages via WhatsApp. |
whatsapp_reminders_enabled | boolean | Whether the client wishes to receive reminder messages via WhatsApp. |
Client Category
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_category_id | integer | The ID of the client category. |
name | string | The name of the client category. |
add_to_new_clients | boolean | true if this category is automatically added to new clients, false if not. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
add_to_new_clients | boolean | If set, only returns client categories matching the filter value. If omitted, all categories are returned. |
Referral Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
referral_type_id | integer | The ID of the referral type. |
name | string | The name of the referral type. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
country_id | integer | The ID of the country to return states for. If omitted, defaults to the country of the logged in user's company. | |
include_other | boolean | If true , includes the Other state option. If omitted, defaults to false , which excludes the Other state. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
state_id | integer | The ID of the geographical state. |
name | string | The name of the geographical state. |
Special Values
Walk In Client
A client_id
value of -1
indicates the Walk In client. This is used to record a transaction for a client that you have not created a client record for.
An example of a Walk In sale would be if someone has walked in off the street just to buy a product. In this case you would not normally ask for their name and personal details - just record the sale under the Walk In client.
The Walk In client cannot be used in a sale with any other clients, cannot purchase packages or memberships, cannot add account value, cannot be booked into a future service and cannot load or save sales.
Internal Use Client
A client_id
value of -2
indicates the Internal Use client. When an item is used within the company, it can be marked as sold to the Internal Use client to keep track of how much stock is available for sale. This sale is not included in the usual sales reporting figures.
An example of a Internal Use item would be a bottle of hairspray used by the operator at the end of each haircut. The client does not pay for this bottle of hairspray, and it is used again for the next client.
The Internal Use client cannot be used in a sale with any other clients, cannot purchase packages or memberships, cannot add account value, cannot be booked into a future service and cannot load or save sales.
System Client
A client_id
value of -3
indicates the System client. This is normally used by task appointments.
The System client cannot be used to book appointments or used in a sale.
Client Images
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"image": "",
"image_media_type": "image/jpeg"
Gets a client's image, and optionally resizes it. When resizing, the image will keep its original aspect ratio - if specifying both width
and height
, the image will be resized to be less than or equal to both specified sizes.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/image/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to retrieve the image for |
height | integer | The height to resize the image to. | |
width | integer | The width to resize the image to. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
image | string | The Base64 representation of the image. |
image_media_type | string | The media type (or MIME type) of the image. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 56789,
"image_media_type": "image/jpeg"
Example Response:
"success": true
Adds or updates the image for a client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/image/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to update image for. |
image | string | required |
The Base64 representation of the image. Total size of request must be less than 4MB. |
image_media_type | string | required |
The media type (or MIME type) of the image. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1112
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes the image of the client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client/image/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to delete an image for |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Client Account Values
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_account_values": [
"client_account_value_id": 3355771,
"amount": 30,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"refund": false
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "taken"
Get a list of client account value adjustments associated with a client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_account_value/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientAccountValueFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client account value list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: date (default) |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_account_values | ClientAccountValue[] | The list of client account values matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_account_value_id": 3355771
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_account_value_id": 3355771,
"amount": 30,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"refund": false,
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "taken"
Gets a single client account value adjustment.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_account_value/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_account_value_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client account value to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_account_value | ClientAccountValue | The client account value. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to retrieve account values for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_account_value_id | integer | The ID of the client account value. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the client account value. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client account value. This field is read-only. |
date | string | The date this client account value has been charged to. If the transaction's date has been changed, date will change too, otherwise, date will be the same as date_created . |
date_created | string | The date this client account value was created. |
linked_client_account_value_id | integer | The ID of the client account value from a linked transaction, eg. if a client account value was refunded, the original client account value will have the refunded client account value's ID here, and vice versa. |
refund | boolean | Whether this client account value was a refund. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction related to this client account value. |
type | string | The type of the client account value. Valid values are: taken (the client increased their account balance with a payment), used (the client's account balance was charged). |
type_description | string | The text description of the client account value type. |
Client Deposits
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_deposits": [
"client_deposit_id": 972148,
"amount": 30,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"refund": false
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "taken"
Get a list of client deposits associated with a client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_deposit/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientDepositFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client deposit list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: date_created (default) |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_deposits | ClientDeposit[] | The list of client deposits matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_deposit_id": 972148
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_deposit_id": 972148,
"amount": 30,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"refund": false,
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "taken"
Gets a single client deposit.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_deposit/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_deposit_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client deposit to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_deposit | ClientDeposit | The client deposit. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_deposit_id": 972148
Example Response:
"success": true,
"amount": 30,
"status": "complete",
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "sale"
Retains (forfeits) a client deposit.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_deposit/retain
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_deposit_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the client deposit to retain. Must specify either client_deposit_id or transaction_id . |
transaction_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the transaction with the client deposit to retain. Must specify either client_deposit_id or transaction_id . |
amount | decimal | The amount to retain. If omitted, retains all of the remaining amount. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
transaction | Transaction | The transaction where the client deposit was retained. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to retrieve deposits for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_deposit_id | integer | The ID of the client deposit. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the client deposit. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client deposit. This field is read-only. |
date_created | string | The date this client deposit was created. |
linked_client_deposit_id | integer | The ID of the client deposit from a linked transaction, eg. if a client deposit was refunded, the original client deposit will have the refunded client deposit's ID here, and vice versa. |
refund | boolean | Whether this client deposit was a refund. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction related to this client deposit. |
type | string | The type of the client deposit. Valid values are: taken , used , retained . |
type_description | string | The text description of the client deposit type. |
Client Files
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_files": [
"client_file_id": 2736,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"operator_id": 2222
"created_operator_id": 2222,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "before.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Get a list of files associated with a client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_file/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientFileFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client file list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all client files (depending on the logged in user's permissions). |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: date_created , client_file_id , specific_appointment_id+56789 (this will sort all client files with appointment_id=56789 to the top of the list). If omitted, defaults to newest first (-date_created,-client_file_id ). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_files | ClientFile[] | The list of client files matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_file_id": 2736
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_file_id": 2736,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"operator_id": 2222
"created_operator_id": 2222,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "before.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Gets a single client file.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_file/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_file_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client file to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_file | ClientFile | The client file. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_file": {
"client_id": 1111,
"display_filename": "after.jpg"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_file_id": 2737,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"operator_id": 2222
"created_operator_id": 2222,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "after.jpg",
"storage_filename": "12345-2737-abcdefabcdef.jpg",
"upload_url": ""
Adds a new client file. This will create an upload request with an upload_url
for you to Complete the Upload.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_file/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_file | ClientFile | required |
The client file to add. Omitted or null fields are left as default values. |
Field | Notes for Add |
client_file_id | This field cannot be set. |
client_id | This field is required. |
display_filename | This field is required. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_file | ClientFile | The added client file awaiting upload. |
Complete the Upload
Create a binary PUT request to the provided upload_url
(from the Add Client File call), and include your file, as well as the content type of the file in the header (Eg. Content-Type: image/jpeg
After the upload is complete, it may take a few moments to appear in the client's list of files.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_file_id": 2736,
"display_filename": "before2.jpg"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_file_id": 2736,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"operator_id": 2222
"created_operator_id": 2222,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "before2.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Updates an existing client file.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_file/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_file | ClientFile | required |
The client file to update. Must specify client_file_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
appointment_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_file | ClientFile | The updated client file. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_file_id": 2736
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client file.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_file/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_file_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client file to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to retrieve files for. |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment to retrieve files for. | |
files_only | string | Client files with a content_type that does not begin with image/ . |
images_only | string | Client files with a content_type that begins with image/ . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_file_id | integer | The ID of the client file. |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment this file relates to. This field is not required. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client. This field is read-only. |
content_type | string | The content type of the client file. |
created_operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the operator who uploaded the file. If set, created_user_id will be omitted. |
created_operator | Operator | Expanded field of created_operator_id . The operator who uploaded the file. |
created_user_id | integer | The user ID of the user who uploaded the file. If set, created_operator_id will be omitted. |
created_user | User | Expanded field of created_user_id . The user who uploaded the file. |
date_created | string | The date this client file was created. |
display_filename | string | The filename to use when displaying this file. It must end in the file's extension eg. .jpg . Only files with an image extension (.jpg/.gif/.png ) will have thumbnails created. |
minimum_role_id | integer | The minimum Role ID required to view this file. If adding a new file, omit this field to use the default setting. |
storage_filename | string | The path to display the file. Note that the link will expire after a short amount of time. When the file is still awaiting upload, this field has the name of the file to upload. |
storage_thumbnailfilename | string | The path to display the file's thumbnail. Note that the link will expire after a short amount of time. |
upload_url | string | This field is only visible for a client file Add, while the file is awaiting upload. The path to upload your file to - the file must be named exactly as shown in the storage_filename field. |
Client Forms
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_forms": [
"client_form_id": 22745847,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988877,
"locked": false,
"status": "created"
Get a list of client forms associated with a client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_form/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientFormFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client form list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: form . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_forms | ClientForm[] | The list of client forms matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_form_id": 22745847
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_form_id": 22745847,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988877,
"locked": false,
"status": "created"
Gets a single client form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_form/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_form_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client form to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_form | ClientForm | The client form. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_form": {
"client_id": 1111,
"form_id": 3988878
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_form_id": 22745848,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988878,
"locked": false,
"status": "created"
Adds a new client form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_form/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_form | ClientForm | required |
The client form to add. Omitted or null fields are left as default values. |
media | string | The media to send the client form via. Valid values are: sms , whatsapp . If omitted, defaults to sms if the company has SMS enabled, or whatsapp if the company has WhatsApp enabled and SMS disabled. Ignored if send_now is omitted or false. |
send_now | boolean | If true , the form will be sent after adding. |
Field | Notes for Add |
client_form_id | This field cannot be set. |
client_id | This field is required. |
form_id | This field is required. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_form | ClientForm | The added client form. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_form_id": 22745847,
"locked": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_form_id": 22745847,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988878,
"locked": true,
"status": "created"
Updates an existing client form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_form/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_form | ClientForm | required |
The client form to update. Must specify client_form_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
form_id | This field cannot be changed. |
appointment_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_form | ClientForm | The updated client form. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_form_id": 22745847
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_form/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_form_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client form to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_form_id": 22745847
Example Response:
"success": true
Sends a client form to the client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_form/send
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_form_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client form to send |
media | string | The media to send the client form via. Valid values are: email , sms , whatsapp . If omitted, defaults to sms if the company has SMS enabled, or whatsapp if the company has WhatsApp enabled and SMS disabled, or email if both SMS and WhatsApp are disabled. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client to retrieve forms for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_form_id | integer | The ID of the client form. |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment this client form relates to. This field is not required. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client. |
comments | string | Any internal comments attached to the client form - these are not visible to the client. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client. This field is read-only. |
date_created | string | The date this client form was created. |
form_id | integer | The ID of the form. |
form | Form | The form. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields. |
locked | boolean | If true , this client form cannot be edited by the client. |
status | string | The status of the client form. Valid values are: created , sent , viewed , completed . |
view_answers_url | string | The URL to visit to view the client's completed form. Only included when status=completed . |
Client Membership Gateway
This retrieves data from the third party client membership gateway(s) linked to the Simple Salon account.
Client Status
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true
Retrieves the status of the client. Uses the gateway already saved onto the client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/client_membership/client/status
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to retrieve the status for |
gateway_refresh | boolean | If true , the status will be retrieved directly from the third party gateway (and the client will be updated if anything has changed). This request may take longer to process as it needs to wait for the third party gateway to respond. If omitted, defaults to false . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
error | Message | The error message details. |
description | string | The message sent back from the third party gateway to describe the status (if status is pending or error ). |
fields_required | string[] | If status=not_linked , this field will contain any Client fields that are required before the client can be added to the default client membership gateway. If this field is an empty list, then all required fields are already filled. Omitted when status is anything other than not_linked , or there is no default client membership gateway set up. |
gateway | string | The Client Membership Gateway that this client is linked to. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Client Memberships. Omitted if no gateway is selected for the client. |
status | string | The status of the client in the third party gateway. Valid values are: not_linked , active , pending (new, awaiting activation), error . |
view_url | string | The link to view the client on the third party gateway's website, if any. |
Client Membership Status
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_membership_id": 2469
Example Response:
"success": true
Gets the status of the client membership. Uses the gateway already saved onto the client membership's client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/client_membership/client_membership/status
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_membership_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client membership to retrieve the status for |
gateway_refresh | boolean | If true , the status will be retrieved directly from the third party gateway (and the client membership will be updated if anything has changed). This request may take longer to process as it needs to wait for the third party gateway to respond. If omitted, defaults to false . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
error | Message | The error message details. |
description | string | The message sent back from the third party gateway to describe the status (if status is pending or error ). |
gateway | string | The Client Membership Gateway that this client (and the client membership) is linked to. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Client Memberships. Omitted if no gateway is selected for the client. |
status | string | The status of the client membership in the third party gateway. Valid values are: none (gateway link not required for this type of membership), not_linked (no gateway link), active , pending (new, awaiting activation), suspended (previously active membership was paused), cancelled , error . |
view_url | string | The link to view the client membership on the third party gateway's website, if any. |
Client Memberships
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"client_memberships": [
"client_membership_id": 2469,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"membership_id": 4646,
"start_date": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00",
"transaction_id": 85735
Get a list of client memberships.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_membership/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientMembershipFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client memberships list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients , memberships , operators , packages . |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: date , expiry_date , client_membership_id (default) |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_memberships | ClientMembership[] | The list of client memberships matching the filters and page options. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the returned client memberships. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the returned client memberships. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
memberships | Membership[] | The list of memberships matching the returned client memberships. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_membership_id": 2469
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_membership_id": 2469,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"membership_id": 4646,
"start_date": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00",
"transaction_id": 85735
Gets a single client membership.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_membership/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_membership_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client membership to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: discounts . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_membership | ClientMembership | The client membership. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_membership_id": 2469,
"start_date": "2019-01-02T10:45:00+11:00",
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_membership_id": 2469,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"company_id": 12345,
"membership_id": 4646,
"name": "1 Year Upfront",
"membership_id": 4646,
"start_date": "2019-01-02T10:45:00+11:00",
"transaction_id": 85735
Updates an existing client membership.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_membership/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_membership | ClientMembership | required |
The client membership to update. Must specify client_membership_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
price | This field is ignored if the user does not have permission to update prices (see the price_update_minimum_role_id setting). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_membership | ClientMembership | The updated client membership. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_membership_id": 2469
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client membership.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_membership/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_membership_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client membership to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Client Membership Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_membership_id": 2468
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_membership_items": [
"client_membership_item_id": 6541,
"quantity": 1,
"quantity_used": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"type": "service"
"period_start": "2019-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"period_end": "2019-01-08T00:00:00+00:00"
Get the list of items that are included in a client membership (when includes_items=true
on the client membership's membership).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_membership/item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientMembershipItemFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client membership item list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: product , service , client_membership . |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: companies . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_membership_items | ClientMembershipItem[] | The list of client membership items included in the client membership. |
companies | Company | The list of companies matching the returned client memberships. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . Only available when using online_booking_client_id filter. |
Client Membership
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_membership_id | integer | The ID of the client membership. |
can_discount_via_promo_code | boolean | If true , this client membership can have the discount for the passed in promo_code applied, and promo_code_discount will be set with the discount's values. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
cancellation_date | string | If status=suspended or future_cancellation=true , this field has the start date of the cancellation. Omitted if the membership is not cancelled or future_cancellation=false . |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client the membership was sold to. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client membership. |
date | string | The date this client membership has been charged to. If the transaction's date has been changed, date will change too, otherwise, date will be the same as date_created . |
date_created | string | The date this client membership was created. |
discount_type_id | integer | The discount type ID of the client membership, or 0 for none. Obsolete - use discounts instead. |
discounts | Discount | The list of discounts applied to the client membership. |
expiry_date | string | The expiry date of the client membership. Omitted if the client membership never expires. |
future_cancellation | boolean | If true , this client membership is set to be cancelled on the date set in cancellation_date . |
future_suspension | boolean | If true , this client membership is set to be suspended on the date set in suspension_date_start . |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who sold the membership. |
operator | Operator | Expanded field of operator_id . The operator who sold the membership. |
payment_type | string | The payment type of the client membership. Valid values are upfront and recurring . |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved client membership. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
price | decimal | The setup price of the client membership. |
linked_client_membership_id | integer | The ID of the client membership from a linked transaction, eg. if a client membership was refunded, the original client membership will have the refunded client membership's ID here, and vice versa. |
membership_id | integer | The ID of the membership sold to the client. |
membership | Membership | The membership sold to the client. Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
membership_gateway_id | string | The ID of the client membership in the third party client membership gateway. |
membership_gateway_status | ClientMembershipGatewayStatus | The status of the client membership in the third party client membership gateway (with gateway_refresh set to false for the request). |
promo_code_discount | DiscountType | If promo_code was specified and the matching discount can be applied to this client membership, then the details of the discount found for the promo_code will be returned here. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
recurring_fee | decimal | The recurring fee, charged each recurring_type . Omitted if payment_type is upfront . |
recurring_type | string | The recurring period length. Valid values are weekly , fortnightly , monthly or fourweekly . Omitted if payment_type is upfront . |
refund | boolean | Whether this client membership is a refund. |
start_date | string | The start date of the client membership. |
status | string | The status of the client membership. Valid values are: active , cancelled , overdue (the client membership has use_direct_debit=true , and the gateway has reported that its periodic payment has failed), pending (the client membership has use_direct_debit=true , and is waiting for the client to complete the signup process, for example, agreeing to terms and conditions), suspended , unpaid (the membership has not yet been paid for). |
suspension_date_start | string | If status=suspended or future_suspension=true , this field has the start date of the suspension. Omitted if the membership is not suspended or future_suspension=false . |
suspension_date_end | string | If status=suspended or future_suspension=true , this field has the end date of the suspension. Omitted if the membership is not suspended or set future_suspension=false . |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID of the client membership, or 0 for none. |
use_direct_debit | boolean | true if the client will be linked up to an automatic direct debit addon, false if not. Defaults to false . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve client memberships for. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client memberships for. If omitted, and client_id is also omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
date_min | string | The charge date to retrieve client memberships from (inclusive). | |
date_max | string | The charge date to retrieve client memberships to (exclusive). | |
date_created_min | string | The creation date to retrieve client memberships from (inclusive). | |
date_created_max | string | The creation date to retrieve client memberships to (exclusive). | |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The online booking client ID to filter by. client_id must be omitted, and company_id must be specified. Must include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve client memberships for. | |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID to retrieve client memberships for, or 0 for none. If omitted, returns both. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_membership_item_id | integer | The ID of the client membership item. |
client_membership_id | integer | The ID of the client membership. |
client_membership | ClientMembership | The client membership. Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client membership item. |
period_end | string | The date the membership claim period referred to by quantity_used ends. Omitted if the membership has payment_type=upfront . |
period_start | string | The date the membership claim period referred to by quantity_used begins (or the start date of the client membership if the membership has payment_type=upfront ). |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product (if the type is a product ). |
product | Product | The product (if the type is a product ). Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
quantity | integer | The number of this item included in the client membership. |
quantity_used | integer | The number of this item that have been claimed. For client memberships with a membership payment_type=recurring , this field only includes items used within the requested period (see period_start and period_end ). |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service (if the type is a service ). |
service | Service | The service (if the type is a service ). Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
type | string | The type of this item. Valid values are product or service . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_membership_id | integer | required* |
The client membership ID to retrieve client membership items for. Must specify either client_membership_id , client_id or online_booking_client_id . |
client_id | integer | required* |
The client ID to retrieve client membership items for. Must specify either client_membership_id , client_id or online_booking_client_id . |
online_booking_client_id | integer | required* |
The online booking client ID to filter by. client_id must be omitted, and company_id must be specified. Must include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. Must specify either client_membership_id , client_id or online_booking_client_id . |
all_quantity_used | boolean | If true , returns only client membership inclusion items where all the quantity has been used (within the requested period for client memberships with a membership with payment_type=recurring ). If false , returns only client membership inclusion items where there is still some quantity remaining. If omitted, returns both. |
client_membership_active | boolean | If true , returns only client membership inclusion items where the client membership status is active. If false , returns only client membership inclusion items where the client membership status is not active. If omitted, returns both. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client membership items for. | |
period_date | string | The date to check for quantity_used and all_quantity_used . If omitted, defaults to the current date. |
type | string | The type of client membership inclusion items to return. Valid values are product or service . If omitted, returns both. |
Client Packages
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"client_packages": [
"client_package_id": 2669,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"package_id": 9999,
"price": 80
Get a list of client packages.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_package/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientPackageFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client packages list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients , operators , packages . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_packages | ClientPackage[] | The list of client packages matching the filters and page options. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the returned client packages. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the returned client packages. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
packages | Package[] | The list of packages matching the returned client packages. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_package_id": 2669,
"expanded_fields": [
{"expanded_field": "package", "fields": ["package_id", "company_id", "name" ]}
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_package_id": 2669,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"company_id": 12345,
"package_id": 9999,
"name": "10 x Haircut",
"package_id": 9999,
"price": 80
Gets a single client package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_package/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_package_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client package to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: discounts , package . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_package | ClientPackage | The client package. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_package_id": 2669,
"price": 86
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_package_id": 2669,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"company_id": 12345,
"package_id": 9999,
"name": "10 x Haircut",
"package_id": 9999,
"price": 86
Updates an existing client package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_package/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_package | ClientPackage | required |
The client package to update. Must specify client_package_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
expiry_date | Set to the new date, or an empty string for no expiry. |
price | This field is ignored if the user does not have permission to update prices (see the price_update_minimum_role_id setting). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_package | ClientPackage | The updated client package. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_package_id": 2669
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_package/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_package_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client package to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Client Package
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_package_id | integer | The ID of the client package. |
can_discount_via_promo_code | boolean | If true , this client package can have the discount for the passed in promo_code applied, and promo_code_discount will be set with the discount's values. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client the package was sold to. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client package. |
date_created | string | The date this client package was created. |
discount_type_id | integer | The discount type ID of the client package, or 0 for none. Obsolete - use discounts instead. |
discounts | Discount | The list of discounts applied to the client package. |
expiry_date | string | The expiry date of the client package. Omitted if the package never expires. |
linked_client_package_id | integer | The ID of the client package from a linked transaction, eg. if a client package was refunded, the original client package will have the refunded client package's ID here, and vice versa. |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who sold the package. |
operator | Operator | Expanded field of operator_id . The operator who sold the package. |
package_id | integer | The ID of the package sold to the client. |
package | Package | A minimal Package object, to provide the package name. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved client package. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
pos_original_price | decimal | The original or standard price of the package, before any discount is applied. Only set when using POS or Transaction API calls. |
price | decimal | The price of the client package. |
price_with_tax | decimal | The price of the client package including any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
price_without_tax | decimal | The price of the client package excluding any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
promo_code_discount | DiscountType | If promo_code was specified and the matching discount can be applied to this client package, then the details of the discount found for the promo_code will be returned here. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
refund | boolean | Whether this client package is a refund. |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
tax_rate | decimal | The tax rate percentage applied to the client package. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID of the client package, or 0 for none. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve client packages for. | |
expired | boolean | true for client packages that have expired, false for all other client packages. If omitted, returns both. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client packages for. If omitted, and client_id is also omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
date_created_min | string | The creation date to retrieve client packages from (inclusive). | |
date_created_max | string | The creation date to retrieve client packages to (exclusive). | |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The online booking client ID to filter by. client_id must be omitted, and company_id must be specified. Must include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve client packages for. | |
package_id | integer | The package ID to retrieve client packages for. | |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID to retrieve client packages for, or 0 for none. If omitted, returns both. |
Client Products
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"client_products": [
"client_product_id": 3737,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"product_id": 5556,
"price": 10.00
Get a list of client products.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_product/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientProductFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client product list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients , operators , products , packages . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_products | ClientProduct[] | The list of client products matching the filters and page options. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the returned client products. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the returned client products. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
packages | Package[] | The list of packages matching the returned client products which were bought as part of a package (ie. client_package_id is set). Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
products | Product[] | The list of products matching the returned client products. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_product_id": 3737,
"expanded_fields": [
{"expanded_field": "product", "fields": ["product_id", "company_id", "name" ]}
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_product_id": 3737,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"company_id": 12345,
"product_id": 5556,
"name": "Conditioner",
"product_id": 5556,
"price": 10.00
Gets a single client product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_product/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client product to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: client_package , discounts , product . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_product | ClientProduct | The client product. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_product_id": 3737,
"price": 13.50
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_product_id": 3737,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"product_id": 5556,
"price": 13.50
Updates an existing client product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_product/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_product | ClientProduct | required |
The client product to update. Must specify client_product_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
price | This field is ignored if the user does not have permission to update prices (see the price_update_minimum_role_id setting). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_product | ClientProduct | The updated client product. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_product_id": 3737
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_product/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client product to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Client Product
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_product_id | integer | The ID of the client product. |
can_discount_via_promo_code | boolean | If true , this client product can have the discount for the passed in promo_code applied, and promo_code_discount will be set with the discount's values. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
can_redeem_via_membership | boolean | If true , this client product could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's membership inclusion items. Note that if the quantity was more than 1 , this field will be true if any can be claimed - check can_redeem_via_membership_quantity to see how many can be claimed. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_membership_combined | boolean | If true , this client product could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's membership inclusion items (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). Note that if the quantity was more than 1 , this field will be true if any can be claimed - check can_redeem_via_membership_quantity_combined to see how many can be claimed. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_membership_quantity | integer | The quantity of this product the client can redeem via membership. Omitted if can_redeem_via_membership is false or omitted. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_membership_quantity_combined | integer | The quantity of this product the client can redeem via membership (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). Omitted if can_redeem_via_membership_combined is false or omitted. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package | boolean | If true , this client product could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items. Note that if the quantity was more than 1 , this field will be true if any can be claimed - check can_redeem_via_package_quantity to see how many can be claimed. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_combined | boolean | If true , this client product could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). Note that if the quantity was more than 1 , this field will be true if any can be claimed - check can_redeem_via_package_quantity_combined to see how many can be claimed. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_quantity | integer | The quantity of this product the client can redeem via package. Omitted if can_redeem_via_package is false or omitted. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_quantity_combined | integer | The quantity of this product the client can redeem via package (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). Omitted if can_redeem_via_package_combined is false or omitted. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
claimed | boolean | false for client products purchased as part of a package, that have not yet been collected, true for all other client products. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client the product was sold to. |
client | Client | The client the product was sold to. Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
client_package_id | integer | If this client product was sold as part of a package, the ID of the client package. (Special Note: Unlinked Client Package Items) |
client_package | ClientPackage | A minimal Client Package object, to provide the package id and expiry if this client product was sold as part of a package. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client product. |
date_created | string | The date this client product was created. |
discount_type_id | integer | The discount type ID of the client product, or 0 for none. Obsolete - use discounts instead. |
discounts | Discount | The list of discounts applied to the client product. |
linked_client_product_id | integer | The ID of the client product from a linked transaction, eg. if a client product was refunded, the original client product will have the refunded client product's ID here, and vice versa. |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who sold the product. |
operator | Operator | Expanded field of operator_id . The operator who sold the product. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved client product. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
pos_original_price | decimal | The original or standard price of the product total (ie. the product's price multiplied by the client product's quantity ), before any discount is applied. Only set when using POS or Transaction API calls. |
price | decimal | The price of the client product. This is the price of the total of all items in this line, including any discounts - eg. for a product worth 10.00 , with quantity of 2 and a 25% discount, price will be 15.00 . |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product sold to the client. |
product | Product | A minimal Product object, to provide the product name and brand name (at POS). |
promo_code_discount | DiscountType | If promo_code was specified and the matching discount can be applied to this client product, then the details of the discount found for the promo_code will be returned here. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
quantity | integer | The quantity of product sold to the client. |
refund | boolean | Whether this client product is a refund. |
sold_in_client_package | boolean | true for client products purchased as part of a package, false for all other client products. |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
tax_rate | decimal | The tax rate percentage applied to the client product. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID of the client product, or 0 for none. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
claimed | boolean | false for client products purchased as part of a package, that have not yet been collected, true for all other client products. If omitted, returns both. |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve client products for. | |
client_package_expired | boolean | true for client products purchased as part of a package that have expired, false for all other client products. If omitted, returns both. |
client_package_id | integer | The client package ID to retrieve client products for, or 0 for none. (Special Note: Unlinked Client Package Items) |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client products for. If omitted, and client_id is also omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
date_created_min | string | The creation date to retrieve client products from (inclusive). | |
date_created_max | string | The creation date to retrieve client products to (exclusive). | |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The online booking client ID to filter by. client_id must be omitted, and company_id must be specified. Must include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve client products for. | |
sold_in_client_package | boolean | true for client products purchased as part of a package, false for all other client products. If omitted, returns both. |
product_id | integer | The product ID to retrieve client products for. | |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID to retrieve client products for, or 0 for none. If omitted, returns both. |
Client Vouchers
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"client_vouchers": [
"barcode": "900000000123",
"client_id": 1111,
"client_voucher_id": 2769,
"company_id": 12345,
"operator_id": 2222,
"price": 50,
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "cash",
"value": 50,
"voucher": {
"name": "$50 voucher",
"type": "cash",
"price": 50,
"voucher_id": 7778
"voucher_id": 7778
Get a list of client vouchers.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_voucher/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientVoucherFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client voucher list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients , operators , vouchers . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
client_vouchers | ClientVoucher[] | The list of client vouchers matching the filters and page options. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients matching the returned client vouchers. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the returned client vouchers. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
vouchers | Voucher[] | The list of vouchers matching the returned client vouchers. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_voucher_id": 2769
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "900000000123",
"client_id": 1111,
"client_voucher_id": 2769,
"company_id": 12345,
"operator_id": 2222,
"price": 50,
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "cash",
"value": 50,
"voucher": {
"name": "$50 voucher",
"type": "cash",
"price": 50,
"voucher_id": 7778
"voucher_id": 7778
Gets a single client voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_voucher/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_voucher_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the client voucher to retrieve. Must specify either client_voucher_id or barcode . |
barcode | string | required* |
The barcode of the client voucher to retrieve. Must specify either client_voucher_id or barcode . |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: client_voucher_items , discounts . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | The client voucher. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_voucher_id": 2769,
"price": 101
Example Response:
"success": true,
"client_voucher_id": 2769,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"company_id": 12345,
"voucher_id": 7777,
"name": "$100 Gift Voucher",
"voucher_id": 7777,
"price": 101
Updates an existing client voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_voucher/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | required |
The client voucher to update. Must specify client_voucher_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
client_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
price | This field is ignored if the user does not have permission to update prices (see the price_update_minimum_role_id setting). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | The updated client voucher. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_voucher_id": 2769
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_voucher/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client voucher to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_voucher_id": 2769
Example Response:
"success": true
Sends a client voucher to the client.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_voucher/send
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client voucher to send |
string | The email address to send to. If omitted, it will default to the email address of the client. If set to an empty string, no email will be sent. | ||
mobile | string | The mobile/cell number to send to. If omitted, it will default to the mobile/cell number of the client. If set to an empty string, no SMS will be sent. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request to queue the message(s) succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Client Voucher Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_voucher_id": 2769
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_voucher_items": [
"client_voucher_item_id": 4174,
"quantity": 1,
"service_id": 3333,
"type": "service"
Get the list of items that are included in a client voucher (when type=item
on the client voucher's voucher).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_voucher/item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientVoucherItemFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client voucher item list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: product , service , client_voucher . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_voucher_items | ClientVoucherItem[] | The list of client voucher items included in the client voucher. |
Client Voucher
Parameter | Type | Description |
barcode | string | The barcode of the gift voucher. |
can_discount_via_promo_code | boolean | If true , this client voucher can have the discount for the passed in promo_code applied, and promo_code_discount will be set with the discount's values. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
can_redeem_via_package | boolean | If true , this client voucher could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items. Note that if the quantity was more than 1 , this field will be true if any can be claimed - check can_redeem_via_package_quantity to see how many can be claimed. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_combined | boolean | If true , this client voucher could be redeemed by claiming one of the client's previously purchased (and as yet unclaimed) package items (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). Note that if the quantity was more than 1 , this field will be true if any can be claimed - check can_redeem_via_package_quantity_combined to see how many can be claimed. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_quantity | integer | The quantity of this voucher the client can redeem via package. Omitted if can_redeem_via_package is false or omitted. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
can_redeem_via_package_quantity_combined | integer | The quantity of this voucher the client can redeem via package (in conjunction with any other items checked in the same call). Omitted if can_redeem_via_package_combined is false or omitted. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). See Redemption Notes. |
claimed | boolean | false for client vouchers purchased as part of a package, that have not yet been collected, true for all other client vouchers. |
client_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the client voucher. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client the voucher was sold to. |
client_package_id | integer | If this client voucher was sold as part of a package, the ID of the client package. (Special Note: Unlinked Client Package Items) |
client_package | ClientPackage | A minimal Client Package object, to provide the package id and expiry if this client voucher was sold as part of a package. |
client_voucher_items | ClientVoucherItem[] | The list of client voucher items included in the client voucher. Must be specifically requested using expanded fields. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client voucher. |
date | string | The date of this client voucher - usually the same as date_created , but can be changed if the transaction date has been changed. |
date_created | string | The date this client voucher was created. |
discount_type_id | integer | The discount type ID of the client voucher, or 0 for none. Obsolete - use discounts instead. |
discounts | Discount | The list of discounts applied to the client voucher. |
expiry_date | string | The expiry date of the client voucher. Omitted if the voucher never expires. |
linked_client_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the client voucher from a linked transaction, eg. if a client voucher was refunded, the original client voucher will have the refunded client voucher's ID here, and vice versa. |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who sold the voucher. |
operator | Operator | Expanded field of operator_id . The operator who sold the voucher. |
online_booking_last_sent_date | string | The date the client voucher was last sent via Online Bookings. |
online_booking_last_sent_email | string | The email the client voucher was last sent to via Online Bookings. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved client voucher. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
pos_original_price | decimal | The original or standard price of the voucher, before any discount is applied. Only set when using POS or Transaction API calls. |
price | decimal | The price of the client voucher. |
promo_code_discount | DiscountType | If promo_code was specified and the matching discount can be applied to this client voucher, then the details of the discount found for the promo_code will be returned here. This field is only included when relevant (ie. with a POS-related API call). |
refund | boolean | Whether this client voucher is a refund. |
sold_in_client_package | boolean | Whether the client voucher was purchased as part of a package. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID of the client voucher, or 0 for none. |
type | string | The voucher type. Valid values are cash or item . |
value | decimal | The remaining value of a cash type voucher. |
voucher_id | integer | The ID of the voucher sold to the client. |
voucher | Voucher | A minimal Voucher object, to provide the voucher name. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
barcode | string | The barcode to retrieve client vouchers for. | |
claimed | boolean | false for client vouchers purchased as part of a package, that have not yet been collected, true for all other client vouchers. If omitted, returns both. |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve client vouchers for. | |
client_package_expired | boolean | true for client vouchers purchased as part of a package that have expired, false for all other client vouchers. If omitted, returns both. |
client_package_id | integer | The client package ID to retrieve client vouchers for, or 0 for none. (Special Note: Unlinked Client Package Items) |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client vouchers for. If omitted, and client_id is also omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
date_created_min | string | The creation date to retrieve client vouchers from (inclusive). | |
date_created_max | string | The creation date to retrieve client vouchers to (exclusive). | |
expired | boolean | true for client vouchers that have expired, false for all other client vouchers. If omitted, returns both. |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The online booking client ID to filter by. client_id must be omitted, and company_id must be specified. Must include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve client vouchers for. | |
search_all_dome | boolean | If you are in a dome, setting this to true will search for client vouchers across all companies. If omitted, defaults to false to search only the user's company. |
sold_in_client_package | boolean | true for client vouchers purchased as part of a package, false for all other client vouchers. If omitted, returns both. |
type | string | The voucher type to filter by. Valid values are cash or item . If omitted, returns both. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID to retrieve client vouchers for, or 0 for none. If omitted, returns both. |
voucher_id | integer | The voucher ID to retrieve client vouchers for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_voucher_item_id | integer | The ID of the client voucher item. |
client_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the client voucher. |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | The client voucher. Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the client voucher item. |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product (if the type is a product ). |
product | Product | The product (if the type is a product ). Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
quantity_remaining | integer | The number of this item remaining in the client voucher. |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service (if the type is a service ). |
service | Service | The service (if the type is a service ). Must specifically request this field via expanded_fields . |
type | string | The type of this item. Valid values are product or service . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_voucher_id | integer | required* |
The client voucher ID to retrieve client voucher items for. Must specify either client_voucher_id or client_id . |
client_id | integer | required* |
The client ID to retrieve client voucher items for. Must specify either client_voucher_id or client_id . |
all_quantity_used | boolean | If true , returns only client voucher inclusion items where all the quantity has been used. If false , returns only client voucher inclusion items where there is still some quantity remaining. If omitted, returns both. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client voucher items for. | |
type | string | The type of client voucher inclusion items to return. Valid values are product or service . If omitted, returns both. |
Client Payment Types
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"online_booking_client_id": 2828,
"gateway": "slick",
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"client_payment_types": [
"online_booking_client_id": 2828,
"gateway": "slick",
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "external_id",
"value": "3490"
"extra_field": "card_number",
"value": "#### #### #### 4242"
Get a list of client payment types.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_payment_type/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientPaymentTypeFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the client payment type list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_payment_types | ClientPaymentType[] | The list of client payment types matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"online_booking_client_id": 2828,
"gateway": "slick",
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "token",
"value": "tok_1JUkoX2eZvKYlo2CF0CEp82y"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"online_booking_client_id": 2828,
"gateway": "slick",
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "external_id",
"value": "3490"
"extra_field": "card_number",
"value": "#### #### #### 4242"
Adds a new client payment type.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_payment_type/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_payment_type | ClientPaymentType | required |
The client payment type to add. |
client_payment_type.extra_fields | string[] | The extra field keys required by this client payment type for an add. See Client Payment Type Extra Fields for that gateway . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client_payment_type | ClientPaymentType | The new client payment type. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"online_booking_client_id": 2828,
"gateway": "slick",
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "external_id",
"value": "3490"
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a client payment type.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/client_payment_type/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The ID of the online booking client that the client payment type is linked to. | |
gateway | string | The gateway for this client payment type. | |
extra_fields | string[] | The extra field keys required by this client payment type for deletion. See Client Payment Type Extra Fields for that gateway . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Extra Fields
These are the Extra Fields used for client payment types.
The calls to Client Payment Method functions for the slick
gateway require the extra HTTP Header of the logged in Online Booking Client (matching the online_booking_client_id
) also passed in.
HTTP Headers
Header | Value |
Content-Type | Always application/json |
Authorization | Your Login Token for your Partner (in format: Bearer abcdef ). |
X-Online-Booking-Client-Token | The Online Booking Client Token returned for the online booking client who has logged in (either via Online Booking Client Login or Online Booking Client Add). |
Extra Field | Description | |
token | The Stripe token for the card to add to this Online Booking Client. To generate the token, use Stripe, with API key pk_test_i1rfWDOMQeHmEZiqk1ju2zoI for the Sandbox Test Environment, and pk_live_AVl0xnOWARieiUhBmF6FBiem for the live environment. |
Extra Field | Description | |
external_id | The ID of the card that can be charged. | |
card_number | The (obscured) credit card number. | |
card_type | The brand of credit card (eg. Visa or MasterCard ). |
Extra Field | Description | |
external_id | The ID of the card to delete. |
Client Payment Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The ID of the online booking client that the client payment type is linked to. |
gateway | string | The gateway for this client payment type. Valid values are slick . |
extra_fields | string[] | The extra field keys required by this client payment type. See Client Payment Type Extra Fields for that gateway . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
gateway | string | The gateway that the client payment type can be used for. Valid values are slick . |
online_booking_client_id | integer | The online booking client ID to filter by. Must specify gateway=slick and include the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP header of the logged in Online Booking Client. |
Campaign Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"campaign_id": 674644
Example Response:
"success": true,
"automatic": false,
"campaign_id": 674644,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"media": "email",
"name": "Confirmation Email",
"status": "sent",
"type": "confirmation"
Gets a single campaign.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/campaign/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
campaign_id | integer | required |
The ID of the campaign to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
campaign | Campaign | The campaign. |
Recipient List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"recipients": [
"appointment_id": 56789,
"campaign_id": 674644,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"recipient_id": 346919852,
"type": "client"
Get a list of recipients.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/campaign/recipient/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | RecipientFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the recipient list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField | Available fields for expanding are: campaign . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
recipients | Recipient[] | The list of campaign recipients matching the filters and page options. |
Recipient Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"recipient_id": 346919852
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointment_id": 56789,
"campaign_id": 674644,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"recipient_id": 346919852,
"type": "client"
Gets a single recipient.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/campaign/recipient/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
recipient_id | integer | required |
The ID of the recipient to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField | Available fields for expanding are: campaign . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
recipient | Recipient | The recipient. |
Message List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"recipient_id": 346919852,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"messages": [
"recipient_id": 346919852,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"external_id": "msg_anjfdhrfrd",
"message_id": 95463464466,
"message": "Happy Birthday! Enjoy 10% off for the whole month of your birthday.",
"status": "sent",
"type": "message_sent"
Get a list of message replies.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/campaign/recipient/message/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | MessageFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the message list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.sort_expression | string | Available fields for sorting are: date_sent (default) |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
messages | Message[] | The list of messages matching the filters and page options. |
Message Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"message_id": 95463464466
Example Response:
"success": true,
"recipient_id": 346919852,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"external_id": "msg_anjfdhrfrd",
"message_id": 95463464466,
"message": "Happy Birthday! Enjoy 10% off for the whole month of your birthday.",
"status": "sent",
"type": "message_sent"
Gets a single message.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/campaign/recipient/message/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
message_id | integer | required |
The ID of the message to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
message | Message | The message. |
Send Push
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222,
"title": "Client Arrived",
"message":"Client Joe has arrived for their 10:45am appointment.",
Example Response:
"success": true
Sends a push notification message to the relevant push devices.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/send/push
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the operator to send the push notification to. Must specify either operator_id or role_id . |
role_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the role to send the push notification to (a message will be sent to all operators of that role). Must specify either operator_id or role_id . |
category | string | required |
The category for the notification. Valid values are client_arrived or appointment_pending . |
message | string | required |
The content of the notification. |
title | string | required |
The title of the notification. |
expiry_date | string | The date when the message should be discarded, if not yet delivered. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Send SMS
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 2222,
"message":"Client Joe has arrived for their 10:45am appointment."
Example Response:
"success": true
Sends an SMS message to the client's mobile number.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/send/sms
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to send the message to. |
message | string | required |
The content of the message. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
campaign_id | integer | The ID of the created campaign. |
message_id | integer | The ID of the created message (may be empty if the message has been queued, but not yet sent). |
message | Message | The message (may be empty if the message has been queued, but not yet sent). |
recipient_id | integer | The ID of the created campaign recipient. |
Send Template
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"template_type": "booking_confirmation",
"appointment_id": 56789
Example Response:
"success": true
Sends a template message to the relevant operators/clients/users.
If a template_id
is specified, the media
for that template (email
, sms
or whatsapp
) will determine how the message is sent to the recipients.
If a template_type
is specified, and no media
is specified, the message will be sent via all default methods for that template type, eg. a reminder
message would be sent via SMS and Email, if both are enabled (and SMS is enabled and set up for the company).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/send/template
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
template_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the template to send - the media for this template (email , sms or whatsapp ) will determine how it is sent to the recipients. Must specify either template_id or template_type . |
template_type | string | required* |
The inbuilt template type to send. Must specify either template_id or template_type . Valid values are: reminder (requires appointment_id ), reminder_second (requires appointment_id ), booking_confirmation (requires appointment_id - sends to both operator and client, if enabled), confirmation (requires appointment_id - only sends to client), first_visit (requires client_id ), invoice (requires transaction_id ), new_client (requires client_id ), client_form (requires client_form_id ), voucher (requires client_voucher_id ). |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment this message relates to. | |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client to send this message to (not required if appointment_id , client_form_id or client_voucher_id are set - the message will be sent to the client linked to that item). |
client_form_id | string | The ID of the client form this message relates to. | |
client_voucher_id | string | The ID of the client voucher to send. | |
media | string | The media type to send the campaign via. Ignored if template_id is set. Valid values are: email , sms , whatsapp . |
operator_id | string | The ID of the operator to send this message to. | |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction this message relates to. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Send SMS Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"message": "Hi #ClientFirstName#, this is your reminder for your 10:45am appointment at #CompanyName#. Please make sure to fill out the new patient form. Reply Y to confirm 😄"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"credits": 3,
"character_count_used": 158,
"character_count_sms_gsm": 157,
"character_count_sms_remaining": 42,
"character_count_sms_used": 159,
"character_count_sms_unicode": 2,
"message": "Hi #ClientFirstName#, this is your reminder for your 10:45am appointment at Company A. Please make sure to fill out the new patient form. Reply Y to confirm 😄",
"message_single": "Hi #ClientFirstName#, this is your reminder for your 10:45am"
Estimates the cost of an SMS message.
A single SMS message can be 160 characters for a basic alphanumeric message, or 70 characters for a single message containing UTF8 characters (emojis, or international characters).
For a longer SMS message, the SMS can be sent as a combined SMS if enabled (see the company's allow_multiple_sms
setting). A combined SMS can be 612 characters for a basic alphanumeric message, or 268 characters for a message containing UTF8 characters.
Template tags relating to the company will have the correct value inserted before the estimate is made.
Other template tags may incur additional cost when sent. For example, when the length of an inserted tag value (eg. John B. Citizen
, 15 characters) is longer than the length of the tag used in the estimate (eg. #ClientName#
, 12 characters), and that length difference exceeds the character_count_sms_remaining
HTTP Request
POST /v1/send/sms/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
template_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the template to estimate price for. Must specify either template_id , template_type or message . |
template_type | string | required* |
The type of template to estimate price for. Valid values are: send_client_form . Must specify either template_id , template_type or message . |
message | string | required* |
The content of the message to estimate price for. Must specify either template_id , template_type or message . |
recipient_count | integer | The number of recipients the message will be sent to - to calculate the estimated total prices. If omitted, defaults to 1 . |
quote | boolean | If true , the response will include the current SMS balance data, and the estimated amount of that balance that will be used. This takes longer to return, and records the quote in the log, so it should only be true once the user indicates that they are ready to send the campaign. Basic character count checks should leave this as false . If omitted, defaults to false . |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: balance . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The current SMS balance data. Must be specifically requested using expanded fields or by setting quote=true . |
character_count_sms_remaining | integer | The number of characters remaining in this SMS message before another credit is required (special characters and/or emojis may require more than one character). |
character_count_sms_gsm | integer | The number of characters in this message that can be sent via GSM7 encoding (special characters may have required more than one GSM7 character). |
character_count_sms_unicode | integer | The number of characters in this message that require UTF8 encoding (special characters and/or emojis may have required more than one UTF8 character). |
character_count_sms_used | integer | The number of characters in this message when sent via SMS (special characters and/or emojis may have required more than one character). This will equal character_count_sms_gsm + character_count_sms_unicode . |
credits | integer | The estimated number of credits required to send this message to one recipient. If the company has disabled their allow_multiple_sms setting, any value greater than 1 means the message will not be sent at all. |
message | string | The final message used to estimate price. Company template tags will be replaced, and any characters exceeding the maximum for a combined SMS will be truncated. |
message_single | string | The message to send if you want to restrict the message to a single SMS (ie. if the company has disabled their allow_multiple_sms setting). Company template tags will be replaced, and any characters exceeding the maximum for a single SMS will be truncated. |
recipient_count | integer | The number of recipients the total_amount , free_credits_used , funds_used , and any upgrade recommendations, are based on. |
total_credits | decimal | The total estimated amount of credits for sending this message to this client_count . Does not take into account any free credits. This will equal credits x clent_count . |
free_credits_used | integer | The amount of free_credits estimated to be used by sending this message. This will be the lesser of balance.free_credits and total_credits . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
funds_used | decimal | The amount of funds estimated to be used by sending this message. This will equal (total_credits - free_credits_used ) x credit_price . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
funds_required | decimal | If funds_used is greater than balance.funds , this will be the difference. Otherwise, it will be 0 . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
topup_quote | SMSQuote | If funds_required is greater than 0 , this will be the detailed quote for purchasing the required topup amount. Note that topups are at set intervals, so the amount to purchase for topup (topup_quote.amount ) will usually be greater than the amount in funds_required . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
Send WhatsApp
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 2222,
"message":"Client Joe has arrived for their 10:45am appointment."
Example Response:
"success": true
Sends a WhatsApp message to the client's mobile number.
Note that ad-hoc WhatsApp messages can only be sent to clients that have responded to a WhatsApp message in the last 24 hours.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/send/whatsapp
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to send the message to. |
message | string | required |
The content of the message. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Send WhatsApp Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"message": "Hi #ClientFirstName#, this is your reminder for your 10:45am appointment at #CompanyName#. Please make sure to fill out the new patient form. Reply Y to confirm 😄"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"credits": 3,
"message": "Hi #ClientFirstName#, this is your reminder for your 10:45am appointment at Company A. Please make sure to fill out the new patient form. Reply Y to confirm 😄"
Estimates the cost of a WhatsApp message.
A single WhatsApp message can be up to 4096 characters
Template tags relating to the company will have the correct value inserted before the estimate is made.
Other template tags may incur additional cost when sent. For example, when the length of an inserted tag value (eg. John B. Citizen
, 15 characters) is longer than the length of the tag used in the estimate (eg. #ClientName#
, 12 characters), and that length difference exceeds the character_count_sms_remaining
HTTP Request
POST /v1/send/whatsapp/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
template_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the template to estimate price for. Must specify either template_id , template_type or message . |
template_type | string | required* |
The type of template to estimate price for. Valid values are: send_client_form . Must specify either template_id , template_type or message . |
message | string | required* |
The content of the message to estimate price for. Must specify either template_id , template_type or message . |
client_id | integer | The client ID the message will be sent to - specifying this will allow us to check if the client has not sent the company a message in the last 24 hours (in which case an ad-hoc message is most likely to be rejected by WhatsApp). | |
recipient_count | integer | The number of recipients the message will be sent to - to calculate the estimated total prices. If omitted, defaults to 1 . |
quote | boolean | If true , the response will include the current WhatsApp balance data, and the estimated amount of that balance that will be used. This takes longer to return, and records the quote in the log, so it should only be true once the user indicates that they are ready to send the campaign. Basic character count checks should leave this as false . If omitted, defaults to false . |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: balance . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
balance | SMS Balance | The current WhatsApp balance data. Must be specifically requested using expanded fields or by setting quote=true . |
character_count_sms_remaining | integer | The number of characters remaining in this WhatsApp message. |
character_count_sms_used | integer | The number of characters in this message when sent via WhatsApp. |
credits | integer | The estimated number of credits required to send this message to one recipient. |
message | string | The final message used to estimate price. Company template tags will be replaced, and any characters exceeding the maximum length for a WhatsApp message will be truncated. |
recipient_count | integer | The number of recipients the total_amount , free_credits_used , funds_used , and any upgrade recommendations, are based on. |
total_credits | decimal | The total estimated amount of credits for sending this message to this client_count . Does not take into account any free credits. This will equal credits x clent_count . |
free_credits_used | integer | The amount of free_credits estimated to be used by sending this message. This will be the lesser of balance.free_credits and total_credits . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
funds_used | decimal | The amount of funds estimated to be used by sending this message. This will equal (total_credits - free_credits_used ) x credit_price . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
funds_required | decimal | If funds_used is greater than balance.funds , this will be the difference. Otherwise, it will be 0 . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
topup_quote | SMSQuote | If funds_required is greater than 0 , this will be the detailed quote for purchasing the required topup amount. Note that topups are at set intervals, so the amount to purchase for topup (topup_quote.amount ) will usually be greater than the amount in funds_required . Must be specifically requested by setting quote=true . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
campaign_id | integer | The ID of the campaign. |
automatic | boolean | true if this is an automatic/scheduled campaign, false if this campaign was manually queued. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the message. |
date_created | string | The date this message was created. |
media | string | The media type of campaign. Valid values are email , sms , whatsapp . |
name | string | The name of the campaign. |
template_id | integer | The ID of the template for this campaign. |
type | string | The type of campaign. Valid values are: adhoc , admin , birthday , confirmation , confirmation_with_invoice , client_form , client_membership , first_visit , invoice , no_recent_visit , one_touch_marketing , online_booking , online_booking_alert , order , reminder , reminder_second , voucher . |
status | string | The status of this campaign. Valid values are building , pending , sending , sent . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
date_created_min | string | required* |
The creation date to retrieve recipients from (inclusive). Required if campaign_id is omitted. |
date_created_max | string | required* |
The creation date to retrieve recipients to (exclusive). Required if campaign_id is omitted. |
campaign_id | integer | The campaign ID to retrieve recipients for. | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve recipients for. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve recipients for. | |
status | string | The recipient status to filter by. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
date_created_min | string | required* |
The creation date to retrieve message replies from (inclusive). Required if recipient_id is omitted. |
date_created_max | string | required* |
The creation date to retrieve message replies to (exclusive). Required if recipient_id is omitted. |
client_id | integer | The client ID to retrieve message replies for (when campaign.type=client ). |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve message replies for. | |
include_sent_dlr | boolean | If true , will include the dlr field on each message with type=message_sent . |
include_sent_reply_first | boolean | If true , will include the reply_first field on each message with type=message_sent . |
recipient_id | integer | The recipient ID to retrieve message replies for. | |
status | string | The message reply status to filter by. | |
type | string | The message reply type to filter by. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
recipient_id | integer | The ID of the campaign recipient. |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment this recipient relates to. |
campaign_id | integer | The ID of the campaign. |
campaign | Campaign | The campaign for this recipient. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields. |
client_id | integer | The client ID of the recipient (when type=client ). |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the recipient. |
date_created | string | The date this recipient was created. |
type | string | The type of recipient this message relates to. Valid values are adhoc , client , company , operator and supplier . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
message_id | integer | The ID of the message. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the message. |
date_created | string | The date this message was created. |
date_sent | string | The date this message was sent/received. |
dlr | Message | The delivery report (if any) for this message. Omitted if type!=message_sent . Must be specifically requested via include_sent_dlr . |
external_id | string | The ID returned from the provider for this message. |
recipient_id | integer | The ID of the campaign recipient this message relates to. |
recipient | Recipient | The campaign recipient for this message. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields. |
message_text | string | The text of the message. |
receiver | string | The receiver address. |
reply_first | Message | The first reply (if any) for this message. Omitted if type!=message_sent . Must be specifically requested via include_sent_reply_first . |
sender | string | The sender address. |
status | string | The status of this message. Valid values are none , sent (sent to the messaging provider), delivered (the messaging provider has reported that the message was delivered), read (the messaging provider has reported that the message was read) and failed . Note that the status will be updated on the type=message_sent reply, but not on any other messages with the same recipient_id - they will retain the status they had at creation. |
type | string | The type of message. Valid values are message_sent , message_received , dlr (delivery reports generated after the message is sent to the messaging provider) and send_error (errors generated before the message is sent to the messaging provider, or returned by the messaging provider when attempting to send). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
campaign_id | integer | The ID of the created campaign. |
message_id | integer | The ID of the created message (may be empty if the message has been queued, but not yet sent). |
message | Message | The message (may be empty if the message has been queued, but not yet sent). |
recipient_id | integer | The ID of the created campaign recipient. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"companies": [
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "Company A"
Get a list of companies. Only relevant for Dome companies.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/company/list
HTTP Headers
Header | Value | |
Content-Type | required |
Always application/json |
Authorization | required |
Your Login Token for your Partner (in format: Bearer abcdef ). |
X-Online-Booking-Client-Token | The Online Booking Client Token returned for the online booking client who has logged in (either via Online Booking Client Login or Online Booking Client Add). |
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | CompanyFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the company list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all companies. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: settings . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
companies | Company[] | The list of companies matching the filters. |
online_booking_latitude | decimal | The latitude of the country that companies were requested for. Only returned if online_booking_show=true , online_booking_search_country_code was specified, and online_booking_latitude /online_booking_latitude were not specified. |
online_booking_longitude | decimal | The longitude of the country that companies were requested for. Only returned if online_booking_show=true , online_booking_search_country_code was specified, and online_booking_latitude /online_booking_latitude were not specified. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "Company A"
Gets a single company.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/company/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the company to retrieve. Must specify either company_id , online_booking_company_id or online_booking_url_id . |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: settings . |
online_booking_company_id | integer | required* |
The online booking ID of the company to retrieve. Must specify either company_id , online_booking_company_id or online_booking_url_id . |
online_booking_url_id | integer | required* |
The online booking URL ID of the company to retrieve. Must specify either company_id , online_booking_company_id or online_booking_url_id . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
company | Company | The company. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"step": 1,
"company": {
"name": "Company A",
"contact_name": "Sally Owner",
"email": "",
Example Response:
"success": true,
"name": "Company A",
"contact_name": "Sally Owner",
"email": "",
Adds a company (depending on which step
is requested).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/company/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
step | integer | required |
The company add step to perform. Valid values are: 1 (add company with payment information), 2 (request mobile verification code), 3 (add company with mobile verification code). |
verification_token | integer | required |
The CAPTCHA verification token. |
billing_item | Billing Item | required* |
The plan to sign the company up to. Required when step is 1 or 3 . |
company | Company | required* |
The company to add. For step=1 and step=3 , must specify contact_name , email , mobile , name and country_code . For step=2 , must specify mobile and country_code . |
payment_token | string | required* |
The payment token to charge for this company add. Required when step=1 (except when slick=true or pending_payment=true ). |
verification_code | integer | required* |
The mobile verification code (sent previously from step=2 ). Required when step=3 . |
analytics_client_id | string | The user's Google Analytics client ID. | |
analytics_session_id | string | The user's Google Analytics session ID. | |
dome_company_id | integer | If set, this is the ID of the Dome company to link this company to. | |
dome_share_operators | bool | If true , all of the Dome's operators will be shared down to this company (if subscription plan allows). Ignored if dome_company_id is not set. |
dome_share_products | bool | If true , all of the Dome's products will be shared down to this company. Ignored if dome_company_id is not set. |
dome_share_services | bool | If true , all of the Dome's services will be shared down to this company. Ignored if dome_company_id is not set. |
options | Billing Item[] | Any optional (once-off) items to purchase along with the base plan. | |
pending_payment | bool | If true , the company will request payment at first login. |
promo_code | string | The promotion code for this company add. | |
referral_code | string | The referral code for this company add. | |
slick | boolean | If true , this is a Slick company add. |
server_id | integer | If set, this company will be added to this specific server. | |
sms_opt_in | bool | If true , the company has explicitly opted in to receive SMS from Simple Salon. |
third_party_data | string | The third party, for signups directly from third parties. | |
third_party_redirect_url | string | The third party URL to redirect to after a successful signup, for signups directly from third parties. | |
verification_code_media | string | The media to send the mobile verification code via. Valid values are: sms , whatsapp . If omitted, defaults to sms . Ignored if step is not 2 . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
company | Company | The company (if step is 1 or 3 ). |
mobile | string | The full mobile number the verification code was sent to, including country code (if step is 2 ). |
redirect_to | string | The third party URL to redirect back to, if this was a signup from a third party. |
Category List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"online_booking_categories": [
"key": "hair",
"name": "Hair"
Get a list of company categories. Always returns all categories.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/company/category/list
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
online_booking_categories | CompanyCategory[] | The list of company categories. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company. |
dome | boolean | true if the company is a Dome parent company. |
dome_company_id | integer | The ID of the company's dome parent, if any. |
dome_online_booking_company_id | integer | The ID of the company's dome parent online booking store, if any. |
address_line1 | string | The street address of the company's postal address. |
address_suburb | string | The suburb of the company's postal address. |
address_postcode | string | The postcode/zipcode of the company's postal address. |
address_state_id | integer | The geographical state ID of the company's postal address. |
address_state | State | Expanded field of address_state_id . The geographical state of the company's postal address. |
country_code | string | The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the company's country. |
country | Country | Expanded field of country_code . The company's country. |
currency_code | string | The 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the company's currency. |
currency_symbol | string | The company's currency symbol. |
name | string | The name of the company. |
online_booking_categories | CompanyCategory[] | The selected online booking categories for this company. |
online_booking_company_id | integer | The company's online booking store ID. |
online_booking_favourite | boolean | Whether the company is a favourite of the specified Online Booking client. Requires the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP Header to be specified in the request. |
online_booking_search_distance | decimal | The distance in kilometres from the search location. Only included when a search location (online_booking_latitude /online_booking_longitude or online_booking_search_country_code ) has been provided in the request. |
phone | string | The telephone number of the company. |
settings | Setting[] | The list of settings for this company. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields. |
status | string | The status of this company. Valid values are: active , closed , closed_permanently , free_trial , free_trial_ended , on_hold , pending_suspension , suspended . |
status_end_date | string | If status is free_trial , on_hold or pending_suspension , this field has the date that the company will change to free_trial_ended , active or suspended , respectively. |
website | string | The website address of the company. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The ID key of the online booking company category. |
name | string | The name of the online booking company category. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
dome_company_id | integer | The company ID of the Dome to retrieve child companies for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
online_booking_category_keys | string[] | The ID keys of online booking categories to filter by. If multiple categories are specified, companies matching any of the specified categories will be returned. Must also specify online_booking_show=true , and both online_booking_latitude and online_booking_longitude or online_booking_search_country_code . |
online_booking_favourite | boolean | Returns companies that are favourites of the specified Online Booking client (requires the X-Online-Booking-Client-Token HTTP Header to be specified in the request). Ignored if online_booking_show is not true . Fields online_booking_category_keys , online_booking_latitude , online_booking_longitude , online_booking_search_radius , online_booking_search_country_code are ignored if this field is specified. |
online_booking_latitude | decimal | The geographic latitude of the place to search for online booking companies. Must also specify online_booking_longitude , and online_booking_show=true . |
online_booking_longitude | decimal | The geographic longitude of the place to search for online booking companies. Must also specify online_booking_latitude , and online_booking_show=true . |
online_booking_search_radius | decimal | The radius to search around the specified online_booking_latitude /online_booking_longitude or online_booking_search_country_code . If omitted, searches 1km, expands to 5km if none found, expands to 10km if none found, then returns the nearest location regardless of distance if none found within 10km. Must also specify online_booking_show=true , and both online_booking_latitude and online_booking_longitude or online_booking_search_country_code . |
online_booking_search_country_code | string | The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country, if you cannot get an exact online_booking_latitude and online_booking_longitude (ie. if GPS permission is denied). Must also specify online_booking_show=true . The online_booking_latitude and online_booking_longitude of that country will be returned. |
online_booking_show | boolean | The online booking visibility to filter by. If omitted, returns all. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"countries": [
"country_code": "AU",
"display_priority": 100,
"name": "Australia",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"currency_code": "AUD",
"phone_prefix": 61,
"sms_opt_in_required": false
Get a list of countries.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/country/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.rows_per_page | integer | Can be set to -1 to retrieve all matching countries. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
countries | Country[] | The list of countries matching the filters. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
country_code | string | The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country. |
currency_symbol | string | The default currency symbol to use when displaying prices. |
currency_code | string | The default 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the country's currency. |
display_priority | integer | The priority to display the country in - a higher number indicates the country should appear first. When display_priority is equal, order alphabetically by name . |
name | string | The country's name. |
phone_prefix | integer | The default telephone prefix of the country. |
sms_opt_in_required | boolean | If true , SMS Opt In must be shown for this country before enabling any SMS features. For example, if your integration allows a new Client to sign up via a web form, explicit consent for SMS must be obtained before setting sms_reminders_enabled or sms_promotions_enabled to true . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
discount_id | integer | The ID of the discount. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the discount. |
appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment (if the type is a appointment ). |
client_package_id | integer | The ID of the client package (if the type is a client_package ). |
client_product_id | integer | The ID of the client product (if the type is a client_product ). |
client_membership_id | integer | The ID of the client membership (if the type is a client_membership ). |
client_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the client voucher (if the type is a client_voucher ). |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the discount type. |
date_created | string | The date the discount was created. |
discount_type_id | integer | The ID of the Discount Type. |
discount_type | Discount Type[] | The discount type. |
item_type | string | The type of item this discount is applied to. Valid values are appointment , client_package , client_product , client_membership , client_voucher . |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the Operator who applied the discount. |
order | integer | The order this discount should be applied to the item, for multiple discounts. Note that discounts with transaction_discount=true must be after all the discounts with transaction_discount=false . |
original_price | decimal | The price before the discount was applied ie. the price that the discount was calculated on for a percentage item discount. |
pin_transaction_discount | boolean | If true , this Transaction Discount will be pinned to the item, and retrieved at the time that it is loaded into POS. Ignored if transaction_discount is false . |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved discount. Only used in the POS Transaction Price Check and Add Transaction API calls. Required for Transaction Discount. |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax adjusted by the discount. |
transaction_discount | boolean | If true , this discount is a Transaction Discount. If false , this discount is applied to the individual item. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the Transaction this discount is applied to. |
Special Values
Transaction Discount
If transaction_discount
is true
, this discount has been applied to the whole transaction, not just this particular item. The entry on this particular item shows only the proportion of discount applied to this one item.
For example, a transaction with a price=10.00
appointment and a price=30.00
client product, with a $10.00
transaction discount applied, will have a discounts
entry for the appointment (amount=2.50
) and a discounts
entry for the client product (amount=7.50
Transaction Discounts must have pos_id
set when sent, to enable them to be distinguished if multiple transaction discounts are applied.
Transaction Discounts do not apply to Tips or Account Values - percentage Transaction Discount types are calculated on the transaction amount
minus these item amounts, and there will not be a discounts
entry created on these items.
Discount Types
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"discount_types": [
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
Get a list of discount types.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/discount_type/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | DiscountTypeFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the discount type list |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company requesting the list. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all discount types. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
discount_types | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"discount_type_id": 7171
Example Response:
"success": true,
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
Gets a single discount type.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/discount_type/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
discount_type_id | integer | required |
The ID of the discount type to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
discount_type | DiscountType | The discount type. |
Discount Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
discount_type_id | integer | The ID of the discount type. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the discount type. |
apply_automatically | boolean | true if this discount type is set to apply to eligible items automatically, false if it's not. |
available_instore | boolean | Whether this discount type is available for in store transactions. |
available_online | boolean | Whether this discount type is available for online transactions. |
client_category_ids | integer[] | The list of client category IDs this discount type is permitted to be applied to. If omitted, all clients regardless of their categories are permitted. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the discount type. |
discount_type | string | The type of discount type. Valid values are $ and % . |
discount_type_item_id | integer | The discount type item that matched the specified item. Only set for POS Price Check calls. If set, the amount and discount_type fields have also been updated to match any override for this Discount Type Item. |
discount_type_items | DiscountTypeItem[] | The list of items this discount type is permitted to be applied to. If omitted, this discount type can be applied to any item. |
name | string | The name of the discount type. |
promo_code | string | The promotion code of the discount type. |
role_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the operator Roles who are permitted to apply this discount type. If omitted, all roles are permitted. |
available_days | string[] | The list of days this discount type is eligible to be applied on. If omitted, no days are permitted (this discount type cannot be applied at all). |
time_start | string | If this discount type is limited to a specific date range, the date from which this discount type is permitted to be applied. If omitted, this discount type is not limited to specific dates. See Dates. |
time_end | string | If this discount type is limited to a specific date range, the date to which this discount type is permitted to be applied. If omitted, this discount type is not limited to specific dates. See Dates. |
Discount Type Item
Parameter | Type | Description |
discount_type_item_id | integer | The ID of the discount type item. |
amount | decimal | The amount of the discount type item. Only present if override_amount is true . |
available_instore | boolean | Whether this discount type item is available for in store transactions. Only present if override_available is true . |
available_online | boolean | Whether this discount type item is available for online transactions. Only present if override_available is true . |
discount_type | string | The type of discount. Valid values are $ and % . Only present if override_amount is true . |
brand_id | integer | The ID of the brand (if the type is a brand ). |
category_id | integer | The ID of the category (if the type is a category ). |
membership_id | integer | The ID of the membership (if the type is a membership ). |
override_amount | boolean | true if this discount type item has its own amount and discount_type . false if it uses the discount type's amount and discount_type . |
override_available | boolean | true if this discount type item has its own available_instore and available_online . false if it uses the discount type's available_instore and available_online . |
package_id | integer | The ID of the package (if the type is a package ). |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product (if the type is a product ). |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service (if the type is a service ). |
type | string | The type of this item. Valid values are product , service , package , membership , brand , category , all_products , all_services , all_packages , all_memberships or transaction . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
available_instore | boolean | Only returns discount types available for in store transactions. |
available_online | boolean | Only returns discount types available for online transactions. |
client_ids | integer[] | Only return discounts that can be applied to this list of clients (based on their Client Categories and/or Client Memberships). If any client has a match for the discount, the discount will be returned. If an empty list is sent, all discounts restricted by client will be excluded. |
day | string | The day of the week to filter discounts by. Discounts that are not restricted by day will also be returned. |
item_type | string | The DiscountTypeItem type restriction to filter by. Valid values are all (discounts which have no item restrictions), product , service , package , membership , brand , category , all_products , all_services , all_packages , all_memberships or transaction . |
promo_code | string | The promotion code to filter discounts by. |
promo_code_partial_match | boolean | Whether to search for a partial match for promo_code field - eg. if you send 20 you will get results that contain 20: 20OFF , 2020SALE , FIRST20 . Ignored if promo_code is omitted. |
role_id | integer | The Role ID to filter by. Discounts that are not restricted by role will also be returned. |
time | string | Only return discounts that can be applied on this date (discounts that contain this date in their limited date range, as well as discounts that are not limited by date range). Automatically applies the day filter if it was omitted. See Dates. |
Special Values
System Discount
A discount_type_id
value of -1
indicates a System Discount. The System Discount can only be set by the system (it cannot be set by the user), and if an item has a System Discount applied, it cannot be changed to another type of discount.
System Discount reasons can include (but are not limited to):
- when a group service has a Price Override, the included services have their prices adjusted accordingly, and will show the adjustment as a System Discount.
- when a group service has a discount applied, the included services have their prices adjusted accordingly, and will show the adjustment as a System Discount.
- when a service has its price updated, and the user chooses not to apply the new pricing to existing future appointments, those appointments remain at the original price, and will show the adjustment as a System Discount.
Custom Discount
A discount_type_id
value of -2
indicates a Custom Discount. This is an ad-hoc price change applied by a user (restricted to certain users based on the price_update_minimum_role_id
setting) that does not use an existing discount type.
End of Session
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"today": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"cash_to_deposit": 0.00,
"closed": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"end_of_session_date": "2019-01-01T17:00:00+11:00",
"end_of_session_id": 808877,
"next_session_float": 0.00
Gets a single end of session.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/end_of_session/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
end_of_session_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the end of session to retrieve. Must specify either end_of_session_id or today=true . |
today | boolean | required* |
If true , retrieves the session for the company's current date. Must specify either end_of_session_id or today=true . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company to retrieve today's end of session from. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Ignored if end_of_session_id is specified. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
end_of_session | EndOfSession | The end of session. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"cash_to_deposit": 0.00,
"closed": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"end_of_session_date": "2019-01-01T17:00:00+11:00",
"end_of_session_id": 808877,
"next_session_float": 0.00
Adds a new end of session.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/end_of_session/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
end_of_session | EndOfSession | required |
The end of session to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
end_of_session_id | This field must be omitted. |
end_of_session_date | Defaults to today if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
end_of_session | EndOfSession | The new end of session. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"end_of_session_id": 808877,
"cash_to_deposit": 30.00,
"closed": true,
"next_session_float": 200.00,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"cash_to_deposit": 0.00,
"closed": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"end_of_session_date": "2019-01-01T17:00:00+11:00",
"end_of_session_id": 808877,
"next_session_float": 200.00
Updates an (unfinished) end of session.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/end_of_session/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
end_of_session | EndOfSession | required |
The end of session to update. Must specify end_of_session_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
end_of_session_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
end_of_session_date | This field cannot be changed. |
end_of_session_items | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
end_of_session | EndOfSession | The updated end of session. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"end_of_session_id": 808877
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes an (unfinished) end of session.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/end_of_session/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
end_of_session_id | integer | required |
The ID of the end of session to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"end_of_session_id": 808877
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"end_of_session_items": [
"amount_expected": 222.15,
"comments": "",
"count": 3,
"end_of_session_id": 808877,
"end_of_session_item_id": 5924554,
"payment_type": {
"name": "Cash",
"payment_type_id": 1
"payment_type_id": 1
Get a list of end of session items.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/end_of_session_item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | EndOfSessionItemFilter | The filters to apply to the end of session item list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all end of session items. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
end_of_session_items | EndOfSessionItem[] | The list of end of session items. |
Item Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"amount_actual": 232.15,
"comments": "Found an extra $10 on shop floor",
"end_of_session_item_id": 5924554
Example Response:
"success": true,
"amount_actual": 232.15,
"amount_expected": 222.15,
"comments": "Found an extra $10 on shop floor",
"count": 3,
"end_of_session_id": 808877,
"end_of_session_item_id": 5924554,
"payment_type": {
"name": "Cash",
"payment_type_id": 1
"payment_type_id": 1
Updates an end of session item.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/end_of_session_item/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
end_of_session_item | EndOfSessionItem | required |
The end of session item to update. Must specify end_of_session_item_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
end_of_session_item_id | This field cannot be changed. |
amount_expected | This field cannot be changed. |
amount_difference | This field cannot be changed. |
count | This field cannot be changed. |
payment_type_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
end_of_session_item | EndOfSessionItem | The updated end of session item. |
End of Session
Parameter | Type | Description |
end_of_session_id | integer | The ID of the end of session. |
cash_to_deposit | decimal | The amount of cash to deposit at the bank once the session is closed. |
closed | boolean | Whether this session has been closed. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the end of session. |
end_of_session_date | string | The date of this end of session. See Dates. |
end_of_session_items | EndOfSessionItem[] | The list of end of session items. |
next_session_float | decimal | The amount of cash to keep in the drawer for the next session. |
End of Session Item
Parameter | Type | Description |
end_of_session_item_id | integer | The ID of the end of session item. |
amount_actual | decimal | The amount of this payment method. |
amount_difference | decimal | The difference between the expected amount and actual amount (amount_actual - amount_expected ). This field is read-only. Omitted if amount_actual has not yet been set. |
amount_expected | decimal | The amount of this payment method expected. |
comments | string | The comments, for when the amount_expected does not equal amount_actual . |
count | integer | The number of transactions of this payment type. |
end_of_session_id | integer | The ID of the end of session. |
payment_type_id | integer | The ID of the payment type. |
payment_type | PaymentType | The payment type. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
end_of_session_id | integer | required |
The end of session ID to retrieve end of session items for. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"forms": [
"auto_lock": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988877,
"name": "New Client Form"
Get a list of forms.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/form/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | FormFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the form list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
forms | Form[] | The list of forms matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"form_id": 3988877
Example Response:
"success": true,
"auto_lock": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988877,
"name": "New Client Form"
Gets a single form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/form/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
form_id | integer | required |
The ID of the form to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
form | Form | The form. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"form": {
"name": "Allergy screening"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"auto_lock": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988878,
"name": "Allergy screening"
Adds a new form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/form/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
form | Form | required |
The form to add. Omitted or null fields are left as default values. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
form | Form | The added form. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"form_id": 3988877,
"auto_lock": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"auto_lock": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"form_id": 3988877,
"name": "New Client Form"
Updates an existing form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/form/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
form | Form | required |
The form to update. Must specify form_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
form | Form | The updated form. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"form_id": 3988877
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a form.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/form/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
form_id | integer | required |
The ID of the form to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Template List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"form_templates": [
"form_template_id": 3988877,
"name": "New Client Form Template",
"description": "A form for collecting extra details from new clients",
"created_by": "Simple Salon"
Get a list of form templates.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/form/template/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page. You can set rows_per_page: -1 to return all. |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
form_templates | FormTemplate[] | The list of form templates matching the page options. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company to retrieve forms for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
form_id | integer | The ID of the form. |
auto_lock | boolean | If true , Client Forms will be set to locked=true once completed. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the form. This field is read-only. |
date_created | string | The date this form was created. |
edit_url | string | The URL to visit to edit the form. |
name | string | The name of the form. |
preview_url | string | The URL to visit to preview the form the client will see. |
Form Template
Parameter | Type | Description |
form_template_id | integer | The ID of the form template. Note that system form template IDs may not be unique when compared to non-system form template IDs. |
created_by | string | The name of the company who created the form template. |
description | string | A description of the form template. |
name | string | The name of the form template. |
preview_url | string | The URL to visit to preview the form template. |
is_system | boolean | true if the form template is a system template, or false if the form template is a template created by a Dome company. |
Item Files
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "product",
"product_id": 5555
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"item_files": [
"item_file_id": 87294,
"type": "product",
"display_order": 0,
"product_id": 5555,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "ShampooBottle.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Get a list of files associated with an item.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/item_file/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ItemFileFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the item file list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all item files (depending on the logged in user's permissions). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
item_files | ItemFile[] | The list of item files matching the filters and page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"item_file_id": 87294
Example Response:
"success": true,
"item_file_id": 87294,
"type": "product",
"display_order": 0,
"product_id": 5555,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "ShampooBottle.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Gets a single item file.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/item_file/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
item_file_id | integer | required |
The ID of the item file to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
item_file | ItemFile | The item file. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "product",
"item_id": 5555,
"display_order": 1,
"display_filename": "ShampooBottleRear.jpg"
"replace": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"item_file_id": 87295,
"type": "product",
"display_order": 1,
"product_id": 5555,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "ShampooBottleRear.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Adds a new item file. This will create an upload request with an upload_url
for you to Complete the Upload.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/item_file/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
item_file | ItemFile | required |
The item file to add. Omitted or null fields are left as default values. |
replace | boolean | If true , any other item files matching this type , *_id and display_order will be deleted (once the file is uploaded successfully). Defaults to false . |
Field | Notes for Add |
item_file_id | This field cannot be set. |
type | This field is required, along with the matching ID field (eg. if type=brand then brand_id is required). |
display_filename | This field is required. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
item_file | ItemFile | The added item file awaiting upload. |
Complete the Upload
Create a binary PUT request to the provided upload_url
(from the Add Item File call), and include your file, as well as the content type of the file in the header (Eg. Content-Type: image/jpeg
After the upload is complete, it may take a few moments to appear in the item's list of files.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"item_file_id": 87294,
"display_filename": "ShampooBottleFront.jpg"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"item_file_id": 87294,
"type": "product",
"display_order": 0,
"product_id": 5555,
"company_id": 12345,
"content_type": "image/jpeg",
"date_created": "2020-01-01T12:00:00+11:00",
"display_filename": "ShampooBottleFront.jpg",
"storage_filename": "",
"storage_thumbnailfilename": ""
Updates an existing item file.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/item_file/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
item_file | ItemFile | required |
The item file to update. Must specify item_file_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
type | This field cannot be changed, neither can the corresponding ID field (eg. if type=brand then brand_id cannot be changed). |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
item_file | ItemFile | The updated item file. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"item_file_id": 87294
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes an item file.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/item_file/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
item_file_id | integer | required |
The ID of the item file to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
item_file_ids | integer[] | required* |
The IDs of the item files to retrieve. Must include either item_file_ids or type . |
type | string | required* |
The type of item to retrieve files for. See ItemFile for valid values. An item ID field is also required. Must include either item_file_ids or type . |
brand_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Brand to retrieve files for. Required if type=brand . |
category_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Category to retrieve files for. Required if type=category . |
membership_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Membership to retrieve files for. Required if type=membership . |
operator_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Operator to retrieve files for. Required if type=operator . |
package_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Package to retrieve files for. Required if type=package . |
product_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Product to retrieve files for. Required if type=product . |
service_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Service to retrieve files for. Required if type=service . |
voucher_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the Voucher to retrieve files for. Required if type=voucher . |
display_order | integer | The specific display_order to retrieve item files for - for example, retrieve the Main image for the item by sending 0 . |
images_only | string | Item files with a content_type that begins with image/ . |
files_only | string | Item files with a content_type that does not begin with image/ . |
main_image | boolean | If true , this filter returns the Main image for the item (the one with display_order=0 ). Additionally, if a Main image is not set for this item, this filter will check the item's brand/category for its Main image as a fallback instead. Requires type and an item ID field set. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
item_file_id | integer | The ID of the item file. |
brand_id | integer | The ID of the Brand, if type=brand . |
category_id | integer | The ID of the Category, if type=category . |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the item. This field is read-only. |
content_type | string | The content type of the item file. |
created_operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the operator who uploaded the file. If set, created_user_id will be omitted. |
created_operator | Operator | Expanded field of created_operator_id . The operator who uploaded the file. |
created_user_id | integer | The user ID of the user who uploaded the file. If set, created_operator_id will be omitted. |
created_user | User | Expanded field of created_user_id . The user who uploaded the file. |
date_created | string | The date this item file was created. |
display_filename | string | The filename to use when displaying this file. It must end in the file's extension eg. .jpg . Only files with an image extension (.jpg/.gif/.png ) will have thumbnails created. |
display_order | integer | The order to display this item file - from lowest to highest. The Main image for the item has display_order=0 . Only one item file can have display_order=0 for each type and *_id combination - if an item file is added/updated with display_order=0 , any other item files for that item that have display_order=0 will be automatically updated to display_order=1 . |
membership_id | integer | The ID of the Membership, if type=membership . |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the Operator, if type=operator . |
package_id | integer | The ID of the Package, if type=package . |
product_id | integer | The ID of the Product, if type=product . |
service_id | integer | The ID of the Service, if type=service . |
voucher_id | integer | The ID of the Voucher, if type=voucher . |
storage_filename | string | The path to display the file. When the file is still awaiting upload, this field has the name of the file to upload. |
storage_thumbnailfilename | string | The path to display the file's thumbnail. |
type | string | The type of item this file is for. Valid values are: brand , category , membership , operator , package , product , service , voucher . |
upload_url | string | This field is only visible for an item file Add, while the file is awaiting upload. The path to upload your file to - the file must be named exactly as shown in the storage_filename field. |
Live Payment Types
Terminal List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"gateway": "stripe",
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"terminals": [
"external_id": "tmr_J6U4YwUIK1TX54H94WOwDKXx",
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "Front Bench",
"serial": "123-456-789",
"type": "verifone_P400",
"status": "online"
Get a list of live payment type terminals (if supported).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/payment_type/terminal/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
gateway | string | The Live Payment Gateway to request terminals from. If omitted, defaults to the default POS payment gateway for the company. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type. | |
filters | TerminalFilter | The filters to apply to the terminal list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all terminals (depending on third party support). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
terminals | Terminal[] | The list of terminals. |
Terminal Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"gateway": "stripe",
"external_id": "tmr_J6U4YwUIK1TX54H94WOwDKXx"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"terminal": {
"external_id": "tmr_J6U4YwUIK1TX54H94WOwDKXx",
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "Front Bench",
"serial": "123-456-789",
"type": "verifone_P400",
"status": "online"
Get a live payment type terminal (if supported).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/payment_type/terminal/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
gateway | string | The Live Payment Gateway to request the terminal from. If omitted, defaults to the default POS payment gateway for the company. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type. | |
terminal_id | string | required* |
The ID of the terminal. Must specify either terminal_id or external_id (depending on third party support). |
external_id | string | required* |
The ID of the terminal in the third party. Must specify either terminal_id or external_id (depending on third party support). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
terminal | Terminal | The terminal. |
Terminal Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"gateway": "stripe",
"pairing_code": "your-generated-code",
"name": "Front Bench"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"external_id": "tmr_J6U4YwUIK1TX54H94WOwDKXx",
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "Front Bench",
"serial": "123-456-789",
"type": "verifone_P400",
"status": "online"
Links a new terminal.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/payment_type/terminal/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
gateway | string | The Live Payment Gateway to request terminals from. If omitted, defaults to the default POS payment gateway for the company. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type. | |
terminal | Terminal | required |
The terminal to add. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
terminal | Terminal | The new terminal. |
Terminal Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"gateway": "worldline",
"terminal_id": 7458745
"ip_address": ""
Example Response:
"success": true,
"external_id": "tmr_J6U4YwUIK1TX54H94WOwDKXx",
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "Front Bench",
"serial": "123-456-789",
"type": "verifone_P400",
"status": "online"
Updates an existing terminal.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/payment_type/terminal/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
gateway | string | The Live Payment Gateway to update the terminal for. If omitted, defaults to the default POS payment gateway for the company. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type. | |
terminal | Terminal | required |
The terminal to update. |
Field | Notes for Update |
terminal_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
terminal | Terminal | The updated terminal. |
Terminal Delete
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"gateway": "stripe",
"external_id": "tmr_J6U4YwUIK1TX54H94WOwDKXx"
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a live payment type terminal (if supported).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/payment_type/terminal/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
gateway | string | The Live Payment Gateway to delete the terminal from. If omitted, defaults to the default POS payment gateway for the company. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type. | |
terminal_id | string | required* |
The ID of the terminal. Must specify either terminal_id or external_id (depending on third party support). |
external_id | string | required* |
The ID of the terminal in the third party. Must specify either terminal_id or external_id (depending on third party support). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
terminal | Terminal | The terminal. |
ANZ Worldline
Use with an ANZ Worldline terminal to take card payments in person.
See Request fields for ANZ Worldline for the request fields needed for the Add Payment call.
Notes for Terminals
- For the Terminal Add call,
are required.
ANZ Worldline sale
Use a hardware terminal to take a card payment in person:
- Call Terminal List to show the list of terminal readers for the user to select from (or if there's only one, get its
and proceed to the next step automatically) - Integrate with the ANZ Worldline Terminal API - connect to the selected terminal and process a
transaction. - Call Add Payment with your processed payment data.
ANZ Worldline refund
Use a hardware terminal to refund a card payment in person (note that this is not linked to an existing payment - it is a new payment that is a credit to their card instead of a charge):
- Call Terminal List to show the list of terminal readers for the user to select from (or if there's only one, get its
and proceed to the next step automatically) - Integrate with the ANZ Worldline Terminal API - connect to the selected terminal and process a
transaction. - Call Add Payment with your processed payment data.
ANZ Worldline void transaction
Use a hardware terminal to void a previously successful sale
or refund
- Call Terminal List to show the list of terminal readers for the user to select from (or if there's only one, get its
and proceed to the next step automatically) - Integrate with the ANZ Worldline Terminal API - connect to the selected terminal and process a
transaction, using thevoid_reference
extra field from the original payment as theTransSeq
value to void. - Call Delete Payment with your processed void payment data.
Gift Voucher
Looks up the provided gift voucher barcode against the gift vouchers sold in the system, and returns the amount that can be used.
For an item
voucher, the amount
returned is the total amount of the items in this transaction that can be claimed from this gift voucher - you must use the whole amount. For a cash
voucher, the amount
returned is the total amount remaining on the voucher - choose to use any amount equal to or less than this.
Request fields for Process Live Payment:
Required Fields | Value |
gateway | voucher |
barcode | The gift voucher's barcode. |
Response fields for Process Live Payment:
Extra Field | Value |
client_voucher_id | The ID of the client voucher matching this barcode. |
type | The voucher type. Valid values are cash or item . |
expiry_date | The expiry date of the client voucher. Omitted if the voucher never expires. |
purchased_by_name | The name of the client who purchased this voucher. |
Payment is not processed automatically - you must call Add Payment with your payment_type_id
and the returned client_voucher_id
and amount
Request fields for Add Payment:
Extra Field | Value |
client_voucher_id | The ID of the client voucher (returned from your Process Live Payment call). |
Use with a Resonance terminal to take card payments in person.
Request fields for Process Live Payment:
These required fields apply for both a sale
or refund
Required Fields | Value |
gateway | resonance |
mode | eftpos or afterpay . If omitted, defaults to eftpos . |
This call will trigger the Resonance terminal to begin taking payment. Once payment is confirmed, Resonance will automatically add the payment to the transaction - do not call Add Payment.
Poll Transaction Get until you see a payment processed with the same amount and gateway (that does not match a payment_id
you've already seen, eg. if there are two payments of the same amount through the same gateway, save the payment_id
against the first payment once it's processed, then when waiting for any subsequent payments, make sure they don't have the same payment_id
Take payment through Stripe.
Note that not all steps need to be performed - the process depends on what type of Stripe payment you are taking.
Stripe Terminal sale
Use a hardware terminal to take card payments in person (via Stripe Terminal Server-driven integration):
- Call Terminal List to show the list of Stripe readers for the user to select from (or if there's only one, get its
and proceed to the next step automatically) - Step 4: Send the terminal's
, and swipe/insert/tap the customer's card. - For testing, you can then call Step 6 to simulate swiping/inserting/tapping a Stripe test card to the terminal.
- Poll Step 5 until you see the payment
change torequires_capture
. - Call Step 3: Capture a Payment Intent
- The payment is processed and added to the transaction automatically in Step 3 - do not call Add Payment separately.
Use a hardware terminal to take card payments in person (via Stripe Terminal local SDK):
- Step 1: Request a Connection Token for using local Stripe Terminal
- Step 2: Create a Payment Intent
- Send the Payment Intent's
to the reader using the Stripe SDK you are using, and swipe/insert/tap the customer's card - Step 3: Capture a Payment Intent
- The payment is processed and added to the transaction automatically in Step 3 - do not call Add Payment separately.
Notes for Terminals:
- For the Terminal List call, there is no
returned, as Stripe does not provide this information. Only one page of results can be requested, however you can set therows_per_page
up to a maximum of100
. - For the Terminal Add call,
is required, andname
is optional. For testing, you can usepairing_code=simulated-s700
(see Stripe's testing notes) - For the Terminal Get and Terminal Delete calls,
is required.
Stripe Hosted Invoice sale
Use with a Stripe Hosted Invoice page to take card payments by sending the client a link:
- Step 1: Create a Stripe Invoice for the transaction
- The customer will complete payment via the invoice link
- The payment is processed and added to the transaction automatically once the customer has paid - do not call Add Payment separately. If there were no other pending payments, the transaction will automatically be completed.
Request fields for Process Live Payment for a sale
Terminal Step 1
Request a Connection Token for using Stripe Terminal. Only required if using a local Stripe Terminal SDK for connection.
Request Fields | Value |
mode | terminal |
step | 1 |
Response Extra Fields | Description |
connection_token | The connection token returned from Stripe. |
Terminal Step 2
Create a Payment Intent.
Request Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
mode | terminal | |
step | 2 |
Response Extra Fields | Description |
payment_intent_id | The ID of the payment intent created in Stripe. |
client_secret | The client secret of the payment intent created in Stripe, to use with a local Stripe Terminal SDK. |
Terminal Step 3
Capture a Payment Intent.
Request Fields | Value |
mode | terminal |
step | 3 |
barcode | The payment intent ID created in Step 2 or Step 4, that has now been linked to a payment (payment has been authorised in Stripe). |
Payment is processed automatically in Step 3, do not call Add Payment.
Terminal Step 4
Create a Payment Intent for the transaction and send it to the specified Terminal.
Request Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
mode | terminal | |
step | 4 | |
extra_fields | terminal_id | The external_id of the Stripe terminal to send the payment request to. |
Response Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
extra_fields | payment_intent_id | The payment intent ID that is awaiting a payment to be linked to it (eg. via swiping/inserting/tapping a card on the specified terminal). |
Payment is processed automatically once the card is swiped/inserted/tapped on the reader, do not call Add Payment.
Terminal Step 5
Present a test card to the specified Terminal. This step will not work in the live environment.
Request Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
mode | terminal | |
step | 5 | |
extra_fields | terminal_id | The external_id of the Stripe terminal to send the payment request to. |
test_card_number | The Stripe test card number to use, to test different scenarios. |
Response Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
extra_fields | status | The status of the Stripe payment intent. |
Terminal Step 6
Present a test card to the specified Terminal. This step will not work in the live environment.
Request Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
mode | terminal | |
step | 6 | |
extra_fields | terminal_id | The external_id of the Stripe terminal to send the payment request to. |
test_card_number | The Stripe test card number to use, to test different scenarios. |
Invoice Step 1
Create a Stripe Invoice for the transaction.
Request Fields | Extra Fields | Value |
mode | invoice | |
step | 1 | |
extra_fields | client_id | The ID of the client to create the invoice in Stripe for. If omitted, and the transaction has a single client, defaults to that client. If omitted, and there are multiple clients (or no clients) in the transaction, an error will be returned. |
expiry_minutes | The number of minutes the client has to pay the invoice before it is marked overdue in Stripe. Note that an overdue invoice can still be paid. If set to 0 or omitted, the invoice expires at the end of the day. |
send_email | Valid values are: stripe (the client will automatically be sent an email containing the invoice, from Stripe), none (no email is sent). If the client does not have an email address, an error will be returned if this field is anything but none . If omitted, defaults to none . |
A pending_payment
will be returned - a payment with an amount
of zero - to indicate that this transaction has been invoiced via Stripe. When the Stripe invoice is paid, the pending payment will be updated with the full payment data fields and amount
Response Extra Fields | Description |
invoice_url | The URL of the page where the client needs to go to arrange payment. |
The email address the invoice was sent to (ie. the email address of the client). |
Payment is processed automatically once the client has paid - do not call Add Payment. If there are no other pending payments remaining in the transaction, the transaction will automatically be completed.
Use with a Tyro hardware terminal to take card payments in person.
Notes for Terminals
- For the Terminal Add call,
are required. - For the Terminal Get and Terminal Delete calls, either
is required.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
status | string | The status of the terminal. Valid values are: online , offline . |
Parameter | Type | Description |
terminal_id | integer | The ID of the terminal. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the terminal. |
external_id | string | The ID of the terminal in the third party. |
gateway | string | The Live Payment Gateway this terminal is linked to. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type. |
merchant_id | string | The ID of the merchant in the third party. |
name | string | The name or description of the terminal. |
pairing_code | string | The pairing code for the terminal - only used for a Terminal Add call. |
serial | string | The serial number of the terminal. |
status | string | The status of the terminal. |
type | string | The hardware type of this terminal. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"memberships": [
"checkin_allowance_period_type": "start_date",
"checkin_allowance_type": "unlimited",
"checkin_service_id": 3333,
"company_id": 12345,
"expiry_type": "never",
"membership_id": 4646,
"minimum_cancellation_type": "none",
"name": "1 Year Upfront",
"payment_type": "upfront",
"setup_fee": 100.00,
"suspension_allowed": true,
"tax_free": true
Get a list of memberships.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/membership/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | MembershipFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the membership list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all memberships. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
memberships | Membership[] | The list of memberships matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"membership_id": 4646
Example Response:
"success": true,
"checkin_allowance_period_type": "start_date",
"checkin_allowance_type": "unlimited",
"checkin_service_id": 3333,
"company_id": 12345,
"expiry_type": "never",
"membership_id": 4646,
"minimum_cancellation_type": "none",
"name": "1 Year Upfront",
"payment_type": "upfront",
"setup_fee": 100.00,
"suspension_allowed": true,
"tax_free": true
Gets a single membership.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/membership/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
membership_id | integer | required |
The ID of the membership to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
membership | Membership | The membership. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"expiry_type": "never",
"name": "1 Year Upfront",
"payment_type": "upfront",
"setup_fee": 100.00
Example Response:
"success": true,
"expiry_type": "never",
"membership_id": 4646,
"name": "1 Year Upfront",
"payment_type": "upfront",
"setup_fee": 100.00
Adds a new membership.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/membership/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
membership | Membership | required |
The membership to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
membership_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
membership | Membership | The new membership. |
Sharing Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"membership_id": 4646,
"share": true
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates the sharing of a membership in a Dome.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/membership/sharing/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the membership to update sharing on. |
company_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the child companies to updating sharing on. |
share | boolean | required |
Set to true to share this membership with these companies. Set to false to remove sharing of this membership from these companies. |
replace | boolean | If true , any child companies not included in the company_ids list will also have their sharing updated to the opposite value of share . If false , child companies not included in the company_ids list will keep their existing sharing value for this membership. Defaults to false if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
memberships | Membership[] | The list of child memberships that were shared by this call. (Note: if you have set share=false and replace=true , you will get a list of the child memberships for all the other companies in the Dome). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
membership_id | integer | The ID of the membership. |
checkin_allowance_number | integer | The amount of check in visits included in the membership, in combination with checkin_allowance_type . |
checkin_allowance_period_type | string | When to reset the amount of check in visits for the next, in combination with checkin_allowance_type period. Valid values are calendar or start_date . Eg. if the membership was sold on a Thursday with a perweek check in allowance, then calendar would reset the allowance each Sunday, whereas start_date would reset the allowance every Thursday. |
checkin_allowance_type | string | The amount of check in visits included in the membership, in combination with checkin_allowance_number . Valid values are unlimited , perday , perweek , permonth or peryear . |
checkin_service_id | integer | The service ID to record when the client checks in. |
discount_type_id | integer | If this membership has a discount, the ID of the linked Discount Type. |
discount_type | DiscountType | Expanded field of discount_type_id . |
dome_membership_id | integer | The ID of the membership in the Dome. |
expiry_number | integer | The expiry length, in combination with expiry_type . Omitted if expiry_type is never . |
expiry_type | string | The expiry length, in combination with expiry_number . Valid values are never , days , weeks , months or years . |
includes_items | boolean | If true , this membership includes items that can be claimed every membership period (if payment_type=recurring ) or once per membership (if payment_type=upfront ). If false , no items are included. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this membership. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
maximum_suspension_number | decimal | The maximum suspension period length, in combination with maximum_suspension_type . Omitted if suspension_allowed is false or maximum_suspension_type is none . |
maximum_suspension_type | string | The maximum suspension period length. Valid values are none , weeks or months . Omitted if suspension_allowed is false . |
minimum_cancellation_number | decimal | The minimum cancellation period length, in combination with minimum_cancellation_type . Omitted if minimum_cancellation_type is none . |
minimum_cancellation_type | string | The minimum cancellation period length. Valid values are none , weeks or months . |
minimum_suspension_number | decimal | The minimum suspension period length, in combination with minimum_suspension_type . Omitted if suspension_allowed is false or minimum_suspension_type is none . |
minimum_suspension_type | string | The minimum suspension period length. Valid values are none , weeks or months . Omitted if suspension_allowed is false . |
name | string | The name of the membership. |
payment_type | string | The payment type of the membership. Valid values are upfront and recurring . |
reciprocal_rights | boolean | If true , the membership can be used at any location within a Dome. If false , the membership must be used at the location it was purchased. Omitted if the company is not part of a Dome. |
recurring_fee | decimal | The recurring fee, charged each recurring_type . Omitted if payment_type is upfront . |
recurring_type | string | The recurring period length. Valid values are weekly , fortnightly , monthly or fourweekly . Omitted if payment_type is upfront . |
setup_fee | decimal | The joining fee, charged at sale. |
suspension_allowed | boolean | If true , this type of membership can be suspended. |
tax | Tax Rate | The tax rate applied to this service. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
tax_free | boolean | If true , this membership does not have tax applied. |
tax_id_override | boolean | The specific Tax Rate to apply to this membership. If 0 , the default tax_for_memberships rate will be applied. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to filter by - if set, only memberships that this client has had previously (and paid for), or is having today (paid or unpaid), will be returned. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve memberships for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
dome_membership_id | integer | The dome membership ID to filter by. This will return the child location membership, if it exists in the specified company. If omitted, returns all. |
Opening Hours
Calculating the exact opening hours for a specific operator on a specific day involves several pieces of information:
First, check the setting for advanced_rostering
If advanced_rostering
is true
- Request the location's opening hours for the day (Opening Hours - List) - don't specify an
.- If the opening hours for the day are flagged as
, then this day is completely closed and you don't need to continue with the other steps.
- If the opening hours for the day are flagged as
- Timeslots outside of the opening hours'
are always closed. - Request the advanced roster for the operator and day (Rosters - List)
- For any timeslots between the opening hours'
that are covered by a roster:- If the
matches yours, use theallow_bookings
field on the roster's Roster Type to determine if the timeslot is open. - If the
doesn't match yours (ie. in a Dome - rosters for other locations will be returned) then this timeslot is closed for all other companies, including your company.
- If the
- For any timeslots between the opening hours'
that are not covered by a roster, check the settingauto_roster_off
: if it's on, then the timeslot defaults to closed, if it's off, then the timeslot defaults to open.
If advanced_rostering
is false
- Request the opening hours for the operator and day (Opening Hours - List) - specify an
.- If the opening hours for the day are flagged as
, then this day is completely closed and you don't need to continue with the other steps.
- If the opening hours for the day are flagged as
- Timeslots in between the opening hours'
are open, and timeslots outside oftime_start
are closed.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 1,
"total_rows": 1,
"hours": [
"hours_id": 998776,
"company_id": 12345,
"closed": false,
"day": "tuesday",
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"standard": false,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00"
Get a list of opening hours.
Currently returns all results (no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/hours/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | OpeningHoursFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the opening hours list |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
hours | Opening Hours[] | The list of opening hours matching the filters and page options. |
List Export
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-d '
"filename": "roster_today"
Example Response:
"Location","Operator","Roster Type","Day","Start Time","End Time","Duration (mins)"
"Company A","Ash","Open","Tuesday","10:45 AM","11:15 AM","30"
Exports a list of opening hours.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 1
HTTP Request
POST /v1/hours/list/export
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | HoursFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the opening hours list export. |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. rows_per_page is ignored and will always be -1 to retrieve all opening hours matching the filters. |
Response Data
The response will be returned with Content-Type: text/csv
in CSV file format (RFC-4180).
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"hours": [
"company_id": 12345,
"closed": false,
"day": "wednesday",
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"standard": false,
"time_end": "2019-01-02T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-02T10:45:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"hours": [
"hours_id": 998777,
"company_id": 12345,
"closed": false,
"day": "wednesday",
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"standard": false,
"time_end": "2019-01-02T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-02T10:45:00+11:00"
Adds new (non-standard) opening hours.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/hours/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
hours | Opening Hours[] | required |
The hours to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
company_id | If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. |
day | Must specify either time_start (for non-standard opening hours) or day (for standard, operator-specific opening hours). |
duration | This field is required. |
operator_id | This field is required. |
time_end | This field is ignored - use duration to set the end time. |
time_start | Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. Must specify either time_start (for non-standard opening hours) or day (for standard, operator-specific opening hours). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
hours | Opening Hours[] | The added hours. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"hours": [
"hours_id": 998776,
"duration": 60
Example Response:
"success": true,
"hours": [
"hours_id": 998776,
"company_id": 12345,
"closed": false,
"day": "tuesday",
"duration": 60,
"operator_id": 2222,
"standard": false,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:45:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00"
Updates existing hours.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/hours/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
hours | Opening Hours[] | required |
The list of opening hours to update. Must specify hours_id for each. Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
day | This field cannot be changed. |
operator_id | This field cannot be changed. |
standard | This field cannot be changed. |
time_end | This field is ignored - update duration to change the end time. |
time_start | Date component of this field is ignored if the hours are standard hours. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
hours | Opening Hours[] | The updated hours. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"hours_id": 998776
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a set of (non-standard) opening hours.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/hours/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
hours_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the opening hours to delete. Must specify either hours_id or operator_id . |
operator_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the operator to delete all standard opening hours for. Must specify either hours_id or operator_id . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Opening Hours Filter
Parameter | Type | Description | |
closed | boolean | If true , returns only the hours where the company is closed on this day. If false , returns only the hours where the company is open. If omitted, returns all. |
time_start | string | The date to retrieve hours from (inclusive). Time portion of this field is ignored. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. If omitted (along with time_end ), the standard opening hours for a week will be returned. |
time_end | string | The date to retrieve hours to (exclusive). Time portion of this field is ignored. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. If omitted (along with time_start ), the standard opening hours for a week will be returned. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve hours for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve hours for. | |
operator_ids | integer[] | The operator IDs to retrieve hours for. |
Opening Hours
Parameter | Type | Description |
hours_id | integer | The ID of the opening hours. If these are standard opening hours for this day of the week and/or operator, hours_id will be 0 . |
closed | boolean | If true , the company is closed on this day. If false , the company is open. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the opening hours. |
day | string | The day of the week of the opening hours. Valid values are: monday , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday , saturday , sunday . |
dome_operator_id | integer | The dome operator ID of the opening hours. |
duration | integer | The duration of the opening hours, in minutes. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the opening hours. |
standard | boolean | If true , these are standard opening hours for this day of the week. If false , these hours are only for the specified time_start /time_end date. |
time_end | string | The end time of the opening hours. If these are standard opening hours for this day of the week and/or operator, ignore the date component, and only use the time. |
time_start | string | The start time of the opening hours. If these are standard opening hours for this day of the week and/or operator, ignore the date component, and only use the time. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"show_on_appt_page": true,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"operators": [
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"level": {
"level_id": 100,
"name": "Apprentice"
"level_id": 100,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order_num": 0
Get a list of operators.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | OperatorFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the operator list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all operators. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"level": {
"level_id": 100,
"name": "Apprentice"
"level_id": 100,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order_num": 0
Gets a single operator.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_id | integer | required |
The ID of the operator to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
operator | Operator | The operator. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222,
"display_name": "Lee"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Lee",
"firstname": "",
"lastname": "",
"level_id": 0,
"operator_id": 2223,
"order_num": 0
Adds a new operator.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator | Operator | required |
The operator to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
operator_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
operator | Operator | The new operator. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222,
"display_name": "Ash S"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash S",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"level": {
"level_id": 100,
"name": "Apprentice"
"level_id": 100,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order_num": 0
Updates an operator.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator | Operator | required |
The operator to update. Must specify operator_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
update_in_child_locations | OperatorChildField | If you are updating a Dome operator, you can optionally specify each field to overwrite on the child operators as well. If omitted, these fields will not be copied down. Fields not included in this list are always copied down, as they cannot be separately edited by the child location. |
Field | Notes for Update |
operator_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
operator | Operator | The updated operator. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2223
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes an operator.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_id | integer | required |
The ID of the operator to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Add Push Device
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222,
"name": "Lee iPhone",
"token": "abcdef",
"type": "apple",
"uuid": "zyxwvu"
Example Response:
"success": true
Registers a mobile device for push notifications for the specified operator.
If the device matches an existing device, the existing device will be updated.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/push/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_id | integer | required |
The ID of the operator to register the device to. |
push_device | PushDevice | required |
The device to update. Must specify all fields. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Operator Level List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d ''
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"operator_levels": [
"name": "Apprentice",
"level_id": 100
"name": "Master",
"level_id": 200
Get a list of operator levels.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator_level/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all operator levels. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
operator_levels | OperatorLevel[] | The list of operator levels matching the filters. |
Sharing Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222,
"share": true
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates the sharing of an operator in a Dome.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/operator/sharing/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_id | integer | required |
The ID of the operator to update sharing on. |
company_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the child companies to updating sharing on. |
share | boolean | required |
Set to true to share this operator with these companies. Set to false to remove sharing of this operator from these companies. |
replace | boolean | If true , any child companies not included in the company_ids list will also have their sharing updated to the opposite value of share . If false , child companies not included in the company_ids list will keep their existing sharing value for this operator. Defaults to false if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator. |
address_line1 | string | The street address of the operator's postal address. |
address_suburb | string | The suburb of the operator's postal address. |
address_postcode | string | The postcode/zipcode of the operator's postal address. |
address_state_id | integer | The geographical state ID of the operator's postal address. |
address_state | State | Expanded field of address_state_id . The geographical state of the operator's postal address. |
commission_packages | decimal | The percentage commission for sale of packages. |
commission_products_profit | decimal | The percentage commission (on net profit) for sale of products. |
commission_products_revenue | decimal | The percentage commission for sale of products. |
commission_services | decimal | The percentage commission for sale of services. |
commission_vouchers | decimal | The percentage commission for sale of vouchers. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the operator. |
date_of_birth | string | The date of birth of the operator. Time and timezone offset in this field are ignored. See Dates. |
display_name | string | The display name of the operator. |
dome_operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator in the Dome. |
string | The email address of the operator. | |
email_appointment_updates_enabled | boolean | Whether the operator wishes to receive appointment update messages via email. |
firstname | string | The firstname of the operator. |
gender | string | The gender of the operator. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this operator. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
kpi_avgclientspendperday | decimal | The KPI rate for Average Client Spend per Day. |
kpi_clientsperday | decimal | The KPI rate for Clients Per Day. |
kpi_rebookrate | decimal | The percentage KPI rate for Rebooking. |
kpi_retailsales | decimal | The percentage KPI rate for Retail Sales. |
kpi_wagesvssales | decimal | The percentage KPI rate for Wages vs Sales. |
lastname | string | The lastname/surname of the operator. |
level_id | integer | The ID of the operator's level. |
level | Level | Expanded field of level_id . The operator's level. |
mobile | string | The mobile/cell number of the operator. |
online_booking_show | boolean | Whether the operator is visible on your online booking website. |
order_num | integer | The display order of the operator. |
phone | string | The telephone number of the operator. |
pin | integer | The quick login pin of the operator. |
role_id | integer | The ID of the operator's Role. |
show_on_appointment_page | boolean | If true , this operator will have a column shown on the appointment page. |
sms_appointment_updates_enabled | boolean | Whether the operator wishes to receive appointment update messages via SMS. |
username | string | The username of the operator. |
welcome_page | string | The page to load when this operator first logs in. Valid values are an empty string (to use the company's welcome page setting), appointments , pos , reporting , resources or snapshot . |
whatsapp_appointment_updates_enabled | boolean | Whether the operator wishes to receive appointment update messages via WhatsApp. |
Operator Level
Parameter | Type | Description |
level_id | integer | The ID of the operator level. |
name | string | The name of the operator level. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve operators for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
is_system | boolean | true for the System Operator, false for excluding the System Operator. If omitted, returns both. |
online_booking_show | boolean | The online booking visibility to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
operator_ids | integer[] | A list of operator IDs to filter operators by. Invalid IDs will be ignored (no error will be raised). | |
show_on_appt_page | boolean | true for operators visible on the appointment page, false for operators not shown directly on the appointments page. If omitted, returns both. |
show_on_pos_page | boolean | true for operators visible on the POS page, false for operators not shown directly on the POS page. If omitted, returns both. |
If any fields are omitted, they will default to false
Parameter | Type | Description | |
display_name | boolean | If true , the Dome operator's display name will be copied down to each child location operator. |
level_id | boolean | If true , the Dome operator's level ID will be copied down to each child location operator. |
order_num | boolean | If true , the Dome operator's order will be copied down to each child location operator. |
Push Device
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The display name of the device. |
token | string | The device's token. |
type | string | The type of device. Valid values are apple and android . |
uuid | string | The device's unique ID. |
Special Values
System Operator
An operator_id
value of -1
indicates the System Operator - ie. an operator was not assigned.
System Operator reasons can include (but are not limited to):
- the company has setting
set tofalse
, and sold an item without specifying an operator - an appointment was made on the Resources page view, assigned a
but not anoperator_id
- an appointment was sold as part of a package, and has not yet been locked in with an operator
Wait List Operator
An operator_id
value of -2
indicates the Wait List Operator - ie. the appointment is on the Wait List, and an operator (and timeslot) has not yet been assigned.
Appointments on the Wait List will have their standard duration returned.
If displayed in a list of timeslots (such as on the Appointments page), they should be displayed with only the minimum duration (the company's appointment interval), in order to fit as many in for the day as possible.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"packages": [
"barcode": "",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "10 x Haircut",
"package_id": 9999,
"price": 85,
"tax_free": false
Get a list of packages.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | PackageFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the package list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all packages. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
packages | Package[] | The list of packages matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"package_id": 9999
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "10 x Haircut",
"package_id": 9999,
"price": 85,
"tax_free": false
Gets a single package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
package_id | integer | required |
The ID of the package to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
package | Package | The package. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"barcode": "",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "2 for 1 Beard Trim",
"price": 20,
"tax_free": false
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "2 for 1 Beard Trim",
"package_id": 9998,
"price": 20,
"tax_free": false
Adds a new package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
package | Package | required |
The package to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
package_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
package | Package | The new package. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"package_id": 9998,
"name": "2 x Beard Trim"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "2 x Beard Trim",
"package_id": 9998,
"price": 20,
"tax_free": false
Updates a package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
package | Package | required |
The package to update. Must specify package_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
update_in_child_locations | PackageChildField | If you are updating a Dome package, you can optionally specify each field to overwrite on the child packages as well. If omitted, these fields will not be copied down. Fields not included in this list are always copied down, as they cannot be separately edited by the child location. |
Field | Notes for Update |
package_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
package | Package | The updated package. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"package_id": 9998
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
package_id | integer | required |
The ID of the package to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Package Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"package_items": [
"quantity": 10,
"service_id": 3333,
"type": "service",
"package_item_id": 8888
Get a list of items that are included in a package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | PackageItemFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the package item list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
package_items | PackageItem[] | The list of package items included in the package. |
Sharing Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"package_id": 9999,
"share": true
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates the sharing of a package in a Dome.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/package/sharing/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
package_id | integer | required |
The ID of the package to update sharing on. |
company_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the child companies to updating sharing on. |
share | boolean | required |
Set to true to share this package with these companies. Set to false to remove sharing of this package from these companies. |
replace | boolean | If true , any child companies not included in the company_ids list will also have their sharing updated to the opposite value of share . If false , child companies not included in the company_ids list will keep their existing sharing value for this package. Defaults to false if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
packages | Package[] | The list of child packages that were shared by this call. (Note: if you have set share=false and replace=true , you will get a list of the child packages for all the other companies in the Dome). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
package_id | integer | The ID of the package. |
barcode | string | The barcode of the package. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the package. |
description | string | The description of the package. |
dome_package_id | integer | The ID of the package in the Dome. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this package. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
loyalty_points_earned | integer | The amount of loyalty points earned from purchasing this package. |
name | string | The name of the package. |
online_booking_price | decimal | The price of the package when purchased online. Omitted if online_booking_show is false . |
online_booking_show | boolean | Whether the package is visible on your online booking website. |
price | decimal | The price of the package. |
tax | Tax Rate | The tax rate applied to this package. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
tax_free | boolean | If true , this package does not have tax applied. |
tax_id_override | boolean | The specific Tax Rate to apply to this package. If 0 , the default tax_for_packages rate will be applied. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to filter by - if set, only packages that this client has had previously (and paid for), or is having today (paid or unpaid), will be returned. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve packages for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
dome_package_id | integer | The dome package ID to filter by. This will return the child location package, if it exists in the specified company. If omitted, returns all. | |
online_booking_show | boolean | The online booking visibility to filter by. If omitted, returns all. |
If any fields are omitted, they will default to false
Parameter | Type | Description |
price | boolean | If true , the Dome package's price will be copied down to each child location package. |
loyalty_points_earned | boolean | If true , the Dome package's loyalty points earned value will be copied down to each child location package. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
package_item_id | integer | The ID of the package item. |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product (if the type is a product ). |
quantity | integer | The number of this item included in the package. |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service (if the type is a service ). |
type | string | The type of this item. Valid values are product or service . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
package_id | integer | required |
The package ID to retrieve package items for. |
Payment Types
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"payment_types": [
"company_id": 12345,
"is_live": false,
"is_system": true,
"payment_type_id": 83838,
"name": "Credit Card",
"show_on_pos": true
Get a list of payment types.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/payment_type/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | PaymentTypeFilter | The filters to apply to the payment type list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all payment types. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
payment_types | PaymentType[] | The list of payment types. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"payment_type_id": 83838
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"is_live": false,
"is_system": true,
"payment_type_id": 83838,
"name": "Credit Card",
"show_on_pos": true
Gets a single payment type.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/payment_type/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
payment_type_id | integer | required |
The ID of the payment type to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
payment_type | PaymentType | The payment type. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve payment types for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
show_on_pos | boolean | true for payment types that are visible on the POS screen, false for payment types that are not. If omitted, returns both. |
can_be_updated_from | boolean | true for payment types that are allowed to have their payment type changed after a transaction has been completed, false for payment types that are not. If omitted, returns both. |
can_be_updated_to | boolean | true for payment types that are a valid option for changing a payment type after a transaction has been completed, false for payment types that are not. If omitted, returns both. |
Payment Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
payment_type_id | integer | The ID of the payment type. |
cash_rounding | boolean | Whether this payment type should have cash rounding applied at POS. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the payment type. |
description | string | The description of the payment type. |
extra_fields | string[] | The extra field keys required by this payment type. See Payment Type Extra Fields and Live Payment types. |
gateway | string | The gateway to use to process a live payment (before adding it to a Transaction). Omitted if this payment type doesn't require processing through an external gateway. If your system does not know how to process through the listed gateway, it should not offer the payment type at POS. |
is_live | boolean | true if this payment method processes live payments, for example, an EFTPOS machine. Payments made using a live payment type cannot be voided - they must be refunded. |
is_system | boolean | Whether this payment type is a system payment type - if true , it cannot be deleted and some fields cannot be edited. |
gateway_modes | PaymentTypeMode[] | The options for the gateway mode for Live Payment types that can take payments in multiple ways. |
name | string | The name of the payment type. |
settings | Setting[] | Any settings relevant to this payment type. |
show_on_pos | boolean | Whether this payment type will be shown as an option on the POS screen |
Payment Type Mode
Parameter | Type | Description |
mode | string | The mode identifier. |
name | string | The name of the payment type mode. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": 1111
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": 56789,
"can_redeem_via_loyalty_points": true,
"can_redeem_via_package": false,
"can_redeem_via_membership": false,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"loyalty_points_to_redeem": 20,
"operator_id": 2222,
"resource_id": 0,
"service": {
"category": {
"category_id": 0,
"name": "No Category"
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"service_id": 3333
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"transaction_id": 0
"client": {
"address_line1": "1 Example St",
"address_postcode": "3000",
"address_state_id": 3,
"address_state": {
"name": "VIC",
"state_id": 3
"address_suburb": "Melbourne",
"barcode": "8786745156874",
"category_ids": [919],
"categories": [
"client_category_id": 919,
"name": "Loyalty Program"
"client_id": 1111,
"comments": "",
"company_id": 12345,
"date_of_birth": "2017-10-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"email": "",
"email_promotions_enabled": false,
"email_reminders_enabled": true,
"firstname": "Joe",
"gender": "Male",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"loyalty_member": true,
"loyalty_points": 235,
"mobile": "",
"referral_type_id": 29,
"referral_type": {
"name": "Digital Advertising",
"referral_type_id": 29
"sms_promotions_enabled": false,
"sms_reminders_enabled": true
"client_memberships": [
"client_id": 1111,
"client_membership_id": 6262,
"company_id": 12345,
"membership": {
"membership_id": 4646,
"name": "1 Year Upfront"
"membership_id": 4646,
"operator_id": 2222,
"price": 100,
"transaction_id": 0
"client_packages": [],
"client_products": [
"can_redeem_via_package": false,
"can_redeem_via_membership": false,
"client_id": 1111,
"client_product_id": 3737,
"company_id": 12345,
"operator_id": 2222,
"price": 12.50,
"brand": {
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Hair Products"
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Conditioner",
"product_id": 5556
"product_id": 5556,
"quantity": 1,
"transaction_id": 0
Gets the details of the client, as well as their lists of items to add to the sale. All list items will be returned (there is no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/load
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. Must specify either client_id or deposit_transaction_id . |
deposit_transaction_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the deposit transaction to load. Must specify either client_id or deposit_transaction_id . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
appointment_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the appointments to retrieve. If omitted, returns all unpaid appointments for today or earlier. Ignored if deposit_transaction_id is set. |
client_membership_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the client memberships to retrieve. If omitted, returns all unpaid client memberships for the client. Ignored if deposit_transaction_id is set. |
client_package_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the client packages to retrieve. If omitted, returns all unpaid client packages for the client. Ignored if deposit_transaction_id is set. |
client_product_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the client products to retrieve. If omitted, returns all unpaid client products for the client. Ignored if deposit_transaction_id is set. |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: appointments.operator , client_memberships.operator , client_packages.operator , client_products.operator , client_vouchers.operator . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointments | Appointment[] | The list of appointments to add to the sale. |
client | Client | The client. |
client_packages | ClientPackage[] | The list of client packages to add to the sale. |
client_products | ClientProduct[] | The list of client products to add to the sale. |
client_memberships | ClientMembership[] | The list of client memberships to add to the sale. |
deposit_payments | DepositPayment[] | The list of outstanding deposits for this client, to optionally use towards payment of the sale. |
discounts | Discount[] | The list of pinned Transaction Discounts for the items returned in this call. |
redirect_to_transaction_id | integer | If set, this client already has an invoice in progress - redirect to that one instead of starting a new transaction. The item lists will still contain the lists of unpaid items for this client. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointments": [
"client_id": 1111,
"appointment_id": -1,
"operator_id": -1,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"price": 10.03,
"service_id": 3333
"client_memberships": [],
"client_packages": [],
"client_products": []
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointments": [
"client_id": 1111,
"appointment_id": 56789,
"operator_id": -1,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"price": 10.03,
"service_id": 3333
Saves all the unpaid items to the client, for retrieving later (via POS Load). If the client already has saved items, these items will be added, and all saved items will be retrieved when calling POS Load.
Note that Account Values, Tips and Client Vouchers cannot be saved for later.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/save
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointments | Appointment[] | The list of appointments to save. Must specify appointment_id , client_id , operator_id , service_id , price (price is not needed for group parents). |
client_packages | ClientPackage[] | The list of client packages to save. Must specify client_package_id , client_id , operator_id , package_id , price . |
client_products | ClientProduct[] | The list of client products to save. Must specify client_product_id , client_id , operator_id , product_id , price , quantity . |
client_memberships | ClientMembership[] | The list of client memberships to save. Must specify client_membership_id , client_id , operator_id , package_id , price , start_date . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointments | Appointment[] | The list of appointments saved. |
client_packages | ClientPackage[] | The list of client packages saved. |
client_products | ClientProduct[] | The list of client products saved. |
client_memberships | ClientMembership[] | The list of client memberships saved. |
Service Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": -1,
"operator_id": -1,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"available_discounts": [
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
"appointment": {
"can_redeem_via_package": true,
"can_redeem_via_loyalty_points": true,
"can_redeem_via_membership": true,
"client_id": 1111,
"appointment_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"operator_id": -1,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 10.00,
"service": {
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3333
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"tax_rate": 10
Returns the price, tax rate, category and name of the service, plus any auto-applied discount, whether it is a group service and whether this client can redeem the product via loyalty points, or an as yet unclaimed service from a previously purchased package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/service/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment if it's an existing item. Send -1 for an item added at sale that is not yet saved to the server (see Special Values - Unsaved Item). |
barcode | string | required* |
The barcode of the appointment to add. Must specify either barcode or service_id . |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. |
operator_id | integer | required |
The ID of the operator who performed the appointment. Send -1 for none if setting force_operator_at_sale is false . |
service_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the service to add. Must specify either barcode or service_id . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
discounts | Discount[] | The discount to apply to this service - discount_type_id is required. If set, the appointment will be returned with the specified discount applied. If set to an empty list, the appointment will be returned without any auto-applied discount. If omitted, the appointment will be returned with any auto-applied discounts. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
available_discounts | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types that can be applied to this appointment, with the amount , discount_type and discount_type_item_id set if there is a specific Discount Type Item matching this appointment's service. Omitted if setting advanced_discounting is false . |
appointment | Appointment | The appointment to add to the sale, with discounts (if a discount has been specified, or automatically applied), pos_original_price (price before any discount), price (price after any discount), tax_amount (tax amount after any discount), tax_rate , can_redeem_via_loyalty_points , loyalty_points_to_redeem (if redeemable via loyalty points), can_redeem_via_package and can_redeem_via_membership fields filled out. |
Service Children
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": -1,
"price": 15.00
Example Response:
"success": true,
"appointments": [
"can_redeem_via_package": false,
"can_redeem_via_loyalty_points": false,
"can_redeem_via_membership": false,
"client_id": 1111,
"appointment_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"operator_id": -1,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 7.50,
"service": {
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3333
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"tax_rate": 10
"can_redeem_via_package": false,
"can_redeem_via_loyalty_points": false,
"can_redeem_via_membership": false,
"client_id": 1111,
"appointment_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"operator_id": -1,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 7.50,
"service": {
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3333
"resource_id": 0,
"service_id": 3333,
"tax_rate": 10
Returns the price, tax rate, category and name of the services included in the requested group service, and calculates the individual service pricing based on the requested group service price.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/service/children
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
operator_id | integer | required |
The ID of the operator who performed the appointment. Send -1 for none if setting force_operator_at_sale is false . |
price | decimal | The price of the group service, used to calculate the prices of the included appointments. If omitted, the default price of the group service will be used. | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the service to add. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
appointments | Appointment[] | The group appointments to add to the sale, with pos_original_price (the original price of the service, ie. without being in a group), price (the price now that it is in this group service) and tax_rate fields filled out. If setting advanced_discounting is true , and the service price does not match the original service price (due to the group parent overriding the price and/or the group parent having a discount applied), then discount_type_id will be -1 indicating a System Discount. |
Service Loyalty Redeem
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
Redeems the service by spending the client's loyalty point balance.
These are automatically processed in a separate transaction, so the service should be removed from your POS screen once redeemed successfully.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/service/loyalty_redeem
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to redeem, if it already exists, or -1 for an unsaved item added at POS. |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client redeeming the service. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. If the Dome redeems a service, it will be redeemed by the company of the requested client. | |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service to redeem. Required if the appointment_id is -1 . |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who performed the service. Required if the appointment_id is -1 . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
parent_appointment_id | integer | If the appointment was part of a group service, and parent_appointment_id in the request was set to -1 for an unsaved item added at POS, then the ID of the claimed appointment's newly created group parent appointment will be returned. If there were other child appointments for this group service, update your local copy's group parent with the new appointment_id and clear its temporary pos_id . |
Service Membership Redeem
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
Redeems the service from the client's unclaimed membership inclusion services.
These are automatically processed in a separate transaction, so the service should be removed from your POS screen once redeemed successfully.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/service/membership_redeem
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to redeem, if it already exists, or -1 for an unsaved item added at POS. |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client redeeming the service. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. If the Dome redeems a service, it will be redeemed by the company of the requested client. | |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service to redeem. Required if the appointment_id is -1 . |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who performed the service. Required if the appointment_id is -1 . |
parent_appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment's group parent appointment, or -1 for an unsaved item added at POS. Required if the appointment is part of a group service, omit if it's not part of a group service. |
parent_service_id | integer | The ID of the group service. Required if the appointment is part of a group service, and parent_appointment_id is an unsaved item added at POS. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
parent_appointment_id | integer | If the appointment was part of a group service, and parent_appointment_id in the request was set to -1 for an unsaved item added at POS, then the ID of the claimed appointment's newly created group parent appointment will be returned. If there were other child appointments for this group service, update your local copy's group parent with the new appointment_id and clear its temporary pos_id . |
Service Package Redeem
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
Redeems the service from the client's unclaimed package services.
These are automatically processed in a separate transaction, so the service should be removed from your POS screen once redeemed successfully.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/service/package_redeem
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to redeem, if it already exists, or -1 for an unsaved item added at POS. |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client redeeming the service. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. If the Dome redeems a service, it will be redeemed by the company of the requested client. | |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service to redeem. Required if the appointment_id is -1 . |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who performed the service. Required if the appointment_id is -1 . |
parent_appointment_id | integer | The ID of the appointment's group parent appointment, or -1 for an unsaved item added at POS. Required if the appointment is part of a group service, omit if it's not part of a group service. |
parent_service_id | integer | The ID of the group service. Required if the appointment is part of a group service, and parent_appointment_id is an unsaved item added at POS. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
parent_appointment_id | integer | If the appointment was part of a group service, and parent_appointment_id in the request was set to -1 for an unsaved item added at POS, then the ID of the claimed appointment's newly created group parent appointment will be returned. If there were other child appointments for this group service, update your local copy's group parent with the new appointment_id and clear its temporary pos_id . |
Service Package Restore
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"appointment_id": 56789
Example Response:
"success": true
Restores the service back to the client's unclaimed package services.
The appointment will also be removed from the appointments page (if show_on_appt_page
was true
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/service/package_restore
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
appointment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the appointment to restore. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Product Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_product_id": -1,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"available_discounts": [
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
"client_product": {
"can_redeem_via_package": true,
"can_redeem_via_membership": false,
"client_id": 1111,
"client_product_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 10.00,
"product": {
"brand": {
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Hair Products"
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Shampoo",
"product_id": 5555,
"tax_free": false
"product_id": 5555,
"quantity": 1,
"tax_rate": 10
Returns the price, tax rate, brand and name of the product, plus discounts, and whether this client can redeem the product via an as yet unclaimed product from a previously purchased package.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/product/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
barcode | string | required* |
The barcode of the product to add. Must specify either barcode or product_id . |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. |
client_product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client product if it's an existing item. Send -1 for an item added at sale that is not yet saved to the server (see Special Values - Unsaved Item). |
product_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the product to add. Must specify either barcode or product_id . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
discounts | Discount[] | The discount to apply to this product - discount_type_id is required. If set, the client product will be returned with the specified discount applied. If set to an empty list, the client product will be returned without any auto-applied discount. If omitted, the client product will be returned with any auto-applied discounts. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
available_discounts | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types that can be applied to this product, with the amount , discount_type and discount_type_item_id set if there is a specific Discount Type Item matching this product. Omitted if setting advanced_discounting is false . |
client_product | ClientProduct | The client product to add to the sale, with discounts (if a discount has been specified, or automatically applied), pos_original_price (price before any discount), price (price after any discount), tax_amount (tax amount after any discount), tax_rate , can_redeem_via_package and can_redeem_via_membership fields filled out. |
Product Membership Redeem
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"quantity": 1
Example Response:
"success": true
Redeems the product from the client's unclaimed membership inclusion products.
These are automatically processed in a separate transaction, so the product should be removed from your POS screen once redeemed successfully.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/product/membership_redeem
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client redeeming the product. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. If the Dome redeems a product, it will be redeemed by the company of the requested client. | |
product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the product to redeem. |
quantity | integer | required |
The number of products to redeem. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Product Package Redeem
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"quantity": 1
Example Response:
"success": true
Redeems the product from the client's unclaimed package products.
These are automatically processed in a separate transaction, so the product should be removed from your POS screen once redeemed successfully.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/product/package_redeem
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client redeeming the product. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. If the Dome redeems a product, it will be redeemed by the company of the requested client. | |
product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the product to redeem. |
quantity | integer | required |
The number of products to redeem. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Voucher Package Redeem
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
Redeems the voucher from the client's unclaimed package vouchers.
These are automatically processed in a separate transaction, so the voucher should be removed from your POS screen once redeemed successfully.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/voucher/package_redeem
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client redeeming the voucher. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. If the Dome redeems a voucher, it will be redeemed by the company of the requested client. | |
voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the voucher to redeem. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Voucher Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_voucher_id": -1,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"available_discounts": [
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
"client_voucher": {
"client_id": 1111,
"client_voucher_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 10.00,
"voucher": {
"name": "$100 Gift Voucher",
"voucher_id": 7777
"voucher_id": 7777,
"tax_rate": 10
Returns the price and name of the voucher, plus any auto-applied discount.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/voucher/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
barcode | string | required* |
The barcode of the voucher to add. Must specify either barcode or voucher_id . |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. |
client_voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client voucher if it's an existing item. Send -1 for an item added at sale that is not yet saved to the server (see Special Values - Unsaved Item). |
voucher_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the voucher to add. Must specify either barcode or voucher_id . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
discounts | Discount[] | The discount to apply to this voucher - discount_type_id is required. If set, the client voucher will be returned with the specified discount applied. If set to an empty list, the client voucher will be returned without any auto-applied discount. If omitted, the client voucher will be returned with any auto-applied discounts. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
available_discounts | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types that can be applied to this voucher, with the amount , discount_type and discount_type_item_id set if there is a specific Discount Type Item matching this voucher. Omitted if setting advanced_discounting is false . |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | The client voucher to add to the sale, with discounts (if a discount has been specified, or automatically applied), pos_original_price (price before any discount), price (price after any discount), tax_amount (tax amount after any discount), tax_rate fields filled out. |
Package Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_package_id": -1,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"available_discounts": [
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
"client_package": {
"client_id": 1111,
"client_package_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 10.00,
"package": {
"name": "10 x Haircut",
"package_id": 9999,
"tax_free": false
"package_id": 9999,
"tax_rate": 10
Returns the price, tax rate and name of the package, plus any auto-applied discount.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/package/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
barcode | string | required* |
The barcode of the package to add. Must specify either barcode or package_id . |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. |
client_package_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client package if it's an existing item. Send -1 for an item added at sale that is not yet saved to the server (see Special Values - Unsaved Item). |
package_id | integer | required* |
The ID of the package to add. Must specify either barcode or package_id . |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
discounts | Discount[] | The discount to apply to this package - discount_type_id is required. If set, the client package will be returned with the specified discount applied. If set to an empty list, the client package will be returned without any auto-applied discount. If omitted, the client package will be returned with any auto-applied discounts. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
available_discounts | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types that can be applied to this package, with the amount , discount_type and discount_type_item_id set if there is a specific Discount Type Item matching this package. Omitted if setting advanced_discounting is false . |
client_package | ClientPackage | The client package to add to the sale, with discounts (if a discount has been specified, or automatically applied), pos_original_price (price before any discount), price (price after any discount), tax_amount (tax amount after any discount), tax_rate fields filled out. |
Membership Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_membership_id": -1,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"available_discounts": [
"amount": 10,
"apply_automatically": false,
"company_id": 12345,
"discount_type": "%",
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"name": "10% off"
"client_membership": {
"client_id": 1111,
"client_membership_id": -1,
"company_id": 12345,
"pos_original_price": 10.00,
"price": 10.00,
"membership": {
"membership_id": 4647,
"name": "Monthly Membership",
"payment_type": "recurring",
"recurring_fee": 14.99,
"recurring_type": "monthly",
"tax_free": false
"membership_id": 4647,
"tax_rate": 10
Returns the initial setup price, tax rate, payment type, name and any recurring details of the membership, plus any auto-applied discount.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/membership/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to add to the sale. |
client_membership_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client membership if it's an existing item. Send -1 for an item added at sale that is not yet saved to the server (see Special Values - Unsaved Item). |
membership_id | integer | required |
The ID of the membership to add. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
discounts | Discount[] | The discount to apply to this membership - discount_type_id is required. If set, the client membership will be returned with the specified discount applied. If set to an empty list, the client membership will be returned without any auto-applied discount. If omitted, the client membership will be returned with any auto-applied discounts. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
available_discounts | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types that can be applied to this membership, with the amount , discount_type and discount_type_item_id set if there is a specific Discount Type Item matching this membership. Omitted if setting advanced_discounting is false . |
client_membership | ClientMembership | The client membership to add to the sale, with discounts (if a discount has been specified, or automatically applied), pos_original_price (price before any discount), price (price after any discount), tax_amount (tax amount after any discount), tax_rate fields filled out. |
Cash Drawer Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response:
"success": true,
"amount": 350.50
Returns the amount of cash that should currently be in the cash drawer.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/drawer/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
include_payment_type_amounts | boolean | If true , includes the payment_types field in the results, with the count and amount field on each payment type set to the counts and totals of transactions for that day. |
payment_type_date_start | string | The transaction create date to filter by (inclusive). See Dates. If omitted, midnight on the current date for the company is used. | |
payment_type_date_end | string | The transaction create date to filter by (exclusive). See Dates. If omitted, midnight on the day following payment_type_date_start is used. Maximum range is one day. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
amount | decimal | The amount of cash that should currently be in the drawer. |
payment_types | PaymentType[] | The list of payment types and their amounts for the day. Must be specifically requested via include_payment_type_amounts . |
Cash Drawer Open
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response:
"success": true
Logs an opening of the cash drawer (outside of normal transactions). Note that this does not actually open any cash drawers - it is simply for logging the opening of the cash drawer by the user.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/drawer/open
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Cash Round
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json \
-d '
"amount_owing": 16.98,
"payment_amount": 20,
"settings": [
"name": "cash_rounding_direction",
"type": "enum",
"value": "closest"
"name": "cash_rounding_midpoint_direction",
"type": "enum",
"value": "towards_zero"
"name": "cash_rounding_minimum",
"type": "decimal",
"value": "0.05"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"amount_owing": 16.98,
"amount_owing_rounded": 17.00,
"change": 3.00,
"payment_amount": 20
Returns the rounded amount owing, and how much change to return to the client.
This call should only be checked for the last payment in a transaction, and only if that payment type has cash_rounding=true
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/cash_round
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
amount_owing | decimal | required |
The amount of payment owing. |
payment_amount | decimal | The payment amount presented. | |
settings | Setting[] | The cash rounding settings to apply to this rounding calculation - send these from the company's settings. If omitted, settings will default to cash_rounding_direction=closest , cash_rounding_minimum=0.05 , cash_rounding_midpoint_direction=towards_zero . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
amount_owing | decimal | The amount of payment owing. |
amount_owing_rounded | decimal | The amount of payment owing, rounded to the currency's smallest denomination. |
change | decimal | The amount of change to give. Equal to amount_owing_rounded - payment_amount . Omitted if no payment_amount was sent in the request. |
payment_amount | decimal | The payment amount presented. Omitted if no payment_amount was sent in the request. |
Loyalty Convert
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
"client": {
"client_id": 1111,
"comments": "",
"company_id": 12345,
"firstname": "Joe",
"gender": "Male",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"loyalty_points": 75
Converts the client's loyalty points to a Voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/loyalty_convert
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to convert loyalty points to a voucher for. |
voucher_id | integer | The ID of the voucher to convert loyalty points to. If omitted, the default loyalty_points_convert_to_voucher_voucher_id value is used. |
loyalty_points | integer | The number of loyalty points to convert. If omitted, the default loyalty_points_convert_to_voucher_points value is used. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client | Client | The client, with updated loyalty point balance. |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | The client's voucher. |
transaction | Transaction | The transaction of the voucher sale. |
Loyalty Reward
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true
"client": {
"client_id": 1111,
"comments": "",
"company_id": 12345,
"firstname": "Joe",
"gender": "Male",
"lastname": "Citizen",
"loyalty_points": 100
Rewards the client with loyalty points and/or a Voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/loyalty_reward
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | required |
The ID of the client to reward. |
voucher_id | integer | The ID of the voucher to reward the client with. If omitted, no voucher is awarded. | |
loyalty_points | integer | The number of loyalty points to reward the client with. If omitted or 0 , no points are awarded. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
client | Client | The client, with updated loyalty point balance if loyalty points were awarded. |
client_voucher | ClientVoucher | The client's voucher, if a voucher was awarded. |
transaction | Transaction | The transaction of the voucher sale, if a voucher was awarded. |
Transaction Price Check
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction": {
"amount": 29.00,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": -1,
"client_id": 1111,
"operator_id": 2222,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"service_id": 3333,
"price": 20.00
"client_products": [
"client_product_id": -1,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"discounts": [
"amount": 1.00,
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order": 1,
"original_price": 10.00,
"pos_id": "myitemdiscref1",
"transaction_discount": false
"product_id": 5556,
"price": 9.00
"transaction_id": 85735
"discounts": [
"amount": 1.00,
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"operator_id": 2222,
"pos_id": "mytransdiscref1",
"transaction_discount": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"amount": 26.10,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": -1,
"client_id": 1111,
"operator_id": 2222,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"service_id": 3333,
"price": 18.00,
"discounts": [
"amount": 2.00,
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order": 1,
"original_price": 20.00,
"pos_id": "mytransdiscref1",
"transaction_discount": true
"client_products": [
"client_product_id": -1,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"discounts": [
"amount": 1.00,
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order": 1,
"original_price": 10.00,
"pos_id": "myitemdiscref1",
"transaction_discount": false
"amount": 0.90,
"discount_type_id": 7171,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order": 2,
"original_price": 9.00,
"pos_id": "mytransdiscref1",
"transaction_discount": true
"product_id": 5556,
"price": 8.10
Returns the total of the transaction, any redeemable options for each item, plus applies any Transaction Discounts passed in (ie. calculates which items should be discounted, and by how much).
Existing Transaction Discounts are always recalculated (based on the original_price
of the first transaction discount).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/pos/transaction/check
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction | Transaction | required |
The transaction to total. |
discounts | Discount | Any new Transaction Discount to add to these items. | |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company using POS. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
promo_code | string | The promotion code to check against this transaction. If no matching discount is found, a warning will be returned. | |
promo_code_auto_apply | boolean | If true , automatically applies the discount found for the promo_code . If omitted, defaults to false . Ignored if promo_code is omitted. |
Field | Notes for Price Check |
transaction.appointments | For Group Services, you can either provide the price on the group parent, or set the individual price on each group child - if both parent and child prices are set, the parent price will be ignored. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
promo_code_discount | DiscountType | If promo_code was specified and the matching discount can be applied to the transaction itself, then the details of the discount found for the promo_code is returned here. |
transaction | Transaction | The recalculated transaction, with amount set to the total, redeemable items identified (fields can_redeem_via_package , can_redeem_via_membership , can_redeem_via_loyalty_points , loyalty_points_to_redeem if redeemable via loyalty points, package_quantity_to_redeem if products are redeemable via package), plus any new Transaction Discount set on individual items. |
Redemption Notes
When a client has previously purchased a Client Package, the items included in that Package are added to the client's account as package items (sold_in_client_package=true
) and marked available for claiming (claimed=false
Package items can be claimed via:
- Service Package Redeem to claim a single service,
- Product Package Redeem to claim a single product, or
- Appointment Add to claim one or more services by setting
Membership Inclusions
When a client has an active Client Membership, the items included in that Membership become available for claiming.
For a membership with payment_type=upfront
, the items can only be claimed up to the item quantity
for the life of the membership.
For a membership with payment_type=recurring
, the items can be claimed up to the item quantity
for each period length - ie. if recurring_type=weekly
, then each set of items can be claimed again each week.
Membership inclusion items can be claimed via:
- Service Membership Redeem to claim a single service,
- Product Membership Redeem to claim a single product, or
- Appointment Add to claim one or more services by setting
Loyalty Points
When a client is part of the Loyalty Program (ie. has loyalty_member=true
), they accumulate points on each purchase, based on the loyalty_points_earned
value of each purchased item. Once the client has reached the minimum threshold for spending Loyalty Points, they can choose to use the points to purchase an item that they have enough points for, based on the loyalty_points_to_redeem
value of that item.
When loyalty_points_to_redeem
is true
on an item, loyalty_points_to_redeem
will be set to the amount of points required to redeem that item.
Loyalty points can be spent via:
- Service Loyalty Redeem to claim a single service, or
- Appointment Add to claim one or more services by setting
Example of redemption fields:
A client has a single Haircut service left in their unclaimed Client Packages, and they are purchasing two Haircuts at once.
When calling Transaction Price Check:
- Both Haircut appointments will be returned with
, since either service can individually be claimed via package.- However,
will only be true for one of the Haircut appointments, because in total, the client can only claim one.Example Response:
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": -1,
"client_id": 1111,
"service_id": 3333,
"can_redeem_via_package": true,
"can_redeem_via_package_combined": true,
"appointment_id": -1,
"client_id": 1111,
"service_id": 3333,
"can_redeem_via_package": true,
"can_redeem_via_package_combined": false,
Individual redemption fields
Fields can_redeem_via_package
, can_redeem_via_membership
, can_redeem_via_loyalty_points
will be marked as true
if the client could redeem that particular item individually.
For a multiple quantity
item, the can_redeem_via_package
and can_redeem_via_membership
fields will be set to true
if at least one item can be claimed - check the can_redeem_via_package_quantity
and can_redeem_via_membership_quantity
fields to check how many items can be claimed.
Combined redemption fields
Fields can_redeem_via_package_combined
, can_redeem_via_membership_combined
, can_redeem_via_loyalty_points_combined
will be marked as true
if the client can redeem that item along with other items, when testing an entire transaction with Transaction Price Check.
Available package items will be checked first. If not enough available package items are found, then available membership inclusion items will be checked for the remaining items. If not enough available membership inclusion items are found, then loyalty points are checked for the remaining items. Only the first available claim will be included - ie. if both can_redeem_via_package
and can_redeem_via_membership
are true
, then can_redeem_via_package_combined
will be true
, and can_redeem_via_membership_combined
will be false
, because the item has been selected for a package claim in this potential combined claim.
For a multiple quantity
item, the quantity can be spread amongst different redemption types. Eg. for quantity=4
, the response could contain can_redeem_via_package_quantity_combined=1
, can_redeem_via_membership_quantity_combined=1
, can_redeem_via_loyalty_points_combined=false
, meaning that one of the four items can be claimed via package, one can be claimed via membership inclusion, and the final two items would need to be paid for.
Special Values
Unsaved Item
A value of -1
in a POS item's id (appointment_id
, client_product_id
, client_voucher_id
, client_package_id
, client_membership_id
) indicates that the item has been added to a local POS screen, but has not yet been saved to the server.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"brand_id": 0,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"products": [
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Shampoo",
"price": 10.00,
"product_id": 5555
Get a list of products.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/product/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ProductFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the product list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all products in a specific brand. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
products | Product[] | The list of products matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"product_id": 4444
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Shampoo",
"price": 10.00,
"product_id": 5555
Gets a single product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/product/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the product to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
product | Product | The product. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"name": "Conditioner",
"price": 12.50,
"quantity": 0,
"brand_id": 4444
Example Response:
"success": true,
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Conditioner",
"price": 12.50,
"product_id": 5556,
"quantity": 0
Adds a new product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/product/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
product | Product | required |
The product to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
product_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
product | Product | The new product. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"product_id": 5556,
"name": "Kids Conditioner"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Kids Conditioner",
"price": 12.50,
"product_id": 5556,
"quantity": 0
Updates a product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/product/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
product | Product | required |
The product to update. Must specify product_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
update_in_child_locations | ProductChildField | If you are updating a Dome product, you can optionally specify each field to overwrite on the child products as well. If omitted, these fields will not be copied down. Fields not included in this list are always copied down, as they cannot be separately edited by the child location. |
Field | Notes for Update |
product_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
product | Product | The updated product. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"product_id": 5556
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a product.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/product/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the product to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Sharing Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"product_id": 5555,
"share": true
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates the sharing of a product in a Dome.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/product/sharing/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
product_id | integer | required |
The ID of the product to update sharing on. |
company_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the child companies to updating sharing on. |
share | boolean | required |
Set to true to share this product with these companies. Set to false to remove sharing of this product from these companies. |
replace | boolean | If true , any child companies not included in the company_ids list will also have their sharing updated to the opposite value of share . If false , child companies not included in the company_ids list will keep their existing sharing value for this product. Defaults to false if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
products | Product[] | The list of child products that were shared by this call. (Note: if you have set share=false and replace=true , you will get a list of the child products for all the other companies in the Dome). |
Brand List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"brands": [
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Hair Products"
Get a list of product brands.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/brand/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all brands. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
brands | Brand[] | The list of brands for the company. |
Brand Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"name": "Hair Products"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"brand_id": 4444,
"name": "Hair Products"
Adds a new brand.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/brand/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
brand | Brand | required |
The brand to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
brand_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
brand | Brand | The new brand. |
Supplier List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"suppliers": [
"supplier_id": 6666,
"name": "Excellent Hair Products"
Get a list of product suppliers.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/supplier/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all suppliers. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
suppliers | Supplier[] | The list of suppliers for the company. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product. |
barcode | string | The barcode of the product. |
brand_id | integer | The brand ID. |
brand | Brand | Expanded field of brand_id . The product's brand. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the product. |
dome_product_id | integer | The ID of the product in the Dome. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this product (or if none set, the product brand's Main image). Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
loyalty_points_earned | integer | The amount of loyalty points earned from purchasing this product. |
min_quantity | integer | The minimum quantity you aim to have in stock. |
name | string | The name of the product. |
price | decimal | The price of the product. |
quantity | integer | The quantity you currently have in stock. |
reorder_quantity | integer | The quantity to automatically re-order. |
company_use_only | boolean | If true , this product is only for use by the company (eg. for a bulk container of Shampoo). If false , it can be both sold to clients, or used by the company. |
supplier_code | string | The supplier's code for this product. |
supplier_id | integer | The supplier ID. |
supplier | Supplier | Expanded field of supplier_id . The product's supplier. |
tax | Tax Rate | The tax rate applied to this product. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
tax_free | boolean | If true , this product does not have tax applied. |
tax_id_override | boolean | The specific Tax Rate to apply to this product. If 0 , the default tax_for_products rate will be applied. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
wholesale_price | decimal | The cost price of the product from your supplier. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
brand_id | integer | The ID of the brand. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this brand. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
name | string | The name of the brand. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
supplier_id | integer | The ID of the supplier. |
name | string | The name of the supplier. |
contact_name | string | The name of the contact at the supplier. |
phone | string | The phone number of the supplier. |
string | The email address of the supplier. | |
mobile | string | The mobile number of the supplier. |
fax | string | The fax number of the supplier. |
address_line1 | string | The street address of the supplier's postal address. |
address_suburb | string | The suburb of the supplier's postal address. |
address_postcode | string | The postcode/zipcode of the supplier's postal address. |
address_state_id | integer | The geographical state ID of the supplier's postal address. |
address_state | State | Expanded field of address_state_id . The geographical state of the supplier's postal address. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
barcode | string | The barcode to search for - must be an exact match. If omitted, returns all. | |
brand_id | integer | The brand ID to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to filter by - if set, only products that this client has had previously (and paid for), or is having today (paid or unpaid), will be returned. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve products for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
dome_product_id | integer | The dome product ID to filter by. This will return the child location product, if it exists in the specified company. If omitted, returns all. |
If any fields are omitted, they will default to false
Parameter | Type | Description |
quantity | boolean | If true , the Dome product's quantity will be copied down to each child location product. |
min_quantity | boolean | If true , the Dome product's minimum quantity will be copied down to each child location product. |
reorder_quantity | boolean | If true , the Dome product's reorder quantity will be copied down to each child location product. |
price | boolean | If true , the Dome product's price will be copied down to each child location product. |
wholesale_price | boolean | If true , the Dome product's wholesale price will be copied down to each child location product. |
supplier_id | boolean | If true , the Dome product's supplier ID will be copied down to each child location product. |
loyalty_points_earned | boolean | If true , the Dome product's loyalty points earned value will be copied down to each child location product. |
Example Request:
curl ""
Example Response:
"Location","Operator","Roster Type","Date","Day","Start Time","End Time","Duration (mins)"
"Company A","Ash","Rostered On","01/01/2019","Tuesday","10:45 AM","11:15 AM","30"
API endpoints marked as supporting an Export GET request can be called by a GET
request with the following two parameters.
This function makes it easier to popup a new window for the user to download a file, for example, a CSV report.
HTTP Headers
Header | Value |
User-Agent | A description of the software and version you are using, plus a description of the device and version the user is running it on |
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
token | string | required |
Your Simple Salon API login token (normally sent via an Authorization header for a POST request). |
request | string | Your request JSON data (normally sent via POST body), URL-encoded. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"resources": [
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "IPL Machine",
"description": "",
"resource_id": 2929
Get a list of resources.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/resource/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ResourceFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the resource list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all resources. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
resources | Resource[] | The list of resources matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"resource_id": 2929
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "IPL Machine",
"description": "",
"resource_id": 2929
Gets a single resource.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/resource/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
resource_id | integer | required |
The ID of the resource to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
resource | Resource | The resource. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the operator. |
description | string | The description of the resource. |
name | string | The name of the resource. |
resource_id | integer | The ID of the resource. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve resources for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. | |
resource_ids | integer[] | A list of resource IDs to filter resources by. Invalid IDs will be ignored (no error will be raised). |
Special Values
System Role: Administrator
A role_id
value of -1
indicates the Administrator role.
System Role: Staff
A role_id
value of -2
indicates the Staff role.
System Role: Manager
A role_id
value of -3
indicates the Manager role.
System Role: API Only
A role_id
value of -5
indicates the API Only role.
Calculating the exact opening hours for a specific operator on a specific day involves several pieces of information - see Opening Hours - Summary for more information.
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"rosters": [
"roster_id": 998866,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00"
Get a list of rosters between a date range.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
Note: Results are normally restricted by the ListOptions rows_per_page
However for requesting a single week (or less), you can set rows_per_page: -1
to return all rosters in the range.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | RosterFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the roster list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all rosters for a single week only. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
rosters | Roster[] | The list of rosters matching the filters and page options. |
List Export
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-d '
"filename": "roster_today"
Example Response:
"Location","Operator","Roster Type","Date","Day","Start Time","End Time","Duration (mins)"
"Company A","Ash","Rostered On","01/01/2019","Tuesday","10:45 AM","11:15 AM","30"
Exports a list of rosters between a date range.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/list/export
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | RosterFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the roster list export. |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. rows_per_page is ignored and will always be -1 to retrieve all rosters matching the filters. |
Response Data
The response will be returned with Content-Type: text/csv
in CSV file format (RFC-4180).
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"roster_id": 998866
Example Response:
"success": true,
"roster_id": 998866,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T10:45:00+11:00"
Gets a single roster.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
roster_id | integer | required |
The ID of the roster to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
roster | Roster | The roster. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"roster_id": 998866,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:30:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Adds a new roster.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
roster | Roster | required |
The roster to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
company_id | If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. Dome users must specify a child location. |
duration | This field is required. |
operator_id | This field is required. |
roster_type_id | This field is required. |
time_end | This field is ignored - use duration to set the end time. |
time_start | This field is required. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
roster | Roster | The added roster. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"roster_id": 998866,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"roster_id": 998866,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 30,
"operator_id": 2222,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:30:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Updates an existing roster.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
roster | Roster | required |
The roster to update. Must specify roster_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
time_end | This field is ignored - update duration to change the end time. |
time_start | Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
roster | Roster | The updated roster. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"roster_id": 998866
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a roster.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
roster_id | integer | required |
The ID of the roster to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_ids": [ 2222 ]
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"messages_queued": [
"campaign_id": 674644,
"recipient_id": 346919852
Emails rosters to the specified operators.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/email
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the operators to email rosters to. Note that if there are multiple IDs specified, errors will be returned with success=true and warnings . A single operator ID with an error will be returned with success=false and an error . |
time_start | string | required |
The date of the week to email rosters for. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
messages_queued | QueuedMessage[] | The list of messages queued to send. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_ids": [ 2222 ],
"repeat_interval_type": "weeks",
"repeat_interval_length": 1,
"repeat_times": 2,
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true
Repeats a roster.
Each week to be repeated is cleared before rosters are repeated.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster/repeat
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the operators to repeat rosters for. Note that if there are multiple IDs specified, errors will be returned with success=true and warnings . A single operator ID with an error will be returned with success=false and an error . |
repeat_interval_length | integer | The length of time between repeated appointments, in combination with repeat_interval_type . Maximum is 6 for weeks . Defaults to 1 if omitted. |
repeat_interval_type | string | required |
The length of time between repeated appointments, in combination with repeat_interval_length . Valid values are: weeks . |
repeat_times | integer | required |
The number of times to repeat the roster. For example, if repeat_interval_length=2 , repeat_interval_type=weeks , and repeat_times=3 , then rosters will be made: at 2, 4 and 6 weeks from the original roster week. Maximum is 12 for weeks . |
time_start | string | required |
The date of the week to repeat rosters from. Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
time_start | string | required |
The date to retrieve rosters from (inclusive). Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
time_end | string | required |
The date to retrieve rosters to (exclusive). Timezone offset in this field is ignored. See Dates. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve rosters for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
exclude_dome | boolean | If in a Dome, setting to true will only return rosters for the selected company. If omitted, defaults to false , returning rosters for the selected company's operators across all locations. Ignored for standalone locations. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID to retrieve rosters for. | |
operator_ids | integer | The operator IDs to retrieve rosters for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
roster_id | integer | The ID of the roster. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the roster. |
duration | integer | The duration of the roster, in minutes. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the roster. |
roster_rate_id | integer | The ID of the roster rate. |
roster_rate | Roster Rate | The roster rate. |
roster_type_id | integer | The ID of the roster type. |
roster_type | Roster Type | The roster type. |
service_ids | integer[] | The list of service IDs allowed during this roster. Omitted if all services (for this operator) are allowed. |
time_end | string | The end time of roster. |
time_start | string | The start time of the roster. |
Roster Rates
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"operator_id": 2222,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"roster_rates": [
"roster_rate_id": 544458,
"operator_id": 2222,
"rate": 20.00,
"roster_rate_type_id": 555458
Get a list of roster rates.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster_rate/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | RosterRateFilter | The filters to apply to the roster rate list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: roster_rate_type . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
roster_rate_types | Roster Rate[] | The list of roster rates. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
operator_id | integer | required |
The operator ID to return roster rates for. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve roster rates for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Roster Rate
Parameter | Type | Description |
roster_rate_id | integer | The ID of the roster rate. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the roster rate. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID of the roster rate. |
rate | decimal | The assigned rate. |
roster_rate_type_id | integer | The roster rate type ID of the roster rate. |
roster_rate_type | Roster Rate Type | The roster rate type of the roster rate. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
Roster Rate Types
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"roster_rate_types": [
"roster_rate_type_id": 555458,
"name": "Standard Rate",
"is_system": true
Get a list of roster rate types.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster_rate_type/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | RosterRateTypeFilter | The filters to apply to the roster rate type list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
roster_rate_types | Roster Rate Type[] | The list of roster rate types. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve roster rate types for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
exclude_set_for_operator_id | integer | Only include roster rate types that do not have a roster rate set for this operator. | |
set_for_operator_id | integer | Only include roster rate types that have a roster rate set for this operator. |
Roster Rate Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
roster_rate_type_id | integer | The ID of the roster rate type. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the roster rate type. |
is_system | boolean | Whether this roster rate type is a system roster rate type - if true , it cannot be deleted or edited. |
name | string | The name of the roster rate type. |
Roster Types
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 1,
"roster_types": [
"roster_type_id": 9966,
"name": "Morning Shift",
"colour": "ff0000",
"allow_bookings": true,
Get a list of roster types.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster_type/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | RosterTypeFilter | The filters to apply to the roster type list | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all roster types. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
page_number | integer | The page number of these results |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page |
total_rows | integer | The total number of rows matching your filters. Only returned if options.return_total is true in the request. |
roster_types | Roster Type[] | The list of roster types matching the page options. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"roster_type_id": 9966
Example Response:
"success": true,
"roster_type_id": 9966,
"name": "Morning Shift",
"colour": "ff0000",
"allow_bookings": true,
Gets a single roster type.
Returns an error if setting advanced_rostering
is 0
HTTP Request
POST /v1/roster_type/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
roster_type_id | integer | required |
The ID of the roster type to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
roster_type | Roster Type | The roster type. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve roster types for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
roster_type_ids | integer[] | A list of roster type IDs to filter roster types by. Invalid IDs will be ignored (no error will be raised). |
Roster Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
roster_type_id | integer | The ID of the roster type. |
colour | string | The hex colour code of the roster type. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the roster type. |
name | string | The name of the roster type. |
allow_bookings | boolean | If true , bookings are allowed during a Roster of this roster type. If false , bookings are not allowed during a roster of this roster type. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"category_id": 0,
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"services": [
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3333
Get a list of services.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ServiceFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the service list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all services. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main , operators , service_levels . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
services | Service[] | The list of services matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"service_id": 3333
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3333
Gets a single service.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the service to retrieve |
operator_id | integer | Specifying the operator ID will apply level changes to price and duration if the operator's level has an override set. If the operator cannot perform this service, an error will be returned. |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
service | Service | The service. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"name": "Beard Trim",
"price": 12.50
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Beard Trim",
"price": 12.50,
"service_id": 3334
Adds a new service.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service | Service | required |
The service to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
service_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
service | Service | The new service. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"service_id": 3333,
"name": "Kids Haircut"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Kids Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3333
Updates a service.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service | Service | required |
The service to update. Must specify service_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
update_in_child_locations | ServiceChildField | If you are updating a Dome service, you can optionally specify each field to overwrite on the child services as well. If omitted, these fields will not be copied down. Fields not included in this list are always copied down, as they cannot be separately edited by the child location. | |
apply_new_price_for_future_appts | boolean | If you've updated the price, set this to true to apply the new price to any existing bookings in the future. Setting to false will leave those future appointments at their existing price, and any new appointments booked in from now on will have the new pricing. If omitted, defaults to false . |
Field | Notes for Update |
service_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
group_service | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
service | Service | The updated service. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"service_id": 3334
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a service.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the service to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Service Children List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"services": [
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3334
"barcode": "",
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Blow Dry",
"price": 10.00,
"service_id": 3335
Returns the child services included in the requested Group Service, plus the order
they should be booked (if the group service has override_duration: false
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/children/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the group service. |
operator_id | integer | Specifying the operator ID will apply level changes to price and duration if the operator's level has an override set. If the operator cannot perform this group service, an error will be returned. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
services | Service[] | The child services part of this group service, with order field filled out if the group service has override_duration: false . |
Service Level List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"service_levels": [
"duration": 30,
"level_id": 100,
"price": 9.00,
"service_level_id": 1687481,
"service_id": 3333
"duration": 15,
"level_id": 200,
"price": 12.00,
"service_level_id": 1687482,
"service_id": 3333
Returns the level pricing and duration. If no results are returned, the service always uses the base price and duration.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/level/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the service. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
service_levels | ServiceLevel[] | The service levels for this service, with price and duration fields filled out for each. |
Service Resource List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"resources": [
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "IPL Machine",
"description": "",
"resource_id": 2929
Returns the list of resources this service can use.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/resource/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the service. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
services | Resource[] | The resources this service can use. |
Sharing Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"service_id": 3333,
"share": true
Example Response:
"success": true,
"services": [
"company_id": 12346,
"service_id": 3334,
"dome_service_id": 3333,
"name": "Haircut"
Updates the sharing of a service in a Dome.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/service/sharing/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
service_id | integer | required |
The ID of the service to update sharing on. |
company_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the child companies to updating sharing on. |
share | boolean | required |
Set to true to share this service with these companies. Set to false to remove sharing of this service from these companies. |
replace | boolean | If true , any child companies not included in the company_ids list will also have their sharing updated to the opposite value of share . If false , child companies not included in the company_ids list will keep their existing sharing value for this service. Defaults to false if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
services | Service[] | The list of child services that were shared by this call. (Note: if you have set share=false and replace=true , you will get a list of the child services for all the other companies in the Dome). |
Category List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"categories": [
"category_id": 0,
"name": "No Category"
Get a list of service categories.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/category/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all categories. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
categories | Category[] | The list of categories for the company. |
Category Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"category": {
"name": "Nails"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"category_id": 9445,
"name": "Nails"
Adds a new service category.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/category/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
category | Category | required |
The category to add. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
category | Category | The new category. |
Special Types
A group service is a pre-determined set of child services, which are then sold/booked together. The group service contains the child services, and can optionally override either the total price of all included services (override_price
), or the total duration of all the included services (override_duration
), or both.
For example, a 'Haircut and Blow Dry' group service would contain the 'Haircut' service followed by the 'Blow Dry' service.
A class service is a service that multiple clients can attend at once, at the same time.
For example, a 'Yoga' class could be attended by 10 clients at the same time, with one operator as the instructor.
A service_id
value of -1
indicates the Multi service - this is when a normal appointment has an extra appointment added on to it, without extending the time. This creates a group parent (the Multi service, with override_duration: true
), and changes the existing appointment and new appointment to be children of the new Multi service appointment.
A task service is a service for the operator to perform, that is not attributed to a certain client, and cannot be paid for. For example, a 'Cleaning' task for 15 minutes at the end of the day.
The client_id
for an appointment booked as a task will be the System Client.
Parameter | Type | Description |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service. |
allow_multiple_clients | boolean | If true , this service is a Class, that can accept multiple clients in a single timeslot. If false , there can be only one client. |
barcode | string | The barcode of the service. |
base_duration | integer | The duration of the service before the operator's level was applied. This field only appears when an operator level has been applied, eg. when requesting a list of services for a specific operator, and there is a level override set for this service for the operator's level. |
base_price | decimal | The price of the service before the operator's level was applied. This field only appears when an operator level has been applied, eg. when requesting a list of services for a specific operator, and there is a level override set for this service for the operator's level. |
category_id | integer | The category ID. |
category | Category | Expanded field of category_id . The service's category. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the service. |
description | string | The description of the service. |
display_colour | string | The colour to display the service on the appointment page. Must be in six-character Hex RRGGBB format, eg. FFFFFF for White, 000000 for Black, FF0000 for Red. |
dome_service_id | integer | The ID of the service in the Dome. |
duration | integer | The length of time for the service, in minutes. Must be non-zero, and a multiple of the company's appointment interval. When retrieving the service for a specific operator, this field will contain the duration for that operator, and the original duration will instead be returned in base_duration . |
group_service | boolean | If true , this service is a group service, which is a combination of other services. This must be set when creating the service. See Group Services. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this service (or if none set, the service category's Main image). Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
loyalty_points_earned | integer | The amount of loyalty points earned from purchasing this service. |
loyalty_points_to_redeem | integer | The amount of loyalty points needed to redeem this service. |
maximum_clients | integer | When allow_multiple_clients is true , you can use this field to restrict the number of clients allowed in this Class. Leave at 0 or null to allow an unlimited number of clients. |
move_by_staff_blocked | boolean | If true , appointments with this service cannot be moved by users with a Staff level Role. If false , the appointment can be moved by any user. |
name | string | The name of the service. |
online_booking_categories | OnlineCategory[] | The categories this service is shown in on your online booking website. Omitted if online_booking_show is false . |
online_booking_name | string | The name of the service as displayed on your online booking website. |
online_booking_price | decimal | The price of the service with your online booking markup applied. Omitted if online_booking_show is false . This may or may not include tax, depending on the company's prices_inc_tax setting. |
online_booking_price_with_tax | decimal | The price of the service with your online booking markup applied including any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the online_booking_price field. |
online_booking_price_without_tax | decimal | The price of the service with your online booking markup applied excluding any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the online_booking_price field. |
online_booking_show | boolean | Whether the service is visible on your online booking website. |
online_booking_tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax with your online booking markup applied. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the online_booking_price field. |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators who can perform the service. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
override_duration | boolean | When group_service is true , setting this field to true allows you to set a custom duration for the group service. If false , the duration will be the total of all included service durations, plus any in-between processing durations. |
override_price | boolean | When group_service is true , setting this field to true allows you to set a custom price for the group service. If false , the price will be the total of all included service prices. |
order | int | When requesting the child services of a group service, if the group service's override_duration: false , then this field will indicate the order that this child service should be performed, relative to the other child service order fields. Only used in the Service Children List API call. |
price | decimal | The price of the service. When retrieving the service for a specific operator, this field will contain the price for that operator, and the original price will instead be returned in base_price . This may or may not include tax, depending on the company's prices_inc_tax setting. |
price_with_tax | decimal | The price of the service including any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
price_without_tax | decimal | The price of the service excluding any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
processing_duration | integer | The length of time for service processing, in minutes. Eg. the time it takes for a client's hair to dry - subsequent services for this client (or any client: see processing_duration_blocked ) must wait until the processing time is finished. Must a multiple of the company's appointment interval. |
processing_duration_blocked | boolean | If true , appointments (for any client) cannot be booked in the processing duration time following the appointment (however a user with a Manager level Role or higher can override this). If false , the operator can perform services on other clients during this time, but subsequent services booked for the same client will default to waiting until the processing time is finished. |
requires_resource | boolean | If true , this service requires a resource room to be available. You must then set the resources rooms which can be used for this service (otherwise attempting to book this service will fail, as it cannot assign a resource room). |
service_levels | ServiceLevel[] | The list of levels for this service. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
task | boolean | If true , this service is a Task. If false , this service is not a task. |
tax | Tax Rate | The tax rate applied to this service. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
tax_free | boolean | If true , this service does not have tax applied. |
tax_id_override | boolean | The specific Tax Rate to apply to this service. If 0 , the default tax_for_services rate will be applied. Omitted if tax_free=true . |
Service Level
Parameter | Type | Description |
service_level_id | integer | The ID of service level. |
level_id | integer | The ID of the operator level. |
duration | integer | The length of time for the service at this level, in minutes. Must be non-zero, and a multiple of the company's appointment interval. |
online_booking_price | decimal | The price of the service at this level with your online booking markup applied. Omitted if online_booking_show for the service is false . This may or may not include tax, depending on the company's prices_inc_tax setting. |
online_booking_price_with_tax | decimal | The price of the service at this level with your online booking markup applied including any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the online_booking_price field. |
online_booking_price_without_tax | decimal | The price of the service at this level with your online booking markup applied excluding any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the online_booking_price field. |
online_booking_tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax at this level with your online booking markup applied. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the online_booking_price field. |
price | decimal | The price of the service at this level. This may or may not include tax, depending on the company's prices_inc_tax setting. |
price_with_tax | decimal | The price of the service at this level including any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
price_without_tax | decimal | The price of the service at this level excluding any tax. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service. |
tax_amount | decimal | The amount of tax at this level. Cannot be set directly - it is calculated from the price field. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
category_id | integer | The ID of the category. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this category. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
name | string | The name of the category. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
category_id | integer | The ID of the online booking category. |
name | string | The name of the online booking category. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
allow_multiple_clients | boolean | If true , returns only services that are a Class. If false , there can be only one client. |
barcode | string | The barcode to search for - must be an exact match. If omitted, returns all. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve services for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
category_id | integer | The category ID to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to filter by - if set, only services that this client has had previously (and paid for), or is having today (paid or unpaid), will be returned. | |
dome_service_id | integer | The dome service ID to filter by. This will return the child location service, if it exists in the specified company. If omitted, returns all. | |
exclude_empty_group_parents | boolean | If true , Group services that do not have any child services will not be returned. If omitted, defaults to false , which will include empty group services in the results. |
exclude_resources_not_setup | boolean | If true , services that have requires_resource=true but do not have any resources assigned, will not be returned. If omitted, defaults to false , which will include services that require a resource but don't have any assigned (and therefore cannot be booked) in the results. |
loyalty_points_to_redeem | integer | Returns services that can be redeemed with this amount of loyalty points. If omitted, returns all. | |
online_booking_category_id | string | The OnlineCategory category_id to filter by. If omitted, returns all. |
online_booking_show | boolean | The online booking visibility to filter by. If omitted, returns all. | |
operator_id | integer | Specifying the operator ID will restrict the results to only the services that this operator can perform. If omitted, returns all. This will apply level changes to price and duration if the operator's level has an override set. |
resource_id | integer | Specifying the resource ID will restrict the results to only the services that use this resource. If omitted, returns all. | |
service_ids | integer[] | A list of service IDs to filter services by. Invalid IDs will be ignored (no error will be raised). | |
task | boolean | If true , returns only services that are a Task. If false , returns only services that are not tasks. If omitted, returns all. |
If any fields are omitted, they will default to false
Parameter | Type | Description | |
price | boolean | If true , the Dome service's price will be copied down to each child location service. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"setting_keys": ["client_hide_address"]
Example Response:
"success": true,
"settings": [
"name": "client_hide_address",
"value": "1"
Get a list of settings. All requested settings will be returned (there is no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/setting/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | SettingFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the setting list |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: valid_values . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
settings | Setting[] | The list of settings matching the filters. |
Client List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"settings": [
"name": "client_hide_address",
"value": "1"
"default_categories": [
"client_category_id": 1,
"name": "Loyalty Program"
Get a list of settings related to adding or editing clients, as well as the default Client Category list for new clients. All requested settings will be returned (there is no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/setting/client/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | ClientSettingFilter | The filters to apply to the setting list |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
settings | Setting[] | The list of settings specific to adding/editing clients. |
default_categories | ClientCategory[] | The list of client categories to automatically add to new clients. |
POS List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"settings": [
"name": "force_operator_at_sale",
"value": "0"
"name": "auto_scan",
"value": "0"
"name": "advanced_discounting",
"value": "1"
"name": "prices_inc_tax",
"value": "1"
"name": "enable_tips",
"value": "1"
"name": "automatic_tip_percentage",
"value": "15"
"name": "rebook_reminder",
"value": "1"
"currency_symbol": "$",
"current_operator_id": 2222,
"operators": [
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"firstname": "Ashley",
"lastname": "Smith",
"level": {
"level_id": 100,
"name": "Apprentice"
"level_id": 100,
"operator_id": 2222,
"order_num": 0
"tax_combined_name": "GST",
"tax_for_packages": {
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "GST",
"rate": 10,
"tax_id": 8008
"tax_for_products": {
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "GST",
"rate": 10,
"tax_id": 8008
"tax_for_services": {
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "GST",
"rate": 10,
"tax_id": 8008
"tax_for_vouchers": {
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "GST",
"rate": 10,
"tax_id": 8008
"variable_voucher_default_expiry_number": 0,
"variable_voucher_default_expiry_type": "never",
"variable_voucher_editable": false
Get a list of settings related to POS, as well as the Operator list for POS. All requested settings will be returned (there is no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/setting/pos/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | POSSettingFilter | The filters to apply to the setting list | |
options | ListOption | The options for list results (note that all settings are included - paging options are ignored). | |
options.expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: discount_types , payment_types . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
settings | Setting[] | The list of settings specific to POS. |
currency_symbol | string | The currency symbol to use when displaying prices. |
current_operator_id | integer | The ID of the current operator, to select by default (if it appears in the operators list). |
discount_types | DiscountType[] | The list of discount types. Omitted if advanced_discounting is 0 . Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators available at POS. |
payment_types | PaymentType[] | The list of payment types that have show_on_pos set to true . Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields_grouped . |
tax_combined_name | string | The name to use when referring to all taxes - ie. the total of all taxes at POS. |
tax_for_memberships | TaxRate | The default tax rate to apply to memberships (excludes memberships marked tax_free , and memberships with a tax_id_override set) |
tax_for_packages | TaxRate | The default tax rate to apply to packages (excludes packages marked tax_free , and packages with a tax_id_override set) |
tax_for_products | TaxRate | The default tax rate to apply to products (excludes products marked tax_free , and products with a tax_id_override set) |
tax_for_services | TaxRate | The default tax rate to apply to services (excludes services marked tax_free , and services with a tax_id_override set) |
tax_for_vouchers | TaxRate | The default tax rate to apply to vouchers (excludes vouchers marked tax_free , and vouchers with a tax_id_override set) |
variable_voucher_default_expiry_number | integer | The number value of the default Variable Voucher expiry. Eg. for a voucher expiring in 5 weeks, it would be 5 . |
variable_voucher_default_expiry_type | string | The period of the default Variable Voucher expiry. Valid values are never , days , weeks , months or years . Eg. for a voucher expiring in 5 weeks, it would be weeks . |
variable_voucher_editable | boolean | If true , the current user is allowed to adjust the included value and expiry of a Variable Voucher at sale. If false , the value must match the price, and the expiry cannot be changed from the default. |
Online Booking List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345
Example Response:
"success": true,
"settings": [
"name": "prices_inc_tax",
"value": "1"
"name": "deposit_percentage_default",
"value": "50"
"name": "timezone",
"value": "1"
"online_booking_categories": [
"category_id": "acne",
"name": "Acne Treatments"
"online_booking_hours": [
"closed": false,
"company_id": 20440,
"day": "monday",
"time_end": "2017-01-02T17:00:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2017-01-02T09:00:00+11:00"
"operators": [
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "Ash",
"operator_id": 2222,
"online_booking_show": true
"tax_combined_name": "GST",
"tax_for_services": {
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "GST",
"rate": 10,
"tax_id": 8008
"tax_for_vouchers": {
"company_id": 12345,
"name": "GST",
"rate": 10,
"tax_id": 8008
Get a list of settings related to Online Bookings, as well as the Operator list for operators enabled for Online Bookings, the Online Booking category list, and the Opening Hours list specific to Online Bookings (not necessarily the same as the standard Opening Hours - see setting online_booking_custom_hours
). All requested settings will be returned (there is no paging).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/setting/online_booking/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | OnlineBookingSettingFilter | The filters to apply to the setting list | |
options | ListOption | The options for list results (note that all settings are included - paging options are ignored). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
settings | Setting[] | The list of settings specific to Online Bookings. |
operators | Operator[] | The list of operators available for Online Bookings. |
tax_combined_name | string | The name to use when referring to all taxes - ie. the total of all taxes. |
tax_for_services | TaxRate | The tax rate to apply to services (excluding services marked tax_free ) |
tax_for_vouchers | TaxRate | The tax rate to apply to vouchers (excluding vouchers marked tax_free ) |
online_booking_categories | OnlineCategory[] | The service categories shown on the company's online booking website. |
online_booking_hours | Opening Hours[] | The hours to show on the company's online booking website. These will be the online_booking_custom_hours if set, otherwise they will be the company's standard hours. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"settings": [
"name": "global_lockout_staff",
"value": "0"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"settings": [
"name": "global_lockout_staff",
"value": "0"
Updates the provided settings.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/setting/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
settings | Setting[] | required |
The settings to update. |
company_id | integer | required |
The ID of the company to update these settings for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
settings | Setting[] | The updated settings. |
Available Settings
All settings are returned as string values, the Type is how you should interpret the setting value. Boolean type settings will return 0
or 1
. Enum type settings will have a list of valid_values
Setting Key | Type | Description |
accounting_gateway_default | enum | The default accounting gateway. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Accounting, or null if no default is selected. Note that this setting is listed in the Simple Salon UI as "Export Sales figures to". |
advanced_discounting | boolean | If 1 , Advanced Discounting is enabled, allowing the use of preset Discount Types. If 0 , the discount can be manually specified on an item as a percentage. |
advanced_end_of_day | boolean | If 1 , Advanced End of Day is enabled, allowing the user to total up payments at the end of the day and remove cash for banking. |
advanced_rostering | boolean | If 1 , Advanced Rostering is enabled, allowing setting individual Rosters of different Roster Types per day. If 0 , the opening hours of the company will be returned as rosters with roster_id on each set to 0 . |
allow_multiple_sms | boolean | If 1 , SMS messages can be concatenated (see Send SMS Price Check for more details on maximum message length). If 0 , SMS messages longer than a single SMS will not be sent. |
allow_staff_to_sms | boolean | If 1 , Staff can send SMS messages to clients. If 0 , they cannot. |
appointment_client_name_display | enum | The display format for client names for appointments. Valid values are: firstname_lastname (eg. Joe Citizen or Joe C) or lastname_firstname (eg. Citizen Joe or Citizen J). |
appointment_column_width | enum | The width of columns on the appointment page. Valid values are: small , medium . |
appointment_interval | integer | The minimum time for an appointment timeslot. |
appointment_lock_comments | enum | When the comments on an appointment should be locked. Valid values are never , after_sale and manual . |
appointment_sharing_enabled | boolean | Only relevant for Dome and child locations. If 1 , the location allows appointment sharing with other locations in the Dome who are also sharing appointments. |
arrived_flag_colour_for_paid | boolean | If 1 , paid appointments also flagged as Arrived should be shown with the Arrived flag highlight colour. If 0 , they should be shown with the Paid highlight colour instead. |
auto_approval | boolean | If 1 , online bookings are automatically approved. If 0 , they must be manually approved by the company. |
auto_roster_off | boolean | If 1 , then bookings cannot be made unless a roster specifically allows it. If 0 , then bookings can be made even if there is no specific roster to allow it, as long as there isn't a roster disallowing it. If advanced_rostering is disabled, this setting is ignored. |
auto_scan | boolean | If 1 , the scan service/product barcode option should be automatically loaded when POS is loaded. |
automatic_tip_percentage | decimal | The percentage Tip to automatically apply. |
cash_rounding_direction | enum | The direction roundable transactions should be rounded. Valid values are: away_from_zero (always up), closest , none , toward_zero (always down). |
cash_rounding_midpoint_direction | enum | The direction roundable transactions should be rounded when cash_rounding_direction=closest , cash_rounding_minimum is an even number, and the amount falls on the midpoint of the cash_rounding_minimum . Valid values are: away_from_zero (up), toward_zero (down). |
cash_rounding_minimum | decimal | The minimum denomination cash transactions should be rounded to. Ignored if cash_rounding_direction=none . |
client_file_delete_minimum_role_id | integer | The minimum Role ID required to delete client files. If 0 , any user can delete client files. |
client_hide_address | boolean | If 1 , Staff members cannot view or edit address details for a client. They will be able to add address details for a new client. |
client_hide_phone | boolean | If 1 , Staff members cannot view or edit telephone or mobile details for a client. They will be able to add phone details for a new client. |
client_requires_mobile | boolean | If 1 , the Mobile field is required for a client |
client_requires_email | boolean | If 1 , the Email field is required for a client |
client_sharing_enabled | boolean | Only relevant for Dome and child locations. If 1 , the location allows client sharing with other locations in the Dome who are also sharing clients. |
deposit_enabled | boolean | If 1 , the location can take deposits. |
deposit_percentage_default | integer | The default percentage (of the total transaction amount) for a deposit payment. |
deposit_required_for_appointments | boolean | If 1 , deposit payments are required when making an appointment booking. Ignored if deposit_enabled is 0 . |
enable_tips | boolean | Whether to enable adding Tips at POS. |
eod_email | string | The alternate email address to send completed End of Day reports to. If blank, the email will be sent to the company's email address. |
eod_float_default | decimal | The default float value for completing End of Day - ie. the default amount to leave in the cash drawer at the end of the day. |
force_operator_at_sale | boolean | If 1 , each item in the sale must be assigned to an operator. If 0 , the operator can be omitted (which assigns those items to the System Operator). |
form_background_colour | string | The colour to apply to the form site background. |
global_lockout_manager | boolean | If 1 , the Global Lockout setting for users with a Manager level Role is enabled. See Global Lockout. |
global_lockout_staff | boolean | If 1 , the Global Lockout setting for users with a Staff level Role is enabled. See Global Lockout. |
login_timeout_enabled | boolean | If 1 , the Quick Login timeout is enabled, and the user should be required to re-enter their quick login PIN after login_timeout_minutes of inactivity. |
login_timeout_minutes | integer | The number of minutes of inactivity before the user should be required to re-enter their quick login PIN (if login_timeout_enabled is enabled). |
loyalty_points_convert_to_voucher_allowed | boolean | If 1 , converting a Client's loyalty points to a Voucher is enabled. |
loyalty_points_convert_to_voucher_points | integer | The amount of points to use when converting a Client's loyalty points to a Voucher. |
loyalty_points_convert_to_voucher_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the Voucher to use when converting a Client's loyalty points to a voucher. |
new_client_promotions_default | boolean | If 1 , the SMS Promotion and Email Promotion values should default to true for a client. |
new_client_reminders_default | boolean | If 1 , the SMS Reminder and Email Reminder values should default to true for a client. |
online_booking_custom_html | string | The custom HTML/Javascript to add to the online booking site. |
online_booking_custom_hours | string | The custom hours to display to the client on the online booking site - these don't affect booking availability. Note that this is a JSON-serialised string, containing Opening Hours[]. |
online_booking_company_id | integer | The company's online booking store ID. |
online_booking_default_service_sort | string | The default sorting for services in online bookings. Valid values are: LH (price: lowest to highest), HL (price: highest to lowest), AZ (name: A to Z), ZA (name: Z to A) |
online_booking_default_style_button | string | The default colour for the online booking site buttons (the colour to use for resetting online_booking_style_button back to default). |
online_booking_default_style_text_highlight | string | The default colour for the online booking site highlighted text (the colour to use for resetting online_booking_style_text_highlight back to default). |
online_booking_default_style_title | string | The default colour for the online booking site title (the colour to use for resetting online_booking_style_title back to default). |
online_booking_facebook_pixel_id | string | The online booking Facebook Pixel ID. |
online_booking_fee_details_required | boolean | If 1 , this company does not have saved payment details for accepting an unconfirmed appointment with a confirmation charge. If 0 , no payment details are required. |
online_booking_latitude | decimal | The geographic latitude of the company's online booking store address. |
online_booking_longitude | decimal | The geographic longitude of the company's online booking store address. |
online_booking_marketplace_enabled | boolean | If 1 , the company's online booking store is listed on the Slick marketplace. |
online_booking_markup | decimal | The percentage amount to increase Online Bookings by. Eg. if set to 10 , bookings made online will be charged an extra 10%. |
online_booking_minimum_cancellation_notice | integer | The minimum number of hours notice required for online booking cancellations. |
online_booking_pass_on_transaction_fee | boolean | Whether to pass on any transaction fees (eg. credit card surcharge) directly onto the client when they book online. |
online_booking_payment_mode | enum | The payment required for online booking appointments. Valid values are none , upfront and deposit . |
online_booking_privacy_policy | string | The privacy policy link to display to online booking clients. |
online_booking_profile_image | string | The online booking logo image. |
online_booking_profile_message | string | The online booking message to display to clients. |
online_booking_status | enum | The online booking site status. Valid values are none (the company is not listed online), off (the company is not listed online), listing (the company is listed, but cannot take bookings), full (the company is shown, and can take bookings/purchases) or group (the company is a group of other companies - ie. a Dome - and cannot take bookings/purchases) |
online_booking_style_button | string | The colour to apply to the online booking site buttons. |
online_booking_style_text_highlight | string | The colour to apply to the online booking site highlighted text. |
online_booking_style_title | string | The colour to apply to the online booking site title. |
online_booking_terms | string | The terms and conditions link to display to online booking clients, which must be accepted before making a booking/purchase. |
online_booking_url_id | integer | The numeric URL ID of the online booking website. |
online_booking_url_tag | string | The human-readable URL tag of the online booking website. |
package_redeem_at_any_location | boolean | Only relevant for Dome. If 1 , items sold as part of a package can be redeemed at any child location in the Dome. |
pos_live_payment_gateway_default | enum | The default payment gateway to use at POS. Valid values are Third Party Link Types marked as Used For: Payment Type POS Default, or null if no default is selected. |
price_update_minimum_role_id | integer | The minimum Role ID required to update the price of an appointment or sale item. Ignored if advanced_discounting=1 (as prices can only be updated by applying a discount, regardless of role). |
prices_inc_tax | boolean | If 1 , the prices of items at POS already includes any relevant tax component (so the tax does not increase the total of the sale). If 0 , the tax is added on to the item's price (and increases the total of the sale). |
prompt_for_claim | boolean | If 1 , the POS user should be prompted to use any available loyalty points/package items/membership inclusions for the client before payment (identify via the fields can_redeem_via_loyalty_points / can_redeem_via_package / can_redeem_via_membership returned from each item's price check API call). If 0 , don't prompt. |
rebook_reminder | boolean | If 1 , the user should be prompted to rebook any appointments sold at POS. |
rebook_with_discount | boolean | If 1 , any discount applied to the original appointment is also applied to the new appointment. If 0 , rebooked appointments revert to the normal price for their service. |
receipt_auto_email | boolean | If 1 , receipts are automatically emailed to the client at the completion of a transaction. |
receipt_email_template_id | integer | The template_id of the email template to use when sending a client a receipt via email. |
receipt_format_default | enum | The format to print receipts in. Valid values are: receipt_printer (a smaller format receipt), a4_printer (a larger format receipt). |
receipt_message | string | The message to add to the end of receipts. |
receipt_printer_attached | boolean | If 1 , the POS screen will automatically pop up a print dialog at the completion of a transaction. |
receipt_show_account_balance | boolean | If 1 , client account balances will be included on receipts. |
receipt_show_future_appointments | boolean | If 1 , client future appointments will be included on receipts. |
receipt_show_invoice_balance | boolean | If 1 , client invoice balances will be included on receipts. |
receipt_show_loyalty_points | boolean | If 1 , client loyalty point balances will be included on receipts. |
reserve_with_google_enabled | boolean | If 1 , integration with Reserve with Google is enabled, which adds links to the company's Online Booking site to the company's business profile on Google. |
sms_autotopup_amount | decimal | The amount of SMS to purchase when the sms_autotopup_threshold is reached (if sms_autotopup_enabled=1 ). |
sms_autotopup_card_id | string | The id of the card to charge for SMS auto topups. If blank, uses the card linked to the company's subscription. |
sms_autotopup_card_desc | string | The description of the card to charge for SMS auto topups. Read-only - retrieved automatically from the card set in the sms_autotopup_card_id setting. |
sms_autotopup_enabled | boolean | If 1 , the sms_autotopup_amount will be automatically billed when the company's SMS balance falls below the sms_autotopup_threshold . If 0 , no charge will be made automatically. |
sms_autotopup_threshold | decimal | The SMS balance to trigger an automatic SMS balance topup (if sms_autotopup_enabled=1 ). |
sms_dedicated_number | string | The number to use as the sender ID when sending SMS. If left blank, a shared pool number will be used. |
sms_enabled | boolean | If 1 , SMS is enabled for this company. If 0 , SMS is not enabled. |
sms_gateway | enum | The SMS gateway to use when sending SMS. Ignore if sms_gateway_use_dome=1 . |
sms_gateway_use_dome | boolean | If 1 , SMS will be sent through the Dome's SMS gateway. If 0 , this company's SMS gateway will be used. |
search_dome_clients_default | boolean | Only relevant for Dome and child locations. If 1 , the Search Dome field for client search should default to true . |
timezone | enum | The timezone for the requested company. Timezone result will be an option from the Microsoft Default Timezones list. See also Timezones. Requesting the timezone setting will also always return the timezone_iana setting as well. |
timezone_iana | enum | The timezone for the requested company, converted to the best-fit IANA timezone. Timezone result will be an option from the IANA Timezones list. See also Timezones. Requesting the timezone_iana setting will also always return the timezone setting as well. |
voucher_email_template_id | integer | The template_id of the email template to use when sending a client a receipt via email. |
voucher_sms_template_id | integer | The template_id of the sms template to use when sending a client a receipt via SMS. |
wait_list_enabled | boolean | If 1 , the Wait List operator is enabled for this location. If 0 , it is disabled. |
wait_list_name | string | The name to display for the Wait List operator. |
website_facebook | string | The URL for the company's Facebook page. |
website_instagram | string | The URL for the company's Instagram page. |
website_twitter | string | The URL for the company's Twitter page. |
welcome_page | enum | The default page to load when a User or Operator first logs in (if their own welcome_page field is blank). Valid values are: appointments , pos , reporting , resources or snapshot . |
whatsapp_enabled | boolean | If 1 , WhatsApp is enabled for this company. If 0 , WhatsApp is not enabled. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string | The setting key name. |
type | string | The type of setting. Valid values are: boolean , decimal , enum , integer , string . |
value | string | The current value of the setting. |
valid_values | SettingValue[] | The options for this setting. Must be specifically requested via expanded fields. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve settings for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
setting_keys | string[] | required |
The list of settings to retrieve, from the Available Settings list |
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | string | The value for the setting option. |
name | string | The label for the setting option. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve client settings for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve POS settings for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve Online Booking settings for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"status_id": 84628
Example Response:
"success": true,
"status_id": 84628,
"text": "Processing",
"code": "processing",
"caller_code": "payment_sale"
Gets a single status.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/status/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
status_id | integer | required |
The ID of the status to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
status | Status | The status. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"caller_code": "payment"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"status_id": 84628,
"caller_code": "payment"
Adds a new status.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/status/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
status | Status | required |
The status to add. Omitted or null fields are left as default values. |
generate_token | string | If set, generates a time- and permission-limited API login token with the current user's permissions, for a third party to use. Valid values are: payment_processor . |
Field | Notes for Add |
status_id | This field cannot be set. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
status | Status | The added status. |
api_url | string | If generate_token was set, this field will have the API URL to use for all subsequent API calls, usually in the form . |
expiry | string | If generate_token was set, this field will have the expiry date of the login token, in UTC. |
token | string | If generate_token was set, this field will have the time- and permission-limited API login token for a third party to use. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"status_id": 84628,
"text": "Processing",
"code": "processing",
"caller_code": "payment"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"status_id": 84628,
"text": "Processing",
"code": "processing",
"caller_code": "payment"
Updates an existing status.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/status/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
status | Status | required |
The status to update. Must specify status_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
status | Status | The updated status. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
status_id | integer | The ID of the status. |
code | integer | The status code from the receiver of the status (eg. for a payment status update, any status code updates from the payment processor will be saved here). See also caller_code . |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the status. This field is read-only. |
date_created | string | The date this status was created. |
date_updated | string | The date this status was last updated. |
expiry_date | string | The date this status expires - the status can be deleted at any point past this time. |
extra_data | string | Extra data linked to this status update. May be a JSON encoded string. |
item_id | integer | The ID of the item related to this status update (eg. for a payment status update, it could be a payment_id ). |
caller_code | integer | The status code sent from the function that originally created the status (eg. for a payment status update where the caller was Simple Salon, if the user presses Cancel in Simple Salon then this would be set to cancelled to signal the payment processor to cancel taking payment). See also code . |
text | string | The status text. |
Tax Rates
Tax Rate
Parameter | Type | Description |
tax_id | integer | The ID of the tax rate. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the tax rate. |
name | string | The name of the tax rate. |
rate | decimal | The tax rate percentage to apply. |
Third Party
Link Get
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "facebook"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"type": "facebook",
"connected": true,
"configuration_required": false
Gets the status of the third party link.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/link/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
type | string | required |
The type of the third party link to get - see Third Party Link Types. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
type | string | The type of third party link. |
connected | boolean | Whether a connection has been made with this third party. |
configuration_required | boolean | If true , then a connection has been made with this third party, however more configuration is required before it can be used. |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The settings for this third party (if connected). |
Extra Field get data
Extra Field | Description |
facebook_facebook_page_button_enabled | true if the Book Now button on the Facebook Page is enabled, false if it's disabled. This button appears on the Facebook page. |
facebook_instagram_page_button_enabled | true if the Book Now button on the Instagram Page is enabled, false if it's disabled. This button appears on the Instagram page. |
facebook_management_url | The URL to use to adjust settings via the Facebook UI. |
facebook_messenger_availability_button_enabled | true if the Send Availability button in Facebook Messenger is enabled, false if it's disabled. This button appears in the page's Facebook Messenger chat window with a Facebook user. |
facebook_messenger_menu_enabled | true if the Book Now button in Facebook Messenger is enabled, false if it's disabled. This button appears for Facebook users who have a Facebook Messenger chat window with your page open. |
Link Add
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "facebook"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"type": "facebook",
"redirect_url": ""
Starts the process to link to a new third party.
For some Third Party Link Types, this will return a redirect_url
to send the user to in order to complete the link (eg. facebook
). Other types may return success=true
with configuration_required=true
, meaning that more needs to be done to complete the link (eg. payleadr
will have sent the company an email with a signup form to complete).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/link/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
type | string | required |
The type of the third party to begin linking to - see Third Party Link Types. |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The settings to configure. |
Extra Field add data
Extra Field | Description |
facebook_facebook_page_button_enabled | true to enable the Book Now button on the Facebook Page, false to disable it. If omitted, defaults to true . |
facebook_instagram_page_button_enabled | true to enable the Book Now button on the Instagram Page, false to disable it. If omitted, defaults to true . |
facebook_messenger_availability_button_enabled | true to enable the Send Availability button in Facebook Messenger, false to disable it. If omitted, defaults to true . |
facebook_messenger_menu_enabled | true to enable the Book Now button in Facebook Messenger, false to disable it. If omitted, defaults to true . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
type | string | The type of the third party. |
configuration_required | boolean | If true , then a connection has been made with this third party, however more configuration is required before it can be used. |
redirect_url | string | The link to send the user to if the third party requires the user to log in to their third party account via a browser. |
Link Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "facebook",
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "facebook_facebook_page_button_enabled",
"value": "true"
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates settings for a third party link.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/link/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
type | string | required |
The type of third party to update settings for - see Third Party Link Types. |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The settings to update. |
Extra Field update data
Extra Field | Description |
facebook_facebook_page_button_enabled | true to enable the Book Now button on the Facebook Page, false to disable it. If omitted, the setting is left as it currently is. |
facebook_instagram_page_button_enabled | true to enable the Book Now button on the Instagram Page, false to disable it. If omitted, the setting is left as it currently is. |
facebook_messenger_availability_button_enabled | true to enable the Send Availability button in Facebook Messenger, false to disable it. If omitted, the setting is left as it currently is. |
facebook_messenger_menu_enabled | true to enable the Book Now button in Facebook Messenger, false to disable it. If omitted, the setting is left as it currently is. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Link Delete
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"type": "facebook"
Example Response:
"success": true
Unlinks the third party from the company.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/third_party/link/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
type | string | required |
The type of third party to unlink - see Third Party Link Types. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Link Types
Type | Description | Used for |
Facebook (and Instagram) business link. | ||
payleadr | Payleadr | Client Memberships |
quickbooks | QuickBooks | Accounting |
stripe | Stripe | Client Memberships Payment Type Payment Type POS Default |
tyro | Tyro | Payment Type Payment Type POS Default |
worldline | ANZ Worldline | Payment Type Payment Type POS Default |
xero | Xero | Accounting |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"tip_id": 7584389
Example Response:
"success": true,
"tip": {
"tip_id": 7584389,
"amount": 5.00,
"operator_id": 2222,
"transaction_id": 85735
Gets a single tip.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/tip/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
tip_id | integer | required |
The ID of the tip to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
tip | Transaction | The tip. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"tip_id": 7584389,
"operator_id": 2222
Example Response:
"success": true,
"tip": {
"tip_id": 7584389,
"amount": 5.00,
"operator_id": 2222,
"transaction_id": 85735
Updates a tip.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/tip/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
tip | Tip | required |
The tip to update. Must specify tip_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. Only the fields listed below are able to be updated. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
tip | Tip | The updated tip. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
tip_id | integer | The ID of the tip. |
linked_tip_id | integer | The ID of the tip from a linked transaction, eg. if a tip was refunded, the original tip will have the refunded tip's ID here, and vice versa. |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who received the tip. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved tip. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
price | decimal | The amount of the tip. |
refund | boolean | Whether this tip is a refund. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction containing the tip. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"transactions": [
"amount": 10.03,
"date": "2019-01-01T09:08:27+11:00",
"status": "incomplete",
"transaction_id": 85735
Get a list of transactions.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | TransactionFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the transaction list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. | |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: clients . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
transactions | Transaction[] | The list of transactions matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": 85735,
"amount": 10.03,
"status": "incomplete"
Gets a single transaction.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: account_values , appointments , client_memberships , client_packages , client_products , client_vouchers , surcharges , tips . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
transaction | Transaction | The transaction. |
Get Invoice
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"success": true,
"invoice": "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html xmlns=\"\">\r\n<head><title>Invoice #85735</title><style type=\"text/css\">div#ReceiptDetailsDIV {font-family:Helvetica;font-size:8px;}div#ReceiptDetailsDIV table{width:100%}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table th{font-size:12pt;font-weight:700;text-align:center}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table td{font-size:10pt;text-align:left}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_company td{text-align:center;font-size:11pt}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_invoice td{text-align:center;font-size:11pt;font-weight:700;padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_discounttotal td,#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_gsttotal td,#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_subtotal td,#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_total td{padding-top:5px;text-align:right}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_total td{font-weight:700}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table td.pos_r_price{text-align:right;padding-left:5px}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_datetime td,#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_taxfree td{padding-top:5px;font-size:8pt;text-align:center}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_qty td{padding-right:10px}.pos_r_v_space{padding-bottom:5px}.pos_r_ammounttendered,.pos_r_discountsapplied{padding-top:5px;font-weight:700}#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_ammounttendered td,#ReceiptDetailsDIV table tr.pos_r_discountsapplied td{text-align:left}span.pos_r_claimdate,span.pos_r_itemdate{font-style:italic}tr.pos_r_clientrow td{border-bottom:1px solid #000;margin:0;padding:20px 20px 2px 0}tr.pos_r_clientrow_spacer td{margin:0;padding:0}div#ReceiptToolsDiv{height:10px;margin:0;padding:5px;font-size:16px}div#ReceiptDetailsDIV pre{font-family:monospace;font-size:12px}@media screen{div#ReceiptDetailsDIV{width:680px;border:1px solid #e9e9e9;background-color:#fff;margin:20px auto 0;padding:20px;overflow:auto}body{background-color:#f7f7f7}}</style></head><body><div id=\"ReceiptDetailsDIV\"><div id=\"ReceiptLabel\"><table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><th colspan=\"3\">*** TAX INVOICE ***</th></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_invoice\"><td colspan=\"3\">Invoice #85735</td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_company\"><td colspan=\"3\">Company A</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"> <br /> </td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_itemrow\"><td class=\"pos_r_qty\" nowrap>1</td><td class=\"pos_r_desc\">Haircut</td><td class=\"pos_r_price\" nowrap>$10.00</td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_subtotal\"><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"padding-top:10px\">Ex-GST Total: $9.09</td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_gsttotal\"><td colspan=\"3\">GST: $0.91</td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_total\"><td colspan=\"3\">SALE TOTAL: $10.00</td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_ammounttendered\"><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"padding-top:10px\">Amounts Tendered:</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"pos_r_desc\">Cash</td><td class=\"pos_r_price\" nowrap>$10.00</td></tr><tr class=\"pos_r_datetime\"><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"padding-top:6px;\">Date: 01/01/2019 • Time: 11:00 AM • User: System Admin</td></tr></table></div></div></body></html>"
Gets a transaction's invoice/receipt.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/get/invoice
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
invoice | string | The HTML to display for the transaction's invoice. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction": {
"appointments": [
"client_id": 1111,
"appointment_id": -1,
"operator_id": -1,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"price": 10.03,
"service_id": 3333
"client_memberships": [],
"client_packages": [],
"client_products": [],
"client_vouchers": [],
"type": "sale"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"amount": 10.03,
"appointments": [
"appointment_id": 56793,
"client_id": 1111,
"company_id": 12345,
"duration": 15,
"operator_id": 2222,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"resource_id": 0,
"service": {
"category": {
"category_id": 0,
"name": "No Category"
"category_id": 0,
"name": "Haircut",
"service_id": 3333
"service_id": 3333,
"time_end": "2019-01-01T11:15:00+11:00",
"time_start": "2019-01-01T11:00:00+11:00",
"transaction_id": 85735
"client_memberships": [],
"client_packages": [],
"client_products": [],
"client_vouchers": [],
"date": "2019-01-01T09:08:27+11:00",
"status": "incomplete",
"transaction_id": 85735
Adds a new transaction and adds all the linked items to it.
Items that were unsaved should be sent with a unique pos_id
value. If the transaction is successfully added, they will be assigned an item ID from the server - you will need to update your local list with the new ID, and clear the temporary pos_id
Items that were unsaved and were part of a group service should also have a parent_pos_id
value which matches the pos_id
of the unsaved parent service. This should also be cleared when an item ID is assigned by the server.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction | Transaction | required |
The transaction to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
transaction.type | Valid values are listed in Transaction Types, excluding child transaction types. |
transaction.account_values | Must specify account_value_id , client_id and price . |
transaction.appointments | Must specify appointment_id . For unsaved items, must also specify client_id , operator_id , service_id , price (price is not needed for group parents). |
transaction.client_packages | Must specify client_package_id , client_id , operator_id , package_id , price . |
transaction.client_products | Must specify client_product_id , client_id , operator_id , product_id , price , quantity . |
transaction.client_vouchers | Must specify client_voucher_id , client_id , operator_id , voucher_id , price . |
transaction.client_memberships | Must specify client_membership_id , client_id , operator_id , membership_id , price , start_date . |
transaction.company_id | Dome users must specify a child location. | | This field cannot be set - the date of the transaction will be the current time. |
transaction.deposits | Must specify deposit_id , client_id and price . There can only be one deposit, and it cannot be in a transaction with any other items. |
transaction.linked_transaction_id | The ID of the original transaction, for example, if you are performing a linked refund of an existing sale. |
transaction.status | The Transaction Status of the transaction - If omitted, defaults to incomplete for a sale or refund Transaction Type, or complete for other transaction types. Note: A sale or refund transaction cannot be marked as complete when first added - it requires payments to be added before it can be marked as completed. |
transaction.surcharges | Must specify surcharge_id and price . | | Must specify tip_id , operator_id and price . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
transaction | Transaction | The new transaction. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735,
"date": "2019-01-01T09:08:27+11:00"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"amount": 10.03,
"date": "2018-12-27T12:00:00+11:00",
"status": "complete",
"transaction_id": 85735
Updates a transaction.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction | Transaction | required |
The transaction to update. Must specify transaction_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. Only the fields listed below are able to be updated. |
Field | Notes for Update |
date | Change the date of the transaction. This also changes the date of all the transaction's payments. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
transaction | Transaction | The updated transaction. |
redirect_to_transaction_id | integer | If set, there is an incomplete transaction that needs to be completed - you should redirect the user to complete it now. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a transaction.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to delete. The transaction cannot have a Transaction Status of incomplete - use Transaction Cancel instead for these. Some transactions (such as child transactions, or transactions that include a Live Payment Type) cannot be deleted - an error will be returned. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"success": true
Cancels an incomplete
transaction. You must have removed all payments first.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/cancel
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to cancel. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"success": true,
"notices": [
"loyalty_points": [
"can_convert_to_gift_voucher": true,
"client_id": 1111,
"client_name": "Joe Citizen",
"loyalty_points": 437
"title": "Loyalty Points: (After Sale)",
"type": "loyalty_points"
Completes an incomplete
transaction. You must have added all payments first, ie. amount_owing
is between -0.02
and 0.02
(rounding will be calculated once the transaction is completed).
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/complete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to complete. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
notices | TransactionCompleteNotice[] | A list of notices to display to the user. |
redirect_to_transaction_id | integer | If set, there is a related incomplete transaction that needs to be completed - you should redirect the user to complete it after showing the other notices. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "deposit"
Example Response:
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"amount": 10.03,
"date": "2018-12-27T12:00:00+11:00",
"status": "complete",
"transaction_id": 85735,
"type": "sale"
"new_transactions": [
"amount": 10.03,
"date": "2018-12-27T12:00:00+11:00",
"status": "complete",
"transaction_id": 85736,
"type": "deposit"
Converts the items in a complete
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/convert
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to convert. |
type | string | required |
The type of transaction to convert to. Valid values are: account (takes the appointments out of the transaction, and converts the amount to an account value for that client instead), deposit (takes the appointments out of the transaction, and creates a deposit transaction for that client instead). |
appointment_ids | integer[] | The list of appointments to remove from this transaction and convert. If omitted, all valid appointments in the transaction will be converted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
transaction | Transaction | The original transaction, after any changes. |
new_transactions | Transaction[] | Any new transactions that have been added as part of this conversion, eg. for converting to a deposit transaction, this may include the new transaction where the deposit is sold. |
Add Payment
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"payments": [
"payment_type_id": 1,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"amount": 10.10,
"extra_fields": [
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"payments": [
"payment_id": 6672,
"payment_type_id": 1,
"pos_id": "myref1",
"amount": 10.00,
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "change",
"value": "0.07"
"success": true,
"transaction": {
"transaction_id": 85735,
"amount": 10.03,
"amount_owing": -0.02,
"amount_paid": 10.05,
"payments": [
"amount": 10.05,
"payment_id": 6672,
"payment_type_id": 1,
"transaction_id": 85735
"status": "incomplete"
"transaction_id": 85735,
Adds new payments to an incomplete
Payments should be sent with a unique pos_id
value. If the payment is successfully added, they will be assigned a payment_id
from the server - you will need to update your local payment list with the new ID, and clear the temporary pos_id
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/payment/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
payments | Payment[] | required |
The list of payments to add to the sale. Must specify payment_type_id or gateway , and amount . |
payments. payment. linked_payment_id | integer | The original payment's payment_id when performing a linked refund. Required if the payment type to refund is a Deposit. |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction to add payments to. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
payments | Payment[] | The list of payments added to the sale in this call (the full list is available under the transaction object). |
transaction | Transaction | The transaction. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction. |
Payment Type Extra Fields
These are some of the common Extra Fields used for payments.
Check the extra_fields
list on your selected Payment Type for the full list.
Request fields for ANZ Worldline:
Extra Field | Description | |
card_number | required |
The obfuscated card number (eg. xxxxxxxx4242 ). |
card_type | required |
The card brand (eg. Visa ) |
currency | required |
The currency of the transaction (eg. aud ). |
status | required |
The status of the transaction (eg. APPROVED ). |
void_reference | required |
The reference number used for voiding this transaction if required (TransSeq value). Not required for a void transaction. |
auth_code | The authorisation code of the transaction. | |
receipt_customer | A copy of the customer receipt from the terminal. | |
receipt_merchant | A copy of the merchant receipt from the terminal. | |
reference_number | The reference number of the transaction (TransRef value). |
Request fields for On Account:
Extra Field | Description | |
client_id | required |
The ID of the client to charge to. |
Request fields for Cash:
Extra Field | Description | |
change | The amount of change given. The payment.amount field should include the change amount too: eg. if a transaction is $7, and $10 is handed over, the change extra field should have value=3 with payment.amount=10 . |
Request fields for EFTPOS:
Extra Field | Description | |
cashout | The amount of cashout. |
Request fields for Deposit:
Extra Field | Description | |
deposit_transaction_id | required |
The ID of the deposit transaction. |
Request fields for Gift Voucher Without ID:
Extra Field | Description | |
change | The amount of change given. |
Request fields for Tyro:
Extra Field | Description | |
auth_code | required |
The authorisation code of the transaction. |
card_number | required |
The obfuscated card number (eg. xxxxxxxx4242 ). |
card_type | required |
The card brand (eg. Visa ). |
issuer_action_code | required |
The issuer action code of the transaction. |
reference_number | required |
The reference number of the transaction. |
sale_type | required |
The type of sale. Valid values are: Sale , Refund . |
rrn | required |
The rrn of the transaction. |
status | required |
The status of the transaction (eg. APPROVED ). |
cashout | The amount of cashout. | |
surcharge_added | The amount of surcharge added to the payment by Tyro. | |
receipt_customer | A copy of the customer receipt from the terminal. | |
receipt_merchant | A copy of the merchant receipt from the terminal. |
Request fields for Stripe:
Extra Field | Description | |
card_number | required |
The obfuscated card number (eg. xxxxxxxx4242 ). |
card_type | required |
The card brand (eg. Visa ) |
currency | required |
The currency of the Stripe transaction (eg. aud ). |
receipt_number | required |
The Charge ID of the Stripe transaction. |
status | required |
The status of the Stripe transaction (eg. Approved ). |
reference_number | The Invoice ID of the Stripe transaction. |
Process Live Payment
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"gateway": "giftvoucher",
"barcode": "900000000123",
"extra_fields": [],
"transaction_id": 85735
Example Response:
"amount": 10.00,
"extra_fields": [
"extra_field": "change",
"value": "0.07"
"success": true
Processes a live payment on an incomplete
If successful, and a payment_id
is returned, add the successful payment to your list of payments displayed for this transaction.
If successful, and a payment_id
is not returned, you must process the payment yourself via the Add Payment call. For example, the Gift Voucher live payment method will only return the type
and total amount
of the client voucher that can be claimed, and you can then choose how much of the amount
to use for a cash
-type voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/payment/process
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
amount | decimal | The amount of the payment. | |
barcode | string | The barcode relating to the payment (eg. a gift voucher barcode to lookup, or the client's Afterpay barcode) | |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The extra fields required by this live payment type. | |
gateway | string | required |
The gateway to use to process this payment. |
mode | string | The mode for live payments that can take payments through the same gateway in multiple ways. | |
step | integer | The step number for live payments that require multiple steps to complete. | |
transaction_id | integer | required |
The ID of the transaction this payment is linked to. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
amount | decimal | The amount of the payment (this may have changed from the request, for example, if an item voucher is used, the response amount will be set to the price of the item claimed). |
payment | Payment[] | The payment added to the sale in this call. Only included if the payment has been automatically processed. |
payment_id | integer | The ID of the completed payment. Only included if the payment has been automatically processed. |
pending_payment | Payment[] | A pending payment added to the sale in this call. Only included if the live payment type creates a pending payment. |
pending_payment_id | integer | The ID of the pending payment. Only included if the live payment type creates a pending payment. |
transaction | Transaction | The transaction. Only included if the payment has been automatically processed. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction. Only included if the payment has been automatically processed. |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The extra fields returned by this live payment type. |
Update Payment
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"payment_id": 6672,
"payment_type_id": 2
Example Response:
"payment_id": 6672,
"payment_type_id": 2,
"amount": 10.00
"success": true
Updates a payment on a complete
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/payment/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
payment | Payment | required |
The payment to update. Must specify payment_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
Field | Notes for Update |
payment_id | This field cannot be changed. |
amount | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
payment | Payment | The updated payment. |
Delete Payment
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"payment_id": 6672
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a payment from an incomplete
HTTP Request
POST /v1/transaction/payment/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
payment_id | integer | required |
The ID of the payment to delete |
payment | Payment | The reversal/void payment info, if the payment has already been voided through a live gateway. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction. |
account_values | AccountValue[] | The list of account values in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
amount | decimal | The total amount of the transaction, including any tax. |
amount_without_tax | decimal | The total amount of the transaction, excluding any tax. |
amount_owing | decimal | The total amount of the transaction minus the amount_paid . Only set for an incomplete transaction. |
amount_paid | decimal | The total amount of payments for the transaction. Only set for an incomplete transaction. |
appointments | Appointment[] | The list of appointments in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
cash_reason_type | string | The reason for the cash transaction. Only set for cash_drawer_add and cash_drawer_remove transaction types. Valid values are listed in Transaction Cash Reasons. |
clients | Client[] | The list of clients linked to this transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded fields. |
client_packages | ClientPackage[] | The list of client packages in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
client_products | ClientProduct[] | The list of client products in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
client_vouchers | ClientVoucher[] | The list of client vouchers in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
client_memberships | ClientMembership[] | The list of client memberships in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the transaction. |
date | string | The date of the transaction. See Dates. |
deposits | Deposit[] | The list of deposits in the transaction. |
deposit_payments | DepositPayment[] | The list of outstanding deposits for clients in this sale, to optionally use towards payment of the sale (only included if status is not complete ). |
description | string | The description attached to the transaction. |
discount_amount | decimal | The total amount of any transaction discounts. |
discount_tax_amount | decimal | The total amount of tax removed by any transaction discounts. |
linked_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the original transaction for a linked refund of an existing sale. |
operator_id | integer | The ID of the operator who processed the transaction. If set, user_id will be omitted. |
operator | Operator | Expanded field of operator_id . The operator who processed the transaction. |
parent_transaction_id | integer | The ID of the parent transaction, if any. |
payments | Payment[] | The list of payments linked to this transaction. |
status | string | The status of the transaction. Valid values are listed in Transaction Statuses. |
subtotal | decimal | The total amount of the transaction, excluding tax, surcharges, tips and transaction discounts. |
surcharge_amount | decimal | The total of any surcharges in the transaction. |
surcharges | Surcharge | The list of surcharges in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
tax_amount | decimal | The total of any tax in the transaction. |
tip_amount | decimal | The total of any tips in the transaction. |
tips | Tip[] | The list of tips in the transaction. Must be specifically requested using expanded_fields . |
type | string | The type of the transaction. Valid values are listed in Transaction Types. |
user_id | integer | The ID of the user who processed the transaction. If set, operator_id will be omitted. |
user | User | Expanded field of user_id . The user who processed the transaction. |
Transaction Statuses
Value | Name | Description |
complete |
Complete | This transaction has been paid for and completed. The transaction contents cannot be changed. |
incomplete |
Incomplete | The transaction has not yet been completed - usually because it has not had all payments applied yet. |
Transaction Types
Value | Name | Description |
sale |
Sale | This is a standard sale transaction. |
refund |
Refund | This is a standard refund transaction. |
cash_drawer_add |
Add cash to drawer | This indicates that cash was removed from the drawer - the cash_reason_type will also be returned. |
cash_drawer_remove |
Remove cash from drawer | This transaction indicates that cash was removed from the drawer - the cash_reason_type will also be returned. |
cash_drawer_correction_add |
Correct too much cash in drawer | This indicates that the Cash Drawer figure for today was adjusted up, since the Cash Drawer figure was less than the amount of cash in the physical drawer. |
cash_drawer_correction_remove |
Correct too little cash in drawer | This indicates that the Cash Drawer figure for today was adjusted down, since the Cash Drawer figure was larger than the amount of cash in the physical drawer. |
cash_drawer_open |
Open Cash Drawer | This is a log of opening the cash drawer (when the drawer is opened without a corresponding transaction). The amount of this transaction is always 0 . |
cashout |
EFTPOS Cashout | This is a child transaction created when a sale transaction has an EFTPOS payment that includes Cash Out. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
cash_rounding_up |
Cash Rounding Up | This is a child transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to cash, and has an amount that is rounded up (eg. $9.99 will have a $0.01 cash_rounding_up transaction created). The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
cash_rounding_down |
Cash Rounding Down | This is a child transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to cash, and has an amount that is rounded down (eg. $10.02 will have a $0.02 cash_rounding_down transaction created). The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
deposit |
Deposit | This is a transaction with a client's deposit payment. |
refund_deposit |
Deposit Refund | This is a transaction with a refund of a client's deposit payment. |
deposit_correction |
Deposit Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to a client's deposit. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
refund_deposit_correction |
Deposit Refund Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a refund transaction is charged to a client's deposit. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
invoice_payment |
Invoice Payment | This is a payment for a previous transaction which was invoiced. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
on_account_correction |
On Account Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to a client's account. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
refund_on_account_correction |
On Account Refund Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a refund transaction is charged to a client's account. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
salon_use_correction |
Internal Use Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to the Internal Use client. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
refund_salon_use_correction |
Internal Use Refund Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a refund transaction is charged to the Internal Use client. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
voucher_change |
Gift Voucher Change | This is a child transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to a gift voucher with no ID, and the gift voucher amount is greater than the purchase amount. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
voucher_correction |
Gift Voucher Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a sale transaction is charged to a gift voucher. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
refund_voucher_correction |
Gift Voucher Refund Correction | This is a child/balancing transaction created when a refund transaction is charged to a gift voucher. The previous transaction's ID will be returned in the parent_transaction_id field. |
Transaction Cash Reasons
Value | Name | Description |
petty_cash |
Petty Cash | Cash was removed or added for small cash purchases. |
banking |
Banking | Cash was removed from the cash drawer for deposit in the bank, or vice versa. A banking transaction is automatically created when an End of Day session is completed and there is cash to deposit. |
end_of_day |
End of Day | Cash was removed/added to the cash drawer at the end of the day. |
float |
Float | The starting amount of cash put in the drawer each day, in order to provide change to clients paying via cash. |
other |
Other | None of the above. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount | decimal | The amount of the payment. |
extra_fields | ExtraField[] | The extra fields required by this payment type. See Payment Type Extra Fields and Live Payment types. |
gateway | string | The gateway to use to add a payment (if you don't know the payment_type_id ). Only used for an Add Payment call. |
linked_payment_id | integer | The ID of the payment from a linked transaction, eg. when a transaction is being refunded, the original transaction's payment_id should be sent along with each refund transaction's payment. Only returned from the API for the refunded payment - ie. the original payment will not have this field set. |
mode | string | The mode of this payment, for Live Payment types that can take payments through the same gateway in multiple ways. |
payment_id | integer | The ID of the payment. |
payment_type_id | integer | The ID of the Payment Type. |
payment_type | Payment Type | Expanded field of payment_type_id . The payment type used for the payment. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved payment. Only used in the Add Payment API call. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction this payment is linked to. |
Account Value
Parameter | Type | Description |
account_value_id | integer | The ID of the account value adjustment. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client to add account value to. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved account value. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
price | decimal | The amount of account value to add. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction containing the account value. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
surcharge_id | integer | The ID of the surcharge. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved surcharge. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
price | decimal | The amount of the surcharge. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction containing the surcharge. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
deposit_id | integer | The ID of the deposit. |
appointment_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the Appointments linked to this deposit payment. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client to add the deposit to. |
client_membership_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the ClientMemberships linked to this deposit payment. |
client_package_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the ClientPackages linked to this deposit payment. |
client_product_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the ClientProducts linked to this deposit payment. |
client_voucher_ids | integer[] | The IDs of the ClientVouchers linked to this deposit payment. |
pos_id | string | Your unique identifier for an unsaved deposit. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
price | decimal | The amount of the deposit. |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction containing the deposit. |
unpaid_expiry_time | string | The time that the appointments expire if unpaid. This transaction, and the appointments linked to this deposit, will be deleted if the expiry time is reached and the deposit transaction has not been completed. Setting this value will override any existing unpaid_expiry_time on the individual appointments. Only used in the Add Transaction API call. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount | decimal | The full amount of the deposit. |
amount_remaining | decimal | The amount remaining of the deposit. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client who made the deposit. |
company_id | integer | The ID of the company of the deposit transaction. |
date_created | string | The date this deposit was made. |
transaction_id | integer | The transaction ID of the deposit. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | string | The type of notice, to identify which extra fields will be set. Valid values are basic (no extra fields set), loyalty_points , gift_voucher , print . |
title | string | The title of the message to display. |
message | string | The content of the message to display. May be omitted for non-basic message types. |
gift_voucher | TransactionCompleteNotice - GiftVoucher[] | Extra data for a gift_voucher type notice. |
loyalty_points | TransactionCompleteNotice - LoyaltyPoints[] | Extra data for a loyalty_points type notice. |
TransactionCompleteNotice - Print[] | Extra data for a print type notice. |
TransactionCompleteNotice - GiftVoucher
Parameter | Type | Description |
barcode | integer | The barcode of the client voucher. |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client the client voucher is assigned to. |
client_name | string | The name of the client the client voucher is assigned to. |
gift_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the gift voucher. |
gift_voucher_name | string | The name of the gift voucher. |
expiry_date | string | The expiry date of the client voucher. Omitted if the client voucher never expires. |
TransactionCompleteNotice - LoyaltyPoints
Parameter | Type | Description |
client_id | integer | The ID of the client. |
client_name | string | The name of the client. |
loyalty_points | integer | The number of loyalty points this client has. |
can_convert_to_gift_voucher | boolean | true when the client has enough loyalty points to convert them to a gift voucher, false if the client doesn't have enough points. |
TransactionCompleteNotice - Print
Parameter | Type | Description |
title | string | The title of the notice to print. |
html | string | The content of the notice to print. |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
time_start | string | required* |
The transaction create time to filter by (inclusive). See Dates. Required, except when using a filter that specifies time_start is not required. |
time_end | string | required* |
The transaction create time to filter by (exclusive). See Dates. Required, except when using a filter that specifies time_end is not required. |
client_id | integer | The client ID of the transaction. You can omit time_start and time_end for this type of search. |
client_voucher_id | integer | The client voucher ID to filter by. Transactions where the client voucher was sold or used will be returned. You can omit time_start and time_end for this type of search. |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve transactions for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
deposit_used | boolean | If true , returns only transactions where the deposit has been completely used. If false , returns transactions where the deposit has only been partially used, or not used at all. Must be used in conjuction with the type=deposit and client_id filters. |
operator_id | integer | The operator ID (or User ID) who processed the transaction, to filter by. | |
payment_type_id | integer | The ID of the Payment Types to filter by. | |
status | string | The status of the transactions to filter by. Valid values are listed in Transaction Statuses. | |
transaction_id | integer | The ID of the transaction to filter by. Note that related transactions (such as child transactions) will also be returned. You can omit time_start and time_end for this type of search. |
type | string | The type of the transaction to filter by. Valid values are listed in Transaction Types. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"users": [
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "administrator",
"firstname": "Business",
"lastname": "Admin",
"user_id": 97714
Get a list of users.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/user/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | UserFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the user list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all users. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
users | User[] | The list of users matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"user_id": 97714
Example Response:
"success": true,
"company_id": 12345,
"display_name": "administrator",
"firstname": "Business",
"lastname": "Admin",
"user_id": 97714
Gets a single user.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/user/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
user_id | integer | required |
The ID of the user to retrieve |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
user | User | The user. |
Password Request
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345,
"username": "myusername"
Example Response:
"success": true
Requests an emailed link to change the password of a user matching this username
and company_id
The email will contain a link with the token to use for Password Change.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/user/password/request
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | required |
The company ID of the user to request a password reset email for. |
username | string | required |
The username of the user to request a password reset email for. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Password Change
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"company_id": 12345,
"password": "uUe!rgYd7UA$oQw",
"reset_token": "98734623hfnfdd"
Example Response:
"success": true
Changes the password of the user who previously called Password Request and clicked the link in the email.
Note that the token will expire after 1 hour.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/user/password/change
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | required |
The company ID of the user. |
password | string | required |
The new password for the user. |
reset_token | string | required |
The password reset token (requested via Password Request, and delivered to the user's email). |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Parameter | Type | Description |
user_id | integer | The ID of the user. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the user. |
consolidated_name | string | Defaults to display_name . If that's blank, defaults to firstname and lastname combined. If that's blank, defaults to username . |
display_name | string | The display name of the user. |
dome_user_id | integer | The ID of the user in the Dome. |
string | The email address of the user. | |
firstname | string | The firstname of the user. |
lastname | string | The lastname/surname of the user. |
mobile | string | The mobile/cell number of the user. |
pin | integer | The quick login pin of the user. |
role_id | integer | The ID of the user's Role. |
username | string | The username of the user. |
welcome_page | string | The page to load when this user first logs in. Valid values are an empty string (to use the company's welcome page setting), appointments , pos , reporting , resources or snapshot . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve users for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"vouchers": [
"expiry_number": 3,
"expiry_type": "months",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "$100 Gift Voucher",
"price": 100,
"type": "cash",
"value": 100,
"voucher_id": 7777
Get a list of vouchers.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | VoucherFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the voucher list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. Note that rows_per_page can be -1 to retrieve all vouchers. |
options.expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
vouchers | Voucher[] | The list of vouchers matching the filters. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"voucher_id": 7777
Example Response:
"success": true,
"expiry_number": 3,
"expiry_type": "months",
"loyalty_points_earned": 0,
"name": "$100 Gift Voucher",
"price": 100,
"type": "cash",
"value": 100,
"voucher_id": 7777
Gets a single voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/get
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the voucher to retrieve |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | Available fields for expanding are: item_file_main . |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
voucher | Voucher | The voucher. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"name": "$50 voucher",
"price": 50,
"value": 50
Example Response:
"success": true,
"name": "$50 voucher",
"type": "cash",
"price": 50,
"value": 50
"voucher_id": 7778
Adds a new voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/add
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher | Voucher | required |
The voucher to add. |
Field | Notes for Add |
voucher_id | This field must be omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
voucher | Voucher | The new voucher. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"voucher_id": 7778,
"name": "$55 voucher",
"value": 55
Example Response:
"success": true,
"name": "$55 voucher",
"type": "cash",
"price": 50,
"value": 55
"voucher_id": 7778
Updates a voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher | Voucher | required |
The voucher to update. Must specify voucher_id . Omitted or null fields are left unchanged. |
update_in_child_locations | VoucherChildField | If you are updating a Dome voucher, you can optionally specify each field to overwrite on the child vouchers as well. If omitted, these fields will not be copied down. Fields not included in this list are always copied down, as they cannot be separately edited by the child location. |
Field | Notes for Update |
voucher_id | This field cannot be changed. |
company_id | This field cannot be changed. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
voucher | Voucher | The updated voucher. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"voucher_id": 7778
Example Response:
"success": true
Deletes a voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/delete
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the voucher to delete |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
Voucher Item List
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
Example Response:
"success": true,
"page_number": 1,
"rows_per_page": 10,
"voucher_items": [
"quantity": 1,
"service_id": 3333,
"type": "service",
"voucher_item_id": 8888
Get a list of items that are included in an item voucher.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/item/list
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
filters | VoucherItemFilter | required |
The filters to apply to the voucher item list |
options | ListOptions | The options for list results. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
voucher_items | VoucherItem[] | The list of voucher items included in the voucher. |
Sharing Update
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"voucher_id": 7777,
"share": true
Example Response:
"success": true
Updates the sharing of a voucher in a Dome.
HTTP Request
POST /v1/voucher/sharing/update
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher_id | integer | required |
The ID of the voucher to update sharing on. |
company_ids | integer[] | required |
The IDs of the child companies to updating sharing on. |
share | boolean | required |
Set to true to share this voucher with these companies. Set to false to remove sharing of this voucher from these companies. |
replace | boolean | If true , any child companies not included in the company_ids list will also have their sharing updated to the opposite value of share . If false , child companies not included in the company_ids list will keep their existing sharing value for this voucher. Defaults to false if omitted. |
Response Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | true if the request succeeded, false if it failed (see Errors). |
vouchers | Voucher[] | The list of child vouchers that were shared by this call. (Note: if you have set share=false and replace=true , you will get a list of the child vouchers for all the other companies in the Dome). Omitted if you are sharing the Variable Voucher. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
voucher_id | integer | The ID of the voucher. |
barcode | string | The barcode of the voucher. |
company_id | integer | The company ID of the voucher. |
description | string | The description of the voucher. |
dome_voucher_id | integer | The ID of the voucher in the Dome. |
item_file_main | ItemFile | The Main image for this voucher. Must specifically request this field via options.expanded_fields . |
loyalty_points_earned | integer | The amount of loyalty points earned from purchasing this voucher. |
name | string | The name of the voucher. |
online_booking_price | decimal | The price of the voucher when purchased online. Omitted if online_booking_show is false . |
online_booking_show | boolean | Whether the voucher is visible on your online booking website. |
price | decimal | The price of the voucher. |
type | string | The voucher type. Valid values are cash or item . |
value | decimal | The value of a cash type voucher. |
expiry_number | integer | The number value of the voucher expiry. Eg. for a voucher expiring in 5 weeks, it would be 5 . |
expiry_type | string | The period of the voucher expiry. Valid values are never , days , weeks , months or years . Eg. for a voucher expiring in 5 weeks, it would be weeks . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
client_id | integer | The client ID to filter by - if set, only vouchers that this client has had previously (and paid for), or is having today (paid or unpaid), will be returned. | |
company_id | integer | The company ID to retrieve vouchers for. If omitted, defaults to the logged in user's company ID. | |
dome_voucher_id | integer | The dome voucher ID to filter by. This will return the child location voucher, if it exists in the specified company. If omitted, returns all. | |
exclude_variable_voucher | bool | If true , the Variable Voucher is excluded from the results list. If omitted, defaults to false , which will return the Variable Voucher as part of the results list. |
online_booking_show | boolean | The online booking visibility to filter by. If omitted, returns all. |
If any fields are omitted, they will default to false
Parameter | Type | Description |
price | boolean | If true , the Dome voucher's price will be copied down to each child location voucher. |
loyalty_points_earned | boolean | If true , the Dome voucher's loyalty points earned value will be copied down to each child location voucher. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
voucher_item_id | integer | The ID of the voucher item. |
product_id | integer | The ID of the product (if the type is a product ). |
quantity | integer | The number of this item included in the voucher. |
service_id | integer | The ID of the service (if the type is a service ). |
type | string | The type of this item. Valid values are product or service . |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
voucher_id | integer | required |
The voucher ID to retrieve voucher items for. |
Special Values
Variable Voucher
A voucher_id
value of -1
indicates a Variable Voucher. This voucher is created specifically for the client at sale: value
field must be set, and if the setting variable_voucher_editable
is true
, you must also specify the expiry_date
or omit it for never
. If variable_voucher_editable
is false
, then expiry_date
will be ignored - the voucher's expiry will be set to the default.
Example Response:
"success": false,
"message": "Login token is invalid or has expired"
When an error occurs, success
will be set to false, and the response will have the error
field set.
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | boolean | Always false when an error occurs. Usually true when only warnings are included. |
error | Message | The error message details. |
warnings | Message[] | Any warnings included with the response. A warning can be included if the request succeeded with conditions (for example, an appointment added successfully but the processing time it required was ignored), or if a request was partially completed with some errors (for example, a request to delete two appointments at once only succeeded in deleting one of them). |
Dates should be passed (and will be returned) in ISO 8601 format, for example 2019-01-22T00:00:00+11:00
is midnight in 'AUS Eastern Standard Time' (Melbourne, during daylight saving months).
When requesting a range, the time_start
is inclusive, and time_end
is exclusive, so 2019-01-22T00:00:00+11:00
to 2019-01-23T00:00:00+11:00
gives you all results on the 22nd Jan 2019, which would include a result at midnight on the 22nd Jan, but would not include a result at midnight on 23rd Jan.
Dates are returned in the timezone of the company they belong to. For example if your company is in Victoria, but you are in a Dome with a company from South Australia, any results you get from the South Australian company will be in Cen. Australia Standard Time
. The offset part of the date (ie. +10:30
) identifies the timezone used.
You can check the timezone of the company by requesting the timezone
Timezone result will be an option from the Microsoft Default Timezones list.
You can alternatively check the timezone_iana
setting - this value will be converted directly from the timezone
value to the best-fit IANA timezone value.
Special Data Notes
Unlinked Client Package items
In late April 2019, an update to Simple Salon was released to automatically link package items (Appointments/Client Products) sold as part of a package directly to their Client Package with the client_package_id
field. This was to enable the expiry_date
to be set on Client Packages, which then applies the expiry to those included package items.
Package items purchased before May 2019 will have sold_in_client_package=true
set, however they will not have a link to the client_package_id
. You can retrieve a list of unlinked package items by calling Appointment List with sold_in_client_package=true
and client_package_id=0
, or Client Product List with sold_in_client_package=true
and client_package_id=0
Attempting to update an expiry_date
on a Client Package that does not have any items linked will result in an error.
It is possible to manually update these older package items to assign the correct client_package_id
by calling Appointment Update with the appointment_id
and client_package_id
, or Client Product Update with the client_product_id
and client_package_id
The following restrictions apply:
- The Appointment/Client Product must have
- The
must be a Client Package - The Client Package must be in the same transaction as the Appointment/Client Product you are trying to link
- Once set, the
cannot be changed
"expanded_field": "service",
"fields": ["service_id", "name"]
Nested Expanded Field example:
"expanded_field": "appointment",
"fields": ["appointment_id", "service_id", "client_id", "price", "time_start"],
"expanded_fields": [
"expanded_field": "service",
"fields": ["service_id", "name", "display_colour"]
Expanded Field list example:
"expanded_field": "operators",
"fields": ["operator_id", "display_name"],
"online_booking_show": true
Parameter | Type | Description |
expanded_field | string | The field to expand. |
expanded_fields | ExpandedField[] | The fields to expand on this Expanded Field. |
fields | string[] | Which fields within the expanded field to include. |
filters | object | The filters to apply to an expanded field that returns a list. This will be the type of filter that the field normally uses - for example, when expanding operators on the list of Services, this field will be an OperatorFilter object. |
The expanded fields to include along with a request.
For expanded_fields
: the results will be included inline with the normal results, and each item may appear more than once if referenced by multiple results.
For expanded_fields_grouped
: the results will be grouped in a separate result array, and only one copy of each referenced item is returned, to reduce the size of the returned data. Eg. if you are requesting a list of appointments, you can set options.expanded_fields_grouped
to {"expanded_field": "service", "fields":["service_id","name"]}
to include service IDs and names as well. The result would look similar to: {"appointments": [ ... ], "services": [ ... ] }
Expanded fields can be nested. For example, if you are expanding an appointment, you could then expand the service on the expanded appointment.
Expanded fields can be a list. For example, if you are expanding operators
on the list of Services, multiple operators will be returned. You can optionally filter that list by including the filters
"filename": "last_week_export"
Parameter | Type | Description |
filename | string | The filename for the returned file. Do not include the file extension. |
"extra_field": "change",
"value": "0"
Parameter | Type | Description |
extra_field | string | The extra field key. |
value | string | The value of the extra field. |
Example Request:
curl ""
-H 'Authorization: Bearer abcdef' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '
"page_number": 1,
"sort_expression": "-date"
"rows_per_page": 10,
"return_total": false
Parameter | Type | Description | |
expanded_fields_grouped | ExpandedField[] | Which expanded fields to include along with the request. | |
export | Export | The options for an Export request. | |
page_number | integer | The page number of results to return. Defaults to page 1 . |
return_total | boolean | If true , the total number of rows matching your filters will be returned in the total_rows field in the result. Defaults to false . |
rows_per_page | integer | The number of rows per page. Defaults to 10 rows. Maximum 25 rows per page. There are some select methods (noted under their options parameter description) that allow -1 to retrieve all rows. Can be set to 0 when return_total is true to return only the total (no results). |
sort_expression | string | The fields to sort the results by - check the relevant List call documentation to determine which fields are available for sorting. A field can be sorted in reverse by prefixing it with a - . Multiple fields can be specified by separating each field with a comma, eg. date,-amount |
Example Response:
"success": false,
"message": "Field invalid",
"details": [
"Field: operator_id"
"title": "Task Cannot Be Moved",
"body": "Cannot move a Task to the Wait List."
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | string | The technical code associated with the message. |
message | string | The human-readable message, generally of a technical nature. |
details | string[] | Any extra technical details relating to the message, for example, the name of the parameter for a Missing Parameter error. |
user_message | UserMessage | The preferred message to show a user. If omitted, show message and any details instead. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
body | string | The content of the message. |
title | string | The title of the message. |
Rate Limiting
Example Response:
"success": false,
"error": {
"details": [
"Per Minute Rate Exceeded. Max: 60"
"message": "Your Partner has had too many attempts to access the API for this Company in a short amount of time. Please try again later."
Rate limiting applies to most requests - the Version and Logout calls are the exceptions.
A rate limit per IP address is applied to all Login requests. The error returned for hitting this rate limit will have an error code
A rate limit per Partner and Company accessed is applied to all other requests. The error returned for hitting this rate limit will have an error code
. For example, if your rate limit is 60 requests per minute, you can make 60 requests per minute per company.
If you have a need for your Partner rate limit to be increased, please contact us with details of your use case.
Please visit to view help articles, or submit a ticket with any questions.
Change Log
Version | Date | Changes |
1.2.0 | 2024-04 | Removed single discount_type_id field on Client Product, Client Voucher, Client Package, Client Membership and Appointment objects, replaced with discounts collection instead. Please update your code. |
1.1.8 | 2022-08 | Renamed message/ endpoint to campaign/recipient/ , and moved the message-related fields to the new campaign/recipient/message endpoint. Please update your code. |
1.1.7 | 2022-01 | Add new discounts field to Client Product, Client Voucher, Client Package, Client Membership and Appointment objects, to allow applying multiple discounts to an item (including Transaction Discounts). The field discount_type_id is now obsolete. Please update your code before discount_type_id is removed. |
1.1.6 | 2021-08 | Rename setting online_fee_details_required to online_booking_fee_details_required to match the format of other Online Booking related fields. The API will continue to accept the old version for now, but please update your code for future versions. |
1.1.5 | 2021-07 | Add Online Booking fields to services. Improvements for retrieving operator level pricing. |
1.1.4 | 2021-07 | Added Accounting functions. Added Wait List Operator. |
1.1.3 | 2020-11 | Change Rate Limiting to apply on a per-company basis. Return separate error code for Partner Rate Limited error (vs. IP Rate Limited), and current rate limit details. |
1.1.2 | 2020-05 | Added extra list options for: sorting, expanded fields. Added extra functions for Appointments: unconfirmed appointments (filtering and confirming), flags. Added Company functions for Domes. Added Client Images. Added SMS and Push Communication. Added Switch User function. Added extra functions for Transactions. Please note code change required for Transaction Add: The request and response for this API call have changed to match the format of other calls (the Transaction fields have moved to be within a transaction object). The API will continue to accept the old version for now, but please update your code for future versions. |
1.1.1 | 2020-02 | Added Dome Sharing functions. Added Client Files. |
1.1.0 | 2019-06 | Added POS and Transaction functions. Added Appointment Add and Add Search functions. |
1.0.0 | 2019-04 | Initial release |